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    Use "humans" in a sentence

    humans example sentences


    1. But humans are not gods or sons of gods

    2. However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

    3. • AGRI-GRO: Agri-Gro is another of those great products that we humans invent! Agri-Gro is an enzyme product that helps restore life to the soil

    4. Our understanding of the human stress response has been based on the "fight-or-flight" model, which states that when confronted with a stressful situation, humans either will respond with aggressive behavior or will withdraw

    5. A study found that females of many species, including humans, respond to stressful situations by protecting and nurturing their young and by seeking social contact and support from others, particularly females

    6. After all, giants did not have the delicate touch of humans when it came to mining and extracting ore

    7. Harmless to humans

    8. Chemical Fungicides destroy the bacteria & “Goods Guys” in the soil, and can cause health problems in humans and animals

    9. "You can take us from this star or that star, this age or that age and we're still just humans doing our silly human things

    10. Just remember that if you have pets that it can kill them as well as kill animals including humans if ingested or if it enters our blood

    11. Since the first cave people, roaches have shared their home with humans

    12. Archimedes had thus far calculated the precise movements of pigeons while mating, the precise outcomes of humans trying to mate, and the effect of pollen dust on bees' flight patterns

    13. This allowed the fishing humans to mate with female humans more effectively

    14. You see, the humans only used fishing as a cover

    15. When the whale was caught, Archimedes hopped off the dying whale and joined the crew of whaling humans

    16. There's an asteroid coming that's going to leave a crater the size of Lake Entisonggas somewhere on what may be the only planet we humans have left, and you're still chasing around after that damned shuttlecraft

    17. So far, health professionals have considered Amphorus DE not to be a cause of cancer in animals and humans

    18. "Laugh if you want, but before the starships came, scientists used to think kedas invented humans in a lab to be their servants

    19. Luckily it lowered its eyes and the incident passed with nothing more than sharp intakes of breath from the humans around

    20. They talked her thru to the life support controls, those were the first any space-suited humans would make in re-activating the ship from this state

    21. This ship was built in an era when some humans retained the idyllic fantasy that flesh and blood mortals had remained in control of civilization

    22. "We are like the humans on the planet below," the one who bought the shots said

    23. It was a very good representation of the environment the mortal humans on the planet below lived in, she wondered if they had planted nano instruments that allowed one to converse with people on the planet below in real time

    24. She didn't want to believe a planet settled by biological humans about the time of the ice age could be part of baseline reality

    25. After a few more minutes they saw the speck of the great wagon and its kedas, and the dots that were humans, all run from the blob that was the shuttlecraft

    26. "Ava believes that the base universe contains a huge and ancient human civilization that was given an immense technological boost by whatever third party brought humans here sometime during Earth's last ice age

    27. It was developed by the previous generations of machines developed by machines that in turn had been developed by machines that humans couldn't understand

    28. If we exterminate the present biosphere with a mass extinction impact and re-seed this planet, the very best we can hope for is mortal humans breeding here in a thousand years

    29. He agreed with the astrophysicists, it would be at least a thousand years before humans could survive on this planet again if it was impacted with a body this size

    30. But could they have gone the next step ahead in the evolution of humans as a colonial species? Had they evolved beyond the need for brute coercion to make the cells work as a part in a greater organism?

    31. I prefer to confront a natural disaster -a flood, an earthquake, a hurricane- than satanic humans

    32. It is said that humans become wicked and do evil so as to get more money and a higher social status

    33. "But you can administer this territory?" Carlton asked, sweeping his finger around the area they intended to purchase and ignoring the other hundred million square miles of this planet that was habitable by humans

    34. Arscog still believed Saggothans invented humans and they had spread to YingolNeerie in the energy age

    35. All the animals were active, more active than when the humans were up and about

    36. Humans had evolved here into something more beautiful hadn't they? Even that quarter second of blurry phonecam video was going to be a stink

    37. "Those questions I asked you the first day, how humans got here, why you're all the same age, what kind of government you had and all those

    38. Earth's civilization would never imagine that the most humans live in the deepest concentrations of jungle

    39. "No they are not supernatural, they are simulated humans, as our audio is simulated acoustic energy represented by electrical energy

    40. monstrous creatures from folklore are real, and the humans

    41. It was now so close that a herd of thongas resting in the trees that lined the shore were getting restless, especially with two more humans wading ashore in the dark

    42. Was he really going to let a naked savage goad him into acting like this? Was this the only way he could get her to understand they knew better? What was he trying to prove now, that we are humans just looking for our offspring? Just like you but with a different vehicle? Here in the android he felt less biological than he did in his own space

    43. The sweep found over two hundred humans, the software got hits on seven females as possibly being one of the women Alan was with

    44. As it was, captain M'Kintre would have wanted all the humans on the raft killed except Alan anyway

    45. Alan wasn't any of the hundreds of humans he had pictures of by now

    46. She parked the probe in the upper branches of a tree far above where humans could climb, and where it could catch the fringes of a beam from one small globe far down the hill

    47. Now that Kelvin was not around and they could take close looks at native cities like this one, there was no possible denial that this jungle was the densest city humans had ever built

    48. Theirops hardly ever attack multiple humans

    49. Multiple humans with simple knives can inflict more pain on the theirops than it wants to encounter for his meal

    50. He knew by the light and the smell that humans were near

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    Synonyms for "humans"

    human beings human race humanity humankind humans man mankind world

    "humans" definitions

    all of the living human inhabitants of the earth