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    Use "important person" in a sentence

    important person example sentences

    important person

    1. She was indeed an important person at the Kassikan

    2. She is a professor of Religion, she is here to edit “The Unknown History of Christianity”, she is considered to be a very important person and she obviously hates my guts -without a reason whatsoever

    3. On the decease of an important personage, slaves have to be sacrificed, guns and spears snapped, bow strings carefully cut, arrows split, and the odd utensils, such as plates, calabashes, &c, cracked; and thus the spirit of the departed native makes its exit in a manner befitting its rank, attended by the spirits of every needful commodity, from slaves to the deceased's ditty pipe

    4. That did in fact sound somewhat prestigious and it certainly made me look like a really important person like all those famous folks who can’t take a leak without someone watching over them in case something bad happens to them, say like a pot plant falling on their heads from a high balcony, or a group of bullets with the intention of using said famous folks as handy inertial dampeners (in Memphis they call that ‘stopping a bullet’)

    5. The other was tall and powerfully built but was heavily laden with all manner of paraphernalia that an important personage might need in his travels

    6. Like just now, I assumed that you’d slept here, even though I know you’re an important person who travels a lot, and who might have slept anywhere

    7. That could only be arranged by a very important person

    8. important personage might need in his travels

    9. I thought its long dead inhabitant was probably an important person

    10. adopted me as a surrogate mother and I would be his most important person, until Harry

    11. Zayn moved to her and pulled her close as they both stood in silence as the most important person to them moved out of sight

    12. They will be making important personal changes over the next six months

    13. Neither of the men intended to tell of what they had heard, but after much coaxing; they told that she was the wife of an important person of the Central territory, and could not be convinced to say more

    14. Maybe people let the device ring just to tell others that he or she is an important person

    15. The fact that the idiot had kidnapped such a historically important person was only part of the reason for his anger, which was very real

    16. It would be the same case if one would change history by killing prematurely a historically important person in the primordial timeline, like Hitler, Napoleon or Julius Caesar

    17. Of the long laundry list of reasons why someone would choose to run for any elected position, chief among them is the ego: that quest for recognition as an important person

    18. Each important personality present in the court was attending and hearing the proceedings with great concentration while every word of chief justice was felling on Mr

    19. Now helm men in the government would think thousands times first before applying fire against ZTA rally as it happened before with great severity because ZTA successful in rising huge world support through massive emails and fax messages to almost presidents of all countries and to social and political important personalities in the world whose activities concerned with somehow or more to human rights safety

    20. “And nobody has said anything about his condition ever since?” Her blue eyes pleaded for a response; one that would tell her that the most important person in her life was going to be okay

    21. The gift is about encouraging people with real hope, so I had a situation where I had a friend in another nation who's a senior business leader, a very important person in the nation, a leading Christian in the nation

    22. You are no longer the only important person in his life, and that leaves a bitter taste in the back of your throat, doesn’t it?’

    23. Asked after you … said it's about a very important person

    24. “This is different, the most important person in our country is traveling halfway across the country to see me

    25. A car owner was an important person

    26. vocationally important personality traits

    27. Some years before, when he was just entering on his own career, he had come upon two cases in which rather important personages in the province, patrons of his, had been cruelly shown up

    28. Merthin tended to forget what an important personage Edmund was, for Edmund treated him as a member of the family; but Gerald and Maud acted as if receiving an unexpected royal visitation

    29. Still she did not forget that Anna, her sister-in-law, was the wife of one of the most important personages in Petersburg, and was a Petersburg grande dame

    30. Levin deliberately took out a ten rouble note, and, careful to speak slowly, though losing no time over the business, he handed him the note, and explained that Pyotr Dmitrievitch (what a great and important personage he seemed to Levin now, this Pyotr Dmitrievitch, who had been of so little consequence in his eyes before!) had

    31. Where were they going and who was this important person she was going to meet?

    32. “I have never been refused service in my life! That insufferable man in the elevator had the nerve to tell me he was holding the car for an important personage

    33. She was dressed like the important person that she is in the Service

    34. He was aide-de-camp to a very important personage, had been sent on a very important mission to Prussia, and had just returned from there as a special messenger

    35. Boris Drubetskoy had asked the important personage on whom he was in attendance, to include him in the suite appointed for the stay at Tilsit

    36. At the time of the meeting at Tilsit he asked the names of those who had come with Napoleon and about the uniforms they wore, and listened attentively to words spoken by important personages

    37. He had a brilliant position in society thanks to his intimacy with Countess Bezukhova, a brilliant position in the service thanks to the patronage of an important personage whose complete confidence he enjoyed, and he was beginning to make plans for marrying one of the richest heiresses in Petersburg, plans which might very easily be realized

    38. Only the skeleton of life remained: his house, a brilliant wife who now enjoyed the favors of a very important personage, acquaintance with all Petersburg, and his court service with its dull formalities

    39. She rarely made an exception and went out to pay visits, and then only to the most important persons in the town

    40. was meeting Helene in Vilna after not having seen her for a long time and did not recall the past, but as Helene was enjoying the favors of a very important personage and Boris had only recently married, they met as good friends of long standing

    41. Boris was thus the first to learn the news that the French army had crossed the Niemen and, thanks to this, was able to show certain important personages that much that was concealed from others was usually known to him, and by this means he rose higher in their estimation

    42. Someone, a very important personage judging by the haste with which way was made for him, was approaching the icon

    43. The governor’s wife led him up to a tall and very stout old lady with a blue headdress, who had just finished her game of cards with the most important personages of the town

    44. In their attitude toward him could still be felt both uncertainty as to who he might be- perhaps a very important person- and hostility as a result of their recent personal conflict with him

    45. Dispatches they could sell to the highest bidder, or important persons they could hold to ransom

    46. ' Rvmove the stone !' Well, he said remove it—you understand what that means—'remove the stone 1 ' The late Tsar—do you remember him ? What was to be done with the stone ? They all lost their heads, there was the town council, and a most important person, I can't remember his name, one of the greatest personages of the time, who was put in charge of the matter

    47. Although Nikolay Parfenovitch asked them questions on entering the room they both addressed their answers to Mihail Makarovitch, who was standing on one side, taking him in their ignorance for the most important person and in command, and addressed him at every word as “Pan Colonel

    48. "He is an important personage, he has lots of money," said a third

    49. Going into the passage he explained to every one who cared to listen that Stepan Trofimovitch was not exactly a teacher but "a very learned man and busy with very learned studies, and was a landowner of the district himself, and had been living for twenty-two years with her excellency, the general's widow, the stout Madame Stavrogin, and was by way of being the most important person in her house, and was held in the greatest respect by every one in the town

    50. " He wound up, by a hint, evidently intentional, volunteered hastily, that Stavrogin was perhaps a very important personage, but that there was some secret about that, that he had been living among us, so to say, incognito, that he had some commission, and that very possibly he would come back to us again from Petersburg

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