Use "in most cases" in a sentence
in most cases example sentences
in most cases
1. In most cases it’s a simple matter of dissolving in water then spraying on areas
2. They were still backed up however and could be 'resurrected' from backup in most cases
3. Fair fighting leads to resolution in most cases
4. Giving this level of authority to the controller isn’t an easy task in most cases
5. Great-aunt Edith showed Annie how to scan photographs and store them as images on the computer, using a collection of her very own black and white artistic poses from her early days in the glamour business, images which would now be considered at best cute but in most cases just as period pieces
6. banned, trust me; in most cases, there is NO WAY
7. taken in and, in most cases, the fields already ploughed over, while a
8. He’d found people to interview several of their friends, in most cases they were able to conduct the interview without anyone suspecting that they are being interviewed
9. He must in most cases share it with the owner of the stock which employs him
10. insurance upon shipping, however, in the same manner as upon houses, is, in most cases, the
11. the one and increase of the other, seem, in most cases, nearly to counterbalance one another ;
12. In most cases, he is only a functionary who
13. That portion of his revenue which a rich man annually spends, is, in most cases, consumed by idle guests and menial servants, who leave nothing behind them in return for their consumption
14. On the contrary, it would, in most cases, be augmented
15. They tend not to destroy, but to preserve, what it is in most cases advantageous to preserve, the natural division and distribution of labour in the society
16. In most cases I will be coming from a Universal perspective, with ‘the Universe’ encompassing the various names used such as God, Creator, Divine, and Great Spirit, Glory
17. They were all established in conquered provinces, which in most cases had been fully inhabited before
18. Other nations, without establishing an exclusive company, have confined the whole commerce of their colonies to a particular port of the mother country, from whence no ship was allowed to sail, but either in a fleet and at a particular season, or, if single, in consequence of a particular license, which in most cases was very well paid for
19. In most cases we treat others with lesser importance than how we would treat ourselves
20. In most cases, people who undergo past life regression want to understand if their present situation or dilemma in their current lifetime is caused by events that took place in the past i
21. Perhaps, in most cases we do not witness instant karma, so we fret and assume that life is unjust
22. Reincarnation is a real process but due to a suppression of past-life memory upon entering this physical world, we are left to draw our own conclusions about life, which in most cases deviate from the truths
23. However, in most cases our inner desire or passion is suppressed by fears, doubts and a lack of confidence
24. Heavy duties, accordingly, have been imposed upon their exportation, amounting at present (1783) to more than five shillings the ton, or more than fifteen shillings the chaldron, Newcastle measure ; which is, in most cases, more than the original value of the commodity at the coal-pit, or even at the shipping port for exportation
25. Among brothers and among sisters, the eldest always takes place ; and in the succession of the paternal estate, every thing which cannot be divided, but must go entire to one person, such as a title of honour, is in most cases given to the eldest
26. The inferior office of justice of peace, though attended with a good deal of trouble, and in most cases with no emoluments at all, is an object of ambition to the greater part of our country gentlemen
27. In most cases never directly, but when the word future had occurred repeatedly or at least alluded to, ranging from: ‘I don’t see there being any future in my career/relationship
28. As no inhabitant of a town can exercise an incorporated trade, without first obtaining his freedom in the incorporation, so, in most cases, no subject of the state can lawfully carry on any branch of foreign trade, for which a regulated company is established, without first becoming a member of that company
29. The reward of the schoolmaster, in most cases, depends principally, in some cases almost entirely, upon the fees or honoraries of his scholars
30. Casuistry, and an ascetic morality, made up, in most cases, the greater part of the moral philosophy of the schools
31. sufficiently anxious that they should be so accomplished, and are in most cases, willing enough to lay out the expense which is necessary for that purpose
32. If we are considering the Bible to be a book that was inspired by God, what would we expect to see in it that proves to us that this document actually did originate from outside our realm of time-space? Would it be possible to compare the complexity of design in the Bible to that which is found within DNA? Can we prove that the Person who designed it, did it with immaculate precision; even though many people, from diverse backgrounds who in most cases, did not even live in the same time period, were involved? Can we prove that the Bible in its entirety was not the work of men, but that people were used in its construction and that these men were inspired to write the words and sentences that they did?
33. In most cases, they would refer to Nature as the designer
34. In the following examination of different taxes, I shall seldom take much farther notice of this sort of inequality; but shall, in most cases, confine my observations to that inequality which is occasioned by a particular tax falling unequally upon that particular sort of private revenue which is affected by it
35. This practice is, in most cases, the expedient of a spendthrift, who, for a sum of ready money sells a future revenue of much greater value
36. It is, in most cases, therefore, hurtful to the landlord; it is frequently hurtful to the tenant ; and it is always hurtful to the community
37. This condition, which is generally the effect of the landlord's conceit of his own superior knowledge (a conceit in most cases very ill-founded), ought always to be considered as an additional rent, as a rent in service, instead of a rent in money
38. Whatever part of the whole rent of a house is over and above what is sufficient for affording this reasonable profit, naturally goes to the ground-rent; and, where the owner of the ground and the owner of the building are two different persons, is, in most cases, completely paid to the former
39. upon the whole value of the house must, in most cases, amount to more than a third of the building-rent, perhaps of the whole rent
40. They have regulated their taxes, therefore, according to some more obvious circumstance, such as they had probably imagined would, in most cases, bear some proportion to the rent
41. The number of windows can, in most cases, be counted from the outside, and, in all cases, without entering every room in the house
42. It is the compensation, and, in most cases, it is no more than a very moderate compensation for the risk and trouble of employing the stock
43. altogether unequal, and, in most cases, is both the one and the other; the former, though in some respects unequal, different slaves being of different values, is in no respect arbitrary
44. Taxes upon the sale of old houses, for the same reason as those upon the sale of land, fall generally upon the seller ; whom, in most cases, either
45. Though they sometimes fall upon the person who is not very able to pay, the time of payment is, in most cases, sufficiently convenient for him
46. When the payment becomes due, he must, in most cases, have the more to pay
47. The emoluments of offices, therefore, can, in most cases, very well bear to be taxed
48. The state not knowing how to tax, directly and proportionably, the revenue of its subjects, endeavours to tax it indirectly by taxing their expense, which, it is supposed, will, in most cases, be nearly in proportion to their revenue
49. As they were originally local and provincial duties, applicable to local and provincial purposes, the administration of them was, in most cases, entrusted to the particular town, parish, or lordship, in which they were levied; such communities being, in some way or other, supposed to be accountable for the application
50. sovereign, who is altogether unaccountable, has in many countries assumed to himself the administration of those duties; and though he has in most cases enhanced very much the duty, he has in many entirely neglected the application