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    Use "improvisation" in a sentence

    improvisation example sentences


    1. NLP Tools -- Ways to self- improvisation

    2. When the metal jam ended I unhooked the guitar strap before Jack could launch into the next improvisation

    3. Now, you tell me, would a lunatic be so fast, so efficient? And, when I caught snatches of her singing swiftly—so swiftly (for I had to filter other noises)—I heard her singing an alapana—the introductory improvisation part—unfettered but flimsy

    4. What is aesthetic improvisation?

    5. Improvisation occurs when attempts are made, to one extent or another, to break the

    6. communications) have been used in this improvisation

    7. ” Improvisation that seems

    8. But although all of this may indeed be improvisation, is it

    9. The terror became a cry; a dry, sharp cry born from the entrails of my fear, which huddled in my solar plexus, then came out expressing that primitive and instinctive fear that obliges us to undertake the biggest feats born more from improvisation than understanding

    10. Years ago I saw the stage version of ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway’, the popular improvisation

    11. Camping trips nurture more than just self-sufficiency, flexibility, and improvisation

    12. Before long he would practice as long as fifteen hours a day, which he did for three years, mastering improvisation that led to bebop

    13. I was thankful for his improvisation, flattered that he'd

    14. With all that rested on this test program, now was not the time for improvisation or rashness

    15. We relied far too much on hasty improvisation"

    16. Fortunately, with a little ingenuity and improvisation, inconvenience can be minimised


    18. A global premium is placed on innovation, creativity, improvisation and the entrepreneurial spirit

    19. Improvisation to Byron’s missed cue urged her to place a foot on the porcelain wash stand and began to let the tie from one of her stockings, rolling it gently and slowly down her smooth cream pale leg

    20. Now was the time for a little improvisation

    21. She uses the word improvisation

    22. don't forget their mastery of constant improvisation, which

    23. � In this confidence based in the power of response, even in the work and play of improvisation, our becoming self desires and exhibits balance

    24. A jazz trio calling themselves the Phourx began playing an improvisation

    25. "And your improvisation was perfect! Anyway sorry for the android, who was assigned to you without all of the critical updates

    26. But maybe this is more in the nature of an improvisation

    27. This was not calculated to calm Tholomyes' improvisation;

    28. The old woman retorted with a composite grimace, and a wonderful improvisation of hatred taking advantage of feebleness and ugliness, which was, unfortunately, wasted in the dark:—

    29. Here insurrection assumes the character of a plot; there of an improvisation

    30. It might be asked: Who built this? It might also be said: Who destroyed this? It was the improvisation of the ebullition

    31. It was an improvisation of this sort that had slain Jean Prouvaire

    32. Its first boiler for producing the cooking steam was the triumphant improvisation of William Randolph, engineer, fireman, and president

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    Synonyms for "improvisation"

    extemporisation extemporization improvisation temporary expedient impromptu innovation

    "improvisation" definitions

    a creation spoken or written or composed extemporaneously (without prior preparation)

    an unplanned expedient

    a performance given extempore without planning or preparation