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    Use "hugely" in a sentence

    hugely example sentences


    1. are hugely possessive and do not approve of my uncivilized habits

    2. That said, the bridges you build at this stage with your list members will hugely stand the test of time and will benefit you both immeasurably going forward

    3. In normal flight the hugely powerful main processor would be shut down and pairs of cores would work three month shifts to handle the vessel’s hugely precise navigation and monitor the various systems

    4. That’s hugely important

    5. If you do, you will find jaws full of not very sharp teeth, but hugely effective grinders

    6. It was Nathan who looked out of place in this very cool, trendy and hugely expensive coffee bar

    7. When the day arrived it was a hugely impressive spectacle, with the mounted platoon and genuine (not the Cadet one) Police Orchestra marching up front playing music

    8. It puzzled me hugely for men like Erich von Manstein, Hermann Hoth and Walther Wenck were better panzer commanders than the more famous (to us) Rommel

    9. France benefitted hugely because of it as South Africa never again bought or allowed American arms dealers close to them and always approached France or Israel

    10. If Othman and Muawiyah, his nephew, were among the ones that were sent on the northern campaign that succeeded in distinguishing them in some manner by the time of its hugely successful end in AD 644 with the acquisition of Syria, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Armenia, and if they were the tribal relatives of Mohammed, was the North African campaign launched to distinguish the familial relatives as a counter to that earlier achievement?

    11. It makes me feel that something is happening, and it feels good, and as much I don’t have something hugely important to do, I’m cool with it

    12. I enjoyed this hugely

    13. Burr right," said Susan, who had an old feud with the lady in question and had been hugely tickled over the reference to her in Faith's letter

    14. Write posts in related forums with your signature (not to spam), like the hugely popular online marketing board, “Warrior Forum

    15. The real giveaway is the diet, as it changes hugely during

    16. “Everyone else is here! And I don’t mind telling you that I find it deeply ironic that the wedding of a human and an elf should have such a hugely unifying effect on elvenkind! Things are happening tonight, both here in the chapel and without, as advantage is taken of this unique opportunity to meet and get to know any other elf, to sign trade agreements and settle disputes, to re-acquaint with seldom seen friends and relatives, to experiment with other cultures’ ways of feasting and celebrating, to make new friends, to play with new lovers, to fall in love with someone exotic from far away! You simply must find time tonight to stroll around the valley! Every elven people have brought their own pavilions to showcase their lifestyle and celebrations! Every product in the world can be had here tonight, for sale or barter or for just a smile!

    17. Parents, of course, are hugely handy (even if they are

    18. If your enemies could kill you they would count it a huge victory, as it would have such a hugely negative effect on the morale of the multitudes who believe in what you’ve done

    19. I mean, it’s such a hugely profound thing that suddenly everyone knows who’s trustworthy and who’s not, and almost everyone is! I tell you, it’s great! Suddenly everyone’s smiling and friendly and open! Especially pretty girls!”

    20. “Because this was all the money I had in the world! It made it hugely stressful and much more difficult, but ultimately more satisfying too

    21. Once the vast differences of the two systems are recognized and understood, it is hugely important that we should teach our children about the American democratic and

    22. formatting steps, you can hugely increase your chances of ranking on that Google

    23. The list was not hugely qualified, but at least they knew the people were in the spiritual zone

    24. It would be a wildly uplifting and hugely beneficial new conversation

    25. The idea was hugely popular but only for a short while

    26. Leaving the sumptuous dining room we descended to the ‘dungeons’, where, reclining on low couches in the well-heated, blue-carpeted, dimly-lit cellar, clients were plied with cheap wine and entertained by the brutish copulation of the naked and hugely hung right-hand-man and his bejewelled Frau, which prompted in their enraptured audience a frantic abandonment of clothes and inhibitions in unconstrained orgiastic frenzy

    27. It was a hospitality I never sought, was at pains not to abuse, and for which I was hugely grateful

    28. The interior, although as hugely ostentatious as before, began to suggest ways in which it could be rendered less impersonal

    29. David was a hugely ambitious man and was always full of plans

    30. “Petrochina” was hugely delighted and promised to make highly qualified Mining Engineers and Oil Technicians available, to assist with the setting-up of the new oilfield, which evidently promised to yield a more than plentiful supply

    31. He glanced down at her and grinned hugely

    32. Joseph enjoyed the warm sunshine and the lack of stiff opposition, all that faced the LSSAH were a few partisan uprisings but nothing that the now hugely experienced regiment couldn’t handle

    33. The principal was hugely obese, no longer young, either, and she rarely waddled far

    34. Russia, whilst having benefited hugely from being a large landmass in cooler, northern latitudes during the warming period of the planet, had not succeeded in securing substantial interests in any territory to the south

    35. It hugely reduces your own setup costs in terms of premises and equipment

    36. and premises and workshops, but this method reduces all that need hugely

    37. sort of work for Phillips, and that increased our cred in the industry hugely, and helped

    38. at a hugely inflated price

    39. there is no doubting that it is hugely powerful

    40. But she saw only his eyes hugely enlarged in their sockets and saw in them the frightened child; the son she never had

    41. Peter, the singer was a tall and confident fellow, “probably hugely popular with the women,” thought Max, enviously

    42. Even with massive air and naval support, there was no way that his hugely outnumbered units could hold on for more than one or two more weeks before the enemy managed to make a major breakout through his perimeter

    43. It was a hugely helpful tool in my quest to wake up early - one of the few that I’d consider essential to my getting over the initial early-rising hump

    44. Acquisition mindsets are the norm in hugely growing markets where business is a lot like “land grabbing”

    45. He would have to go see Nguyen right after work to brief him on what that American woman had told him: some of the things she had said could have a hugely significant strategic meaning for the Vietminh high leadership

    46. Without a hugely

    47. educators, and not be expected to meet the needs of a hugely diverse

    48. in this story, our sexuality is a hugely powerful

    49. Then a hugely prominent, international rock band took to the stage and

    50. Still, he saw a few Carolingians mixed in with the early crowd having fun at the park, which was opened to the citizens of Toulouse and was hugely popular with them

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    Synonyms for "hugely"

    enormously hugely staggeringly tremendously

    "hugely" definitions
