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    inconsistent with example sentences

    inconsistent with

    1. When things are not as they seem to be, or when two truths appear inconsistent with one another the mind will always attend residence in the human body and in this world

    2. In the modern philosophy, it was frequently represented as generally, or rather as almost always, inconsistent with any degree of happiness in this life; and heaven was to be earned only by penance and mortification, by the austerities and abasement of a monk, not by the liberal, generous, and spirited conduct of a man

    3. The gaiety and good humour which those diversions inspire, were altogether inconsistent with that temper of mind which was fittest for their purpose, or which they could best work upon

    4. But to subject every private family to the odious visits and examination of the tax-gatherers, in the same manner as we subject the keepers of ale-houses and the brewers for public sale, would be altogether inconsistent with liberty

    5. Rita’s long black hair wild and inconsistent with her white lace gloves and in sharp contrast with the sombre attire of Akbar

    6. ‖ Awkward, juvenile attempts at ―connecting‖ with their children is inconsistent with real life situations facing most parents who generally have to deal with a broad variety of (uncertain) thoughts and emotions that oftentimes alienate young children coming age

    7. I believe that many of us could use a little bit more of that old-fashioned-styled ―Fire and Brimstone‖ conspicuously absent from today‘s sermons inasmuch as many of our priests have succumbed to politically correct manners inconsistent with church teachings

    8. I have often been reminded by Christians and Atheists alike that war, or any act of aggression for that matter, is inconsistent with Christ‘s Teaching

    9. That rather conspicuous moment in American History witnessed a troubling transformation in American political thought that subsequently ushered the moral and intellectual decline of traditional liberalism that would (eventually) invest it with an entirely different meaning; not to mention a peevish intolerance for liberal values deemed inconsistent with the emerging New World Order

    10. Greenberg‘s column (―Poll-itically Incorrect‖) criticizing the unsportsmanlike manner of some college football coaches who perennially run up scores against weaker opponents in order to impress pollsters, (and thereby secure higher national rankings), inconsistent with previous viewpoints expressed in earlier columns addressing the same issue

    11. America‘s traditional performance(s) in some areas, especially on racial matters, have been arguably inconsistent with or lagging behind its constitutional intentions

    12. His caustic remarks provoked a number of (unformed) thoughts in my mind including but not limited to 1) the boundaries separating treasonous statements from free speech 2) plausible grounds calling for his immediate dismissal 3) the appalling lack of character and common sense conspicuously absent among (so-called) Intellectuals and (dis-engaging) parents (refer to John Walker Lindh) who casually dismiss the questionable attitudes and positions adopted by their children while routinely footing the bill for their college tuitions and 4) more recently, a former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves (John Rocker) who was sentenced by the court of public opinion to perform community service after making unsavory remarks to a newspaper reporter about Gays and African Americans inconsistent with the (civic) requirements of social and politically correct conventions

    13. Being inconsistent with household rules and what we reward makes things so much

    14. “Evil: Violating or inconsistent with the moral law…Due to (actual or imputed) bad character or conduct

    15. Data showing warming periods inconsistent with current theory have been “fudged” to diminish their damage to current dogmatic theory

    16. Rosenbloom said the 11th-hour disclosure "is totally inconsistent with

    17. 2) an observational judgment that is inconsistent with that theoretical expectation

    18. not yet been associated with an experience inconsistent with personal expectation

    19. theories never deceive—they may be useless, they may be inconsistent with observations, and

    20. But, this is inconsistent with the fact that millions of tons of foodstuffs and raw materials are being shipped from Serminak, though the first ship will not return to Venak from there for almost two months

    21. ” He added that such aid was “inconsistent with the

    22. inconsistent with the reality of the situation

    23. confined by a spherical wall This is inconsistent with physicists’ descrip-

    24. inconsistent with rule 8, in which the chela is instructed to avoid contact with others

    25. " In the course of this address Jesus made several veiled references to his "life mission" but explained that, regardless of whether or not it might be inconsistent with the military idea, it, along with everything else in his life, had been given up in order that he might be able to discharge faithfully his obligation to his family

    26. If, therefore, it should be the will of Him who sent me and not inconsistent with my dedication to the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, I would desire to see my children made whole -- and --" but the further words of Jesus were lost in the tumult

    27. That prayer which is inconsistent with the known and established laws of God is an abomination to the Paradise Deities

    28. '" Before Jesus ceased speaking, he said further: "Let your hearts be so dominated by love that your spirit guide will have little trouble in delivering you from the tendency to give vent to those outbursts of animal anger which are inconsistent with the status of divine sonship

    29. Although you cannot determine the eternal fate of the individual, you may legislate regarding the conduct of the group, for, where two or three of you agree concerning any of these things and ask of me , it shall be done for you if your petition is not inconsistent with the will of my Father in heaven

    30. 5 The modern age will refuse to accept a religion which is inconsistent with facts and out of harmony with its highest conceptions of truth, beauty, and goodness

    31. “Unfortunately,” Gary continued, “it’s inconsistent with mammals

    32. I see these events as inconsistent with a loving God, but very much in the devil’s bailiwick

    33. This whole theory would mean, of course, that he was now cleverly acting the part of the concerned, grieving husband, a role Feltus had found inconsistent with certain aspects of his behaviour, namely the strange and suspicious looks that would frequently cross his visage and perhaps indicated that he was concealing something

    34. Under the mattress, they found a Qur‘an, which was obviously inconsistent with someone claiming to be a devout Catholic

    35. “That look! The one that says my bias is inconsistent with the philosophy of

    36. She heard a twig snap in a way that was inconsistent with the rest of the sounds around her

    37. 6: ‘His failure to act in protection of state resources constitutes a violation of executive ethics code and accordingly, amounts to conduct that is inconsistent with his office as a member of cabinet’

    38. 3 of the Code of Ethics state that Members of the Executive (which includes the President and any other member of the cabinet) may not wilfully mislead the legislature to which they are accountable; act in a way that is inconsistent with their position; use their position or any information entrusted to them, to enrich themselves or improperly benefit any other person; expose themselves to any situation involving the risk of a conflict between their official responsibilities and their private interests; or receive remuneration for any work or service other than for the performance of their functions as members of the Executive

    39. It is inconsistent with the natural evidence to suppose that the envisioned Originator of

    40. The sitting room, the main bedroom, all the other rooms were not inconsistent with that

    41. involve large amounts of cash inconsistent with the normal and expected activity

    42. account turnover inconsistent with the size of the balance maintained may indicate

    43. inconsistent with risk categorization and updated profile of customers

    44. Conversion : If there is a happening, that is inconsistent with owner’s right of

    45. that there's a point past which the individualistic attitude becomes inconsistent with human

    46. it is plain that this is inconsistent with and subversive of

    47. obviously inconsistent with that of those who had other

    48. “The energy levels at the hotel were inconsistent with the amount of activity you encountered

    49. This is inconsistent with their own teaching, particularly on

    50. language, could be interpreted in a sense inconsistent with Plato‘s theory

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