Use "hypnosis" in a sentence
hypnosis example sentences
1. Whilst in hypnosis you are neither fully awake nor fully asleep
2. However deeply you may go into hypnosis, you will remain in control of the situation and will continue to receive important sensory data
3. Bailey, who is a published author on the subject of hypnosis
4. We’ve incorporated many of the techniques in this ebook including hypnosis, meditation,
5. He was trained and certified at the respected Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, CA, where he served on staff
6. 13) Hypnosis To Change Your Life
7. Using The Power Of Hypnosis, You Will Lose Weight, Stop Smoking, Gain Unlimited Confidence And Motivation!
8. I went back in and said, “You know, they say that there is something in the blue ink they use in comic books that makes you more susceptible to hypnosis
9. To put it in terms you might understand, there was a trap in your friend’s mind, something that can only be placed there with extreme manipulation of the brain at the neuron level, or in a very crude form by simpler techniques like hypnosis or through the use of specific substances
10. I named it CognitiveOS Hypnosis because it operates at the level of our cognitive operating system accessed in a state of hypnosis
11. I wish I had a Spiritual Teacher! Let’s move to the next questions; I’m curious about the magic behind hypnosis that makes this work possible
12. “There are, broadly speaking, two types of hypnosis: command or authoritative hypnosis, used by stage hypnotists, and passive or clinical hypnosis
13. Command hypnosis works only with people that exhibit a high level of suggestibility, and the hypnotist assumes authoritative control over the subject, imposing her or his domination and control over the subject’s mind
14. Stage hypnosis should be carefully regulated, because if used by an unskilled hypnotist, it can harm the mind
15. In the practice of medicine, the type of hypnosis generally used is passive
16. The patient is assisted to go into hypnosis entirely voluntarily, and the hypnotist plays a completely passive role
17. Passive hypnosis is a gentle technique that works on everybody, and it’s quite the reverse of authoritative or command hypnosis that is used by stage hypnotists
18. For this purpose, I can offer clinical researchers hundreds of clients that have seen major permanent changes in their lives because of CognitiveOS Hypnosis
19. We have, with CognitiveOS Hypnosis, a very effective method that could offer many licensed professionals a new set of tools to be able to beat the plague of codependency
20. I borrowed from clinical hypnosis the power of the temporary well-being offered by suggestions
21. When I learned clinical hypnosis, about twenty-three years ago, I started playing with regressions, and I did it with several friends
22. When I started practicing clinical hypnotherapy, I realized the power and the adaptability of hypnosis for different uses and situations
23. It was in 1990 when I started successfully using the therapy I created and named CognitiveOS Hypnosis
24. She was extraordinarily good, and she worked my energies with so much power that I found myself, for the first time, in a deep state of hypnosis
25. in black, that the mere sight of her would wake him from hypnosis?
26. specifically and thereby our awareness is turned inwards; the same as occurs during hypnosis
27. Being a normal state of mind, hypnosis is not dangerous and indeed is often used for therapeutic
28. This can be achieved through a light hypnosis induction, which normally takes
29. crying or tears, and subjects under hypnosis tended to have an increased feeling of certainty
30. 236 Thus, hypnosis is not a truth serum
31. hypnosis, what had occurred to them immediately following death in a past life
32. In particular, she was troubled by the idea one could plausibly fantasize under hypnosis
33. under hypnosis, though the incidence rate is exceptionally low
34. to the hypnosis experience, and after investigating more than a thousand cases of past-life recall,
35. Under hypnosis in Australia prior to their trip, G
36. Wambach did not trust subjects under hypnosis to produce minute details that would stand up
37. Beyond emotion-induced cracks in the veil of amnesia, the process of hypnosis can focus
38. process of hypnosis does not increase the accuracy of reporting so it should not be considered a
39. Hypnosis and the reincarnation hypothesis: A critical review and intensive case
40. The use of hypnosis to enhance recall
41. Hypnosis and the reincarnation hypothesis: A critical review and
42. Hypnosis is by
43. Repeated listening is the key to success with our self hypnosis sessions
44. Hypnosis can be a natural bridge into sleep
45. We suggest that you use the self hypnosis audio sessions as directed
46. There are plenty of myths about hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
47. That"s the same with hypnosis
48. hypnosis, and in fact it would you"d almost be shocked out of hypnosis
49. Wrong! No one ever gets “stuck” in hypnosis
50. Remember that hypnosis is a natural and normal state