Use "impertinence" in a sentence
impertinence example sentences
1. It is the highest impertinence and presumption, therefore, in kings and ministers to pretend to watch over the economy of private people, and to restrain their expense, either by sumptuary laws, or by prohibiting the importation of foreign luxuries
2. then, the impertinence to believe that the imagined ideal
3. Perry stopped short, angered over this impertinence
4. That could have the salutary effect of tying him to the challenging of what he considers the unfettered impertinence and irreverence in too many aspects of modern art
5. For such impertinence, Tell was arrested and sentenced to lifelong imprisonment in the dungeons of Gessler’s castle at Küssnacht, northeast of Luzern
6. Tired from lack of sleep and stressed by the responsibility of attempting to organize their protection, this impertinence enraged Swann
7. Naturally, I was awed by this philosophic deluge from such a relatively young man; he was only twenty-two and this was his first year of teaching, which he liked, but was saddened by the impertinence, laziness and lack of moral fibre of most students
8. But I observed a certain impertinence and conceit in his words, not toward me, but toward
9. Though he was annoyed by the impertinence, Wickland managed a polite smile with his reply, “That would be just fine
10. repay his impertinence with interest
11. positions out of this world, impertinence in repetition crossing borderlines coast to coast
12. He wondered what a servant would know about it and was becoming increasingly annoyed when the fellow had the impertinence to ask if his sources were reliable
13. Oh, I can see you shiver at that impertinence, for I know down in your heart, though you always take pains to explain how ignorant you are, you consider yourself an extremely cultured young man
14. You considered it an impertinence--nay, more than an impertinence, an insult, to be approached in such a manner
15. "What impertinence," said Tussie hotly
16. Why had she not thought of this, known that she would be in the power of any servant they chose to bring? Surely there was no limit, positively none, to what the girl might do or say? How was she going to bear her about her, endure the sight and sound of that veiled impertinence? She buried her head very deep in the cushion, vainly striving to blot out the world and Annalise in its feathers, but even there there was no peace, for suddenly a great noise of doors going and legs striding penetrated through its stuffiness and she heard Fritzing's voice very loud and near--all sounds in Creeper Cottage were loud and near--ordering Annalise to ask her Grand Ducal Highness to descend
17. ‘‘It is the highest impertinence and presumption,
18. May it soon terminate happily! It would be an impertinence elsewhere, but it is not so here, to ask your name and condition?"
19. There are some natural touches of character about him, such as his mixture of irascibility and placability, and his curious affection for Sancho together with his impatience of the squire's loquacity and impertinence; but in the main, apart from his craze, he is little more than a thoughtful, cultured gentleman, with instinctive good taste and a great deal of shrewdness and originality of mind
20. Come away, Impertinence, and don't shock my family by calling me names before their faces," answered Amy, resolving that there should be a home with a good wife in it before she set up a salon as a queen of society
21. Don Quixote turned upon Sancho, and with a countenance glowing with anger said to him, "Is it possible, Sancho, there is anyone in the whole world who will say thou art not a fool, with a lining to match, and I know not what trimmings of impertinence and roguery? Who asked thee to meddle in my affairs, or to inquire whether I am a wise man or a blockhead? Hold thy peace; answer me not a word; saddle Rocinante if he be unsaddled; and let us go to put my offer into execution; for with the right that I have on my side thou mayest reckon as vanquished all who shall venture to question it;" and in a great rage, and showing his anger plainly, he rose from his seat, leaving the company lost in wonder, and making them feel doubtful whether they ought to regard him as a madman or a rational being
22. Marianne, who had never much toleration for any thing like impertinence, vulgarity, inferiority of parts, or even difference of taste from herself, was at this time particularly ill-disposed, from the state of her spirits, to be pleased with the Miss Steeles, or to encourage their advances; and to the invariable coldness of her behaviour towards them, which checked every endeavour at intimacy on their side, Elinor principally attributed that preference of herself which soon became evident in the manners of both, but especially of Lucy, who missed no opportunity of engaging her in conversation, or of striving to improve their acquaintance by an easy and frank communication of her sentiments
23. To manifest more or less would be an impertinence in a stranger
24. Elinor began to find this impertinence too much for her temper; but she was saved the trouble of checking it, by Lucy's sharp reprimand, which now, as on many occasions, though it did not give much sweetness to the manners of one sister, was of advantage in governing those of the other
25. The impertinence of these kind of scrutinies, moreover, was generally concluded with a compliment, which though meant as its douceur, was considered by Marianne as the greatest impertinence of all; for after undergoing an examination into the value and make of her gown, the colour of her shoes, and the arrangement of her hair, she was almost sure of being told that upon "her word she looked vastly smart, and she dared to say she would make a great many conquests
26. He ventured this remark without any intention to insult; but Heathcliff's violent nature was not prepared to endure the appearance of impertinence from one whom he seemed to hate, even then, as a rival
27. On his first inquiry he was told, with the impertinence peculiar to hired hackney-coachmen and inn-keepers with their houses full, that there was no room for him at the Hotel de Londres
28. That anyone in his employment should dare to have the impertinence to sit down in his time was incredible
29. Alleyne for his impertinence but he knew what a hornet's nest the office would be for him
30. Leisurely turning round, they calmly scrutinized the various countenances around them, as though demanding some one person who would take upon himself the responsibility of what they deemed excessive impertinence; but as no one responded to the challenge, the friends turned again to the front of the theatre, and affected to busy themselves with the stage
31. "Madame, this is precaution, not impertinence; no one enters here without an order from
32. "I thought, perhaps," said Danglars with supreme impertinence, "that you had a deficiency
33. Let me see: he has been found guilty, on the clearest evidence, first, of stealing a valuable motor-car; secondly, of driving to the public danger; and, thirdly, of gross impertinence to the rural police
34. Do not have the impertinence to ask me when
35. Vronsky in amazement raised his head, and stared, as he knew how to stare, not into the Englishman’s eyes, but at his forehead, astounded at the impertinence of his question
36. dancing master, a bow that was graceful for so powerful a man, and as full of He swung about, facing the crowd, clicked his heels together and bowed like a impertinence as a slap in the face
37. something in the impertinence and bland mockery of his dark eyes that challenged her “It’s almost like I was in love with him!” she thought, bewildered
38. Still he called himself stupid now for not foreseeing that it would be impossible for him to look towards Dorothea—nay, that she might feel his coming an impertinence
39. Before I had time to deal with that, however, he continued as if with the sense that this was an impertinence to be softened
40. He received des Grassins, whom he did not recognize, with the impertinence of a young man of fashion conscious of having killed four men in as many duels in the Indies
41. “Always quick with some new Impertinence! Well, I’ll not scratch yer Itch again
42. “Fie on yer Impertinence, Strumpet! If ye have such a fine Protector in this Mr
43. That information notwithstanding, the eyewitness stated, “The hanging was most exciting, gruesome and, I must add, satisfying in its vengefulness for the niggerman’s impertinence
44. somewhat as though he had been the Marquis de Brandebourg, and with the most delicate impertinence
45. I even saw one poor young man—a handsome, strapping fellow—branded on both cheeks for impertinence!”
46. Fermina Daza chewed on the impertinence as she looked at the nun without blinking, looked her straight in the eye without speaking, chewing in silence, until she saw with infinite satisfaction that those masculine eyes had filled with tears
47. He even observed the changes in her breathing, watching the reliquary that hung on her batiste blouse as he looked at her without dissimulation over the book he pretended to read, and he committed the calculated impertinence of changing his seat in the dining room so that he would face her
48. They worked at the oddest hours, with an impertinence that did not seem unintentional, and they offered the same response to all his protests: “Orders from the head office
49. He was not the pitiable phantom who had haunted her in the Park of the Evangels and whom she had evoked with a certain tenderness after she had grown old, but the hateful phantom with his executioner’s frock coat and his hat held against his chest, whose thoughtless impertinence had disturbed her so much that she found it impossible not to think about him
50. In any case, what most calmed her spirit was the certainty that this letter from a wise old man was not an attempt to repeat the impertinence of the night of the vigil over the body but a very noble way of erasing the past