Use "impinge" in a sentence
impinge example sentences
1. Instead it took this dire situation to affect their pocketbooks and bank accounts to impinge upon their own attentions
2. Then there was the way the past would impinge itself onto his psyche, that same uncertainty of his actions pressing in, causing him to question what were perfectly reasonable choices in retrospect
3. a part of the beam from iR lED to impinge upon the
4. This will yet impinge on the imbalance of power that existed under the invasive goblins and orcs of the Under Earth
5. The ultimate expression of this dilemma is the increasing use of RFPs, e-auctions, and other similar mechanical buying methods, which remove almost every chance that humanity, might impinge on the commercial process
6. Thus, we see there is this external force, driven by the power and the fear of Allah, to impinge upon the mind of the Musalmans
7. Even otherwise, the bottom-line of the alien religious appeal to the populace of Hindustan is that Islam and the Christianity could only impinge upon the fringes of its polity, that too when the rulers belonged to the respective religious dispensations
8. But then reality and the outside world started to impinge