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    1. you already have and what you are enabled to idealize

    2. your life in order to create the success you idealize and

    3. Crucial to the efforts to rehabilitate and idealize the American

    4. If I don't idealize my intentions, then I am writing all of this

    5. ’ The isolation that we create is an idealization, and one point of view is that quantum mechanics allows us to idealize a photon from the fundamental unbroken unity so that we can study it

    6. 2 Miriam, knowing fully about the affair of Rebecca and knowing how her brother had forsaken even the love of a beautiful maiden (not realizing the factor of his future career of destiny), came to idealize Jesus and to love him with a touching and profound affection as for a father as well as for a brother

    7. At first Fernanda did not talk about her family, but in time she began to idealize her father

    8. I don’t mean to idealize the pastoral, here

    9. Delimited no matter the world love is the conceptualization of what we idealize to be our best selves, both personally and socially

    10. What is it to experience the GlobalMind not as we idealize it, but as it is trying to present itself to us, not its meta-I'mage, but its self-conception, perhaps even self-creation, generation, and perpetuation? Why meditate beyond this GlobalMind of our Eartheart? What is the purpose of transcending this unique awakening? If meditation is eliminating the ego's filter so as to bathe naked in Awareness, if we can find interface – comformicating enlightenment, not silent ignorance – then we can EMerge within the awakening consciousness of the GlobalMind, electric with the incoherent transcendence that is the mechanism of evevolutionary change leaping mutations and skipping genius-rations of creation's serendipitous accidents

    11. Think of abundance; idealize the methods and plans for putting the Law of Abundance into operation

    12. This is why we constantly idealize ourselves and overestimate our significance and indulge in our own self-importance

    13. When you excessively idealize somebody, be ready to feel eventually a deep disappointment one day

    14. “We tend to idealize the past

    15. Once you come to truly understand something in context through the sense of Pure Wonder: then any urge to lionize, glorify, worship, romanticize, idealize and distort what you truly understand vanishes

    16. Still, works of art have a permanent element; they idealize and detain the passing thought, and are the intermediates between sense and ideas

    17. Exist boldly for each other, make us burst with rage that we cannot do the same, idealize each other, catch in your beaks all the tiny blades of felicity that exist on earth, and arrange yourselves a nest for life

    18. During the hours of my imprisonment I had thought but one thought, seen but one vision—the face of my sailor captain as he lay on the beach, and I asked myself how I dared to thus idealize a stranger

    1. " She had to play with drivers and things on screens only visible from her side for awhile to get a voice channel open from a mortal on the ground to Ava's universe here on this idealized Carribean beach

    2. "It's modeled after idealized places on the planet Earth

    3. On the idealized chart of

    4. advance, for the things that are idealized and desired

    5. space station or consciously create any idealized and

    6. to have the thing idealized, it is to be happy and fulfilled

    7. I had idealized notions on how husbands should treat their wives based on how I saw white men treat their wives

    8. However, current society is tied with so many laws that impede any change, for this reason we idealized this intention with utilization of the Third Sector of the economy so that it participates of this grandiose event to harvest success and to accomplish its altruistic dreams with completeness, efficacy and global reaching

    9. Then there were the gods who took on the idealized form of Man, whose attributes were seen to be only a little larger than life itself

    10. not my real father--but some kind of idealized father with stricken

    11. intended to), where it was enhanced and idealized into the

    12. Some historians tried to say he could not be real, but was an archetype assembled from idealized attributes

    13. The love object becomes idealized and

    14. What it is a good idea to keep in mind though, is that this concept of "humanity" is an idealized

    15. 18 You are my apostles, and to you religion shall not become a theologic shelter to which you may flee in fear of facing the rugged realities of spiritual progress and idealistic adventure; but rather shall your religion become the fact of real experience which testifies that God has found you, idealized, ennobled, and spiritualized you, and that you have enlisted in the eternal adventure of finding the God who has thus found and sonshipped you

    16. No, not just admired: I have elevated, idealized, ecstasized it to a

    17. of only a thin slice of the experience of female and male children in the postindustrial, white, middle-class, nuclear family, functioning in an optimal or "idealized" manner

    18. Many times during the hallucinating Roman August he had opened his eyes in the middle of his sleep and had seen Amaranta rising out of a marble--edged pool with her lace petticoats and the bandage on her hand, idealized by the anxiety of exile

    19. She had evoked the town idealized by nostalgia with such strong tenacity that Gaston under-stood that she would not get married unless he took her to live in Macondo

    20. have been idealized - some as saints - usually long after they had passed on

    21. We present several simplified methods of comparing an idealized calculation of

    22. Nevertheless, we can at least obtain a ball park figure that would enable us to compare an idealized capital structure with our own

    23. they conform to this idealized model of the world

    24. tolerances--how closely must the mesh match the idealized 3D part? With a

    25. Black magic is the product of the “very serious manifestation of forces in the unconscious mind to cause death after having the image of the victim idealized in the unconscious mind”

    26. Hypothetical teleologies – the idealized realization of a culture's dreamed manifestation – function as attractors that curve social institutions towards their shadow mass, i

    27. When love is idealized as the god of love, love transcends by becoming universally immanent – the idealized realized

    28. Graphical representation of the idealized human karyotype,

    29. Since love does not have a universal definition that can be appealed to and applied, as if the concept could be scientifically or metaphysically objectified and idealized, each one individually and then collectively, must define love, its acts and manifestations, its attitudes and intentions

    30. Thus one cannot prove that love is a, b, or c (actualized knowns), but rather can postulate that it could be x, y, and z (idealized unknowns) and then try to manifest those beliefs in one's acts – making the impossible real

    31. At least this is our romanticized and idealized form of learning, i

    32. have created it into? This is your dream idealized

    33. This is how old techniques are used to imprison us, because they necessarily fail, yet offer the escape of virtual spiritualism, not as a real attempt at social and global brain transcendence, but as a way of using familiar rituals to try to recreate a mythically idealized past

    34. “This is just an idealized kind of story

    35. His idiotic elite fantasy of a snob elite ruling a perfect Greek city, with perfectly obedient submissive robots, who obey their perfect Greek God-like rulers; became an idealized social model for every elite society from then on

    36. Modern American culture was all about love, and love and more love… idealized and romanticized and idealized

    37. The motto of knighthood became idealized into the famous French phrase that signified the perfect knight

    38. They idolized and idealized them as ‘noble savages’, who lived in a land of that was so pure and natural, whose customs were so pure

    39. French elite like Voltaire and many others espoused these idealized ideas and values which they had garnered from idealizing the Hurons in America whom they had never seen and knew nothing about

    40. As a poisoned, watered down, idealized, sentimentalized, mass-produced, copied, boring, bullshit token of actual fun

    41. They will ignore the part where the idealized alpha males were skilled, rational and had integrity in the face of monetary temptation

    42. Consider the shape of a pyramid as an idealized mountain that purposely serves as a symbolic

    43. model of an idealized solar system that perfectly follows the rules of wisdom and symbolism

    44. The point represents a sun-star and the circle represents an idealized planetary orbit, hence

    45. Since the circle is an idealized planetary orbit referring to the earth, it is masculine

    46. the idealized model of a solar system with a sun at its center that emanates a great spherical zone of

    47. without the corpus-knowledge that obscures it within the pyramid, an idealized mountain

    48. He was a man who loved women, women in general, in the abstract, beautiful women especially, the more beautiful they were the more abstract, the more idealized they were to him

    49. When one catches a glimpse of oneself in the estimation of the newly married spouse, and realizes how far the idealized picture is from the somber reality one has grown up with, it is easy to think, "I am made different by this love that expects so much of me, and if I am not yet quite so wonderful as my beloved thinks me, I shall soon become so, for this expectation spurs me to hitherto unimaginable efforts

    50. This is a highly idealized destination and individuals all over the globe enjoy visiting the city

    1. And who fully idealizes

    2. He idealizes the king whom Conan killed to get the crown, remembering only that he occasionally patronized the arts, and forgetting the evils of his reign, and he is making the people forget

    3. And ultimately, it is the stigma of a society that idealizes a world of separateness,

    4. Each spouse idealizes the other and pictures their life together as something almost unique in its perfection

    1. steers clear of idealizing any of the artists in there

    2. internal persecutory I, the idealizing I and the rationalizing I, with all their

    3. quality of this geometry is the idealizing of shapes

    4. “I was already idealizing the drug,” said Aspen

    5. It is a process of visualizing or idealizing the plans which will eventually materialize in our objective world

    6. The most widely spread reason of misfortunes and broken relations is that you are too obsessed by and too concentrated on someone’s opinion or on somebody else, it’s your blind attachment to somebody else, to whom you generate in your Self-Consciousness only the highest Conceptions, unreasonably idealizing this “personality” and completely ignoring any of its manifestations that don’t correspond to this devised image

    7. meditating, contemplating, and idealizing, with their eyes focused on their

    8. French elite like Voltaire and many others espoused these idealized ideas and values which they had garnered from idealizing the Hurons in America whom they had never seen and knew nothing about

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    Synonyms for "idealize"

    idealise idealize

    "idealize" definitions

    consider or render as ideal

    form ideals