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    Use "ill repute" in a sentence

    ill repute example sentences

    ill repute

    1. One thing lead to another then someone suggested we go down to this house of ill repute where there were some joy girls

    2. That was the end of my outings to the house of ill repute

    3. The town preacher, book in hand, shouted, “To the doctor! For tending our elderly when they are no longer of sound mind and ridding our town of those of ill repute!”

    4. Your grandmother's home remedy of a salt water gargle is still reputed to be one of the best

    5. If he could cause a person that was so ill repute to change her ways, what did it

    6. Stealing clothes he takes refuge in a house of ill repute

    7. Byron was called to the set, a room within the house of ill repute, though actually a large purposely constructed building that belied the magic it was supposed to contain

    8. ’ At this point the reason for our officer’s confusion should be explained: at that time the word ‘shop’ was used when talking about a night club, or house of ill repute, and due to his high level of morality he would have had no experience of such an establishment or understand the significance of what he was being told to say…

    9. ’ At this point the reason for our officer’s seeming confusion should be explained: at that time the word ‘shop’ was used when talking about a night club, or house of ill repute, and due to his high level of morality he would have had no experience of such an establishment or understand the significance of what he was being told to say…

    10. ‘Houses of Ill Repute’, or brothels as they are now known, is one example of that corruption

    11. Several women of ill repute were there

    12. Was it true? Would Cousin Harry marry Rhea knowing she was pregnant with Hassan"s child? True or false, was Hassan as low as all that? To ruin the reputation of his former girlfriend in such a public fashion however hurt he might have been by her ditching him? And the final intriguing question, did Rhea have sexual relations with Harry as early as three or four months before her marriage while she was still reputedly fooling around with Hassan? A few years later, certainly with many details of the pre-marital romance missing, it was clear to me that the boy was Harry"s son

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