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    Use "imperative" in a sentence

    imperative example sentences


    1. But in this case it was imperative

    2. organization’s ability to reach its goals, therefore it is imperative to understand that God had a plan for leadership so each of us could reach the goal of eternal life

    3. It is imperative that we are aware

    4. It was an imperative, an unquenchable thirst, almost a universal longing for an end to this particular night

    5. It is imperative that you sound genuine otherwise

    6. " It is imperative that those

    7. was imperative that he made at least some progress today

    8. imperative that he hide his scepticism

    9. The resultant stretch and rumple brought FA and LA into contact with the those other lonely forces so that through the progress of a now diatonic ascension and descension of any octave, having its existence among other octaves of similar nature, the forces could at last realize the imperative of their separation, i

    10. “It is imperative that we remove the device before it is too late,”

    11. For himself, Harry enrolled for the Summer Term at Malvern and set his mind to completing his education with that hallowed institution within the shortest time practicable, driven by an imperative which he could not satisfactorily define

    12. “That makes it even more imperative that we investigate this planet much more carefully

    13. It is imperative that you don’t cook with high fat oil, but use a cooking spread instead

    14. With Mercer’s whereabouts still unknown, it was more imperative to keep up the twin appearance of confidence and competence

    15. Thus, it is imperative for us to recognize the need to maintain a good balance with nature

    16. Therefore it is imperative that we guard our inner thoughts and ensure that it anchors onto higher levels of positive thoughts instead of lower frequencies of negativity

    17. It is imperative to note that our character is a ‘work-in-progress’ matter

    18. “It’s imperative that we find the cause of this

    19. Imperative we meet before the emperor’s birthday

    20. At the De Crot House, I learned that a stretcher and bearers were imperative

    21. Ice is imperative in a hospital in the tropics

    22. The generals held a conference, and signed a petition to the Secretary of War, urging that it was imperative that the army be moved North at once

    23. At the risk of sounding judgmental, I can‘t help feeling that, absent a moral imperative, however, many of my favorite‘s would have been prancing around in their birthday suits had they been given the opportunity to do so

    24. 4% unemployment, which in 1996 reporters pointed to as an imperative to reelect Clinton, now that very same level of unemployment is mentioned by the same reporters as justification to cause Bush’s defeat

    25. TIPS TO CONSIDER: Vitamin T, the element of touch, is imperative for good health

    26. The more that the Widelands turned into a desert, the more imperative it became for him to conserve his water

    27. Was that move made imperative by the turmoil involved in the overthrow of the “God Most High?”

    28. that it is imperative to keep a notebook or journal

    29. It was imperative to speak with a person of God, someone who had experience in this type of events and could tell what was going to happen or what to expect, or something, anything, anything that could restore tranquility

    30. recall the old imperative:

    31. It is imperative that we connect with Nature in order to resolve any internal conflict between our strengths and weaknesses, our passions and priorities before we attempt to find our place in the World

    32. It is imperative at this stage and to ensure ethical drivers in the future, the

    33. is imperative in the leadership of the Church

    34. imperative that we choose to walk in the Spirit

    35. was imperative to enlist in His army

    36. It is imperative that we grow in His grace and the

    37. inside has to go, so it is imperative that we see the

    38. “Only observe important issues, and race and sexual preference isn’t even on the list of imperative

    39. This idea corresponds well with the previous imperative to love one’s neighbors as one’s

    40. competition, so it is imperative to know not only the direct costs but al costs necessary to

    41. ” Therefore, it was imperative to “remove from

    42. your rationale for procrastinating, it’s imperative that you

    43. imperative, think about delegating

    44. ” Therefore, it was imperative to “remove

    45. Prioritizing is a very imperative function of being structured and

    46. But, for those entrepreneurs who want to scale the business, it becomes imperative to accept plastic

    47. imperative to translate the Bible into every spoken language

    48. others, and vice versa, and that this is imperative to maintaining

    49. It was imperative to destroy his way of living, his way of thinking, his religion, his internal value structure

    50. imperative for future promotion and the growth of your business

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    Synonyms for "imperative"

    imperative imperative form imperative mood jussive mood masterful autocratic bossy commanding aggressive powerful imperial important necessary crucial critical urgent immediate pressing

    "imperative" definitions

    a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behavior

    some duty that is essential and urgent

    requiring attention or action

    relating to verbs in the imperative mood