Use "humbling" in a sentence
humbling example sentences
1. He knew instinctively that he was praying! This huge mighty dragon was humbling himself before the Almighty, giving the Creator of us all His due
2. “Ah…I’ll admit, it’s a bit humbling that they’re sending their officers out to collect little old me
3. The lessons of Boots were at times humbling
4. Recent events scrutinizing her private life, are not about humbling the inordinately proud inasmuch as putting things in their proper perspective
5. Such majestic structures in the middle of this chaotic spread of plants was indeed a humbling sight
6. It was humbling to realize just how small life had been before the tall stranger adopted him
7. Even if they had been forced, during their captivity, to nominally accept and even ritually incorporate their captor’s belief system into their own, once they had been freed by invaders, who had conquered their overlords, the natural reaction, as witnesses to their tyrant’s humbling, would be to have thrown off all signs of that yoke
8. Somewhere within that subject there should be enough humbling evidence of just what each owes to the other, to create a basis for mutual respect!
9. during one of the most awkward and humbling situations I have
10. For all, who have felt responsible for their version of truth, resist the humbling perception that all which has come to Man has come through the imperfect agency of Man’s intellect where misinterpretation can creep into even the primary experience
11. 26 So is it with a man who fasts for his sins, and goes again, and does the same, who will hear his prayer? or what does his humbling
12. I learned that when God is humbling us,
13. The lessons I learned about fear from this encounter were humbling
14. In 1984, while Roger was enduring the most disappointing and humbling dejection of his diversified existence, the opportunity presented itself for him to take on a challenge that would eventually revive and transform his life once again
15. Humbling herself before the Lord, Jesse became acutely aware of her position as a sinner approaching the perfect creator of the universe
16. Each and all his subjects were afforded the opportunity of seeing him stripped, seeing him humbling himself, even to some humiliating himself, yet each at that moment realized that this was a man of strong character, undeterred by human judgments and obstacles
17. As an afterthought, it is interesting to note that because of her attitude to David humbling himself before the Lord, she was to bear no children and died childless, which in ancient Israel was the most degrading thing that could befall a woman
18. is because of what I experienced is tremendously humbling
19. what heaven is, and it is incredibly humbling to be able to
20. Good works in this world and the next come from obeying our superiors and humbling ourselves and raising our eyes only to Heaven
21. Now I realize that this is a process, but by humbling ourselves and seeking God’s help in these areas, He will always abundantly meet us with His grace! He loves for us to encounter Him
22. It was a humbling thought
23. Humbling himself as usual, the ascetic was tempted with the presence of a false light
24. His first humbling experience since his Spartan training days
25. we have been humiliated - meaning that it is a humbling
26. It was humbling to have been watched over this closely… a thought that then triggered a display of myriad moments of being influenced throughout my life
27. It was humbling to have been watched over this closely
28. “A very humbling and disturbing story, is it not?” He paused for a moment of thought, having nothing to add that could diminish the overwhelming effects of that which he had just recited
29. The thoughts were humbling for him in light of the correlation he realized between the two wars and provided him with a new insight into that glorious, righteous cause
30. Humbling himself to the higher power that the market is and
31. Dave always said that walking up those stairs was like entering a public building – humbling, yet somehow comforting
32. Matthews, Sir?” James said, humbling himself while approaching the doorway
33. crushed by the humbling words
34. One incident during their year of novitiate was a little humbling and unsettling
35. It is a very frightening and humbling experience to realize our deepest truths can be suddenly snatched away from us by God knows what
36. exercises of an inward and most humbling
37. Let us be a shining ray of hope in their humbling existence
38. Therefore, the Almighty has informed us, on the tongue of His messenger, of the indications or the signs that precede this Hour so that we may correct our conduct and return to the path of goodness, then we revert to our religion and believe in Al'lah and His messenger, thereupon, He will bestow on us His mighty help and change our fears to safety, our hardship to ease, and our weakness to might, and by then, we can help our brothers of mankind to follow the straight path so as to enjoy the life of ease, happiness, cordiality and peace under the wing of the merciful messenger, and we shall all live in and enjoy a real paradise in this life as brothers, sons of our father Adam and our mother Hawwa' (peace is through them), then Al'lah will give us victory over the unbelievers not for robbing their wealth or humbling them unjustly, as some states do nowadays, but to liberate them from the shackles of material and desires, or more comprehensively, to report to them the divine message so as to enjoy the taste of freedom, justice, and happiness, and by that, we get our recompense from God, the Almighty
39. spirit as the cool humbling winds
40. Even from my point of view, it was a humbling sight
41. could be more humbling to a person than the inner realization that they are
42. Is this subconscious, semantic interpretation of Jewish and ancient Egyptian history too unbelievable to swallow? Is the blindness of selective human reflective stupidity; too difficult to understand? Too unpleasant to swallow? Too humbling to admit-to?
43. He did not use the symbol and significance of ritual whitewashing as a way to avoid the truth, but as a way to face the unpleasant, uncomfortable humbling truth that how you have lived all your life before he came to you: was wrong and completely mistaken
44. Humbling for the big fellow, in a turn, he would be back to his old self
45. Low place refers to a humbling set of circumstances at a special time that puts humanity in the position
46. stars, angels, the zodiac, the wisdom of ages, and cyclic time is deeply profound and humbling
47. a low place in time and human circumstances leading to humbling (wise) decisions and great
48. place refers to a humbling set of circumstances at a special time that puts humanity in the position
49. It was both a miracle and the most humbling of honors
50. low place in time and human circumstances that leads to realizations and humbling decisions, hence