I will explain this point in two ways
Finally, a congregation can be led by "Majority Rule" in two ways:
It pays for these chiefly in two ways
If your space is not as quiet as it needs to be for meditation, you can compensate for this in two ways that I find useful
They must be idealistic in two ways: they must involve
The annual produce of the land and labour of any society can be augmented only in two ways ; either, first, by some improvement in the productive powers of the useful labour actually maintained within it; or, secondly, by some increase in the quantity of that labour
When the diminution of revenue is the effect of the encouragement given to smuggling, it may, perhaps, be remedied in two ways; either by diminishing the temptation to smuggle, or by increasing the difficulty of smuggling
” In relationship to Jesus it can be understood in two ways: (1) the testimony came from Jesus
It is not impervious, however, and can be broken in two ways
And Lucky dealt with hurt in two ways, either she lashed out or she shut out
You can create a #FF tweet in two ways:
The contents of P and Q are relevant in two ways: 1) they must together form a contradiction,
In two ways
Rationalism has been used in two ways: (1) in a formal sense, it refers to systematic thinking
can be approached in two ways: flow of product and flow of cost
Then the current is adjusted in two ways
again can be done in two ways
calm and balance, and that in two ways
The breaking-in can occur in two ways: actual and constructive
’92 was an explosive year in two ways for the Irish in England
The lazy individual loses sleep in two ways
Instruction can come in two ways: consciously or sub-unconsciously
Positioning works in two ways, first where
Your intuition is being trained in two ways this year, in finance and the career
You can use it in two ways
that it affects us in two ways
Such, examples, can be given in two ways
Regular exercise can assist with weight loss in two ways: first by burning calories while you exercise, and second by increasing the metabolic rate so that there is a slight increase in calories burned even when the body is at rest
It can be used in two ways : as a prefix, (++var), meaning that
Again, this can be achieved in two ways
other are compatible in two ways: they are in
) Signs opposite each other are compatible in two ways: they are in complementary elements and operate in the same modality (cardinal is opposite cardinal and so on)
The human mind views information in two ways true or doubt
But the principled conservative would respond in two ways
I do not have the scientific data from which to affirm whether it is true or not, but in Two Ways
Having received the terrible humiliation that Scylla inflicts on him, Ulysses can react in two ways:
Use these words in two ways
Jennifer sells her product in two ways -- ready-made or by kit (for the more price-conscious shopper)
When a formula containing a cell reference is entered into a cell, Excel keeps track of that formula in two ways: one is relative referencing whereby the relative position of the addressed cell and not the cell position itself is stored in the formula (this is the default and is quite handy most of the times)
Profile links can be acquired in two ways:
In later times gradivus was taken to refer to marching (gradi, to march), and so he is gradivus in two ways: an agricultural deity and a martial deity
So far, all I've been able to see isthat electronic media undermines the print form in two ways:
Since our awareness only exists in the Present Moment, and over the space of only one lifetime, we can look at Energy in two ways; what happens to it in the Present Moment, and over an extended period of Time from the Past into the Present
The myth of Alexander the great; was that he solved the problem in two ways
Sharp Two-edged Sword–Symbolic of God’s primary two spirits of Truth and Justice that cut, testify, expose, reveal, and judge in two ways without the dullness of equivocation
my soul from the grave" is Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways
is Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways
This is Hebrew dualism where the same thought is given in two ways
This is Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways
Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways is used throughout Psalms
(3) Proverbs 7:27 Another Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways
testify, expose, reveal, and judge in two ways without the dullness of equivocation
Carmel was in two ways a hiding place
where the same thing is said in two ways
thing is said in two ways
Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways is used throughout Psalm
The synthetic compound works in two ways
Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways is used throughout Psalm and Proverbs
The classification of particles by the “elements" we can use in two ways: absolute and relative
"You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit" and " you have brought up my soul from the grave" is Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways
Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways is used throughout Psalms and Proverbs
" Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways
" The "grave and destruction" is also Hebrew dualism where the same thing is said in two ways, a repeat for emphasis of "shall die
«The association with inner organs is done in two ways
And I have myself admitted candidly several times already that that psychology can be taken in two ways and that the second way is stronger and looks far more probable, and that apart from that I have as yet nothing against you
Thus the poet is like the painter in two ways: first he paints an inferior degree of truth, and secondly, he is concerned with an inferior part of the soul
The pleasure of eating is necessary in two ways; it does us good and it is essential to the continuance of life?
And now we may fairly take him and place him by the side of the painter, for he is like him in two ways: first, inasmuch as his creations have an inferior degree of truth--in this, I say, he is like him; and he is also like him in being concerned with an inferior part of the soul; and therefore we shall be right in refusing to admit him into a well-ordered State, because he awakens and nourishes and strengthens the feelings and impairs the reason
I told Conseil that sponges are fished up in two ways, either by dragnet or by hand
It came of my lifting up my own eyes from a task I was poring at—writing some passages from a book, to improve myself in two ways at once by a sort of stratagem—and seeing Biddy observant of what I was about
‘I’m not angry with you,’ he said still as gloomily; ‘but I’m sorry in two ways
Scarlett suffered from this gossip in two ways
In contrast, lower time frames are usually used in two ways: to time precise entries into trading time frame patterns or to monitor price action and conviction that may not be visible on higher time frame charts
These trades mislead in two ways in that they both double the volume of whichever side the initiator used, and they are only modestly directional in nature
You can convert data to a lower frequency with PROC EXPAND in two ways: First, you can use the same syntax as with converting to a higher sampling frequency, except that the TO= interval would be of a lower sampling frequency
You can remove the risk in two ways
" At Berkshire, we attempt to deal with this problem in two ways
Coercion of OPMIs occurs in two ways:
You can search the Internet in two ways: by using the search facility built into Safari and by using an independent search facility on the Web
This is accomplished in two ways: the dashboard, where you can see a selected set of charts, and in the charts for each element
As consumers, we will likely feel inflation the most in two ways, the grocery store and fuel
A change in interest rates can affect options in two ways
These attempts to change the trend direction all failed, further strengthening the uptrend in two ways
It will be remembered that Cosette was useful to the Thenardiers in two ways: they made the mother pay them, and they made the child serve them
Off balance in two ways, the weight of the thing being one, Unitarian practice another, the reverend clenched the book but did not open it, fearing that some lost chapter or verse might leap to disquiet his mind and capsize the ceremony
We must go back to basics and broaden the traditional paradigm in two ways
2 shows, the two biases can be summed in two ways
Filtration that is required because of the forthcoming corporate events may be executed in two ways
Treasury stocks can be created in two ways:
The function P(x,t) can be interpreted in two ways
In the first chapter I attempted to show that changed conditions act in two ways, directly on the whole organisation or on certain parts alone, and indirectly through the reproductive system
Such thick and extensive accumulations of sediment may be formed in two ways; either in profound depths of the sea, in which case the bottom will not be inhabited by so many and such varied forms of life as the more shallow seas; and the mass when upraised will give an imperfect record of the organisms which existed in the neighbourhood during the period of its accumulation
) reproduction takes place in two ways, namely, by means of eggs and by a process of budding with or without separation from the parent of the product of the latter, which is often very different from that of the egg
The doctrine of Jesus, like all religious doctrines, is regarded in two ways,—first, as a moral and ethical system which teaches men how they should live as individuals, and in relation to each other; second, as a metaphysical theory which explains why men should live in a given manner and not otherwise
Only in the morning, just at the time Nekhludoff came to see him, he was like a reasonable being, could understand what was said to him, and fulfil more or less aptly a proverb he was fond of repeating: “He’s tipsy, but he’s wise, so he’s pleasant in two ways
The removal of the contradiction between life and consciousness is possible in two ways,—by a change of life or by a change of consciousness, and in the choice of one of the two there can be no doubt
Now the new life-conception can be acquired only in two ways: in a spiritual (internal) and an experimental (external) way
This movement is accomplished in two ways: consciously, by moral causes; unconsciously, by material ones
The contradictions of life and of consciousness may be solved in two ways: by change of life, or by change of consciousness; and it would seem as if there could be no hesitation in a choice between the two
God expresses himself in two ways: in the object and in the subject, in nature and in spirit