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    Use "indisputably" in a sentence

    indisputably example sentences


    1. – a very small one, it was true, but indisputably a luxury –

    2. " Indisputably the patrol dog members cheated by getting the meanest and biggest Alsatian they could find (very unfairly if you ask me who did know an Alsatian can be that size)

    3. have indisputably demonstrated that the enormous "ecological footprint" of modern individuals

    4. The stone was a symmetrical block, indisputably cut and shaped by human hands

    5. That had become the primary motive for murder, though there were many other possibilities, such as insurance, that he would need to consider before indisputably accepting this option and presenting it to the coroner and a subsequent jury

    6. Unfortunately, there was nothing left in this suite to indicate the identity of the killer, so it would be necessary to connect the perpetrator indisputably to this scene through something he or she possessed that had a relation to this room

    7. The next day we were up and about bright and early, I was dressed in my warrior attire and Coatl made a striking figure, insisting on wearing his ceremonial robes, we made our way to the square and the chairs and canopy set up for us, the village was very quiet, with very few people left, as we entered the square from the south, our Toxon squad came marching into the square from the west, they formed ranks in front of Coatl and I, going down on one knee they waited for orders, I told them to rise and their captain conveyed a message from Wedon stating that all the Toxon squads had arrived at their various settlements, I then deployed our soldiers to vantage points around the square, refreshing the tactics with each warrior, as the last of the villagers left for the stronghold, a deep silence descended on Tollan, in my minds eye I could picture the same situation in all of the Toltec settlements and feel the fear of the people in Bo-elon, with time to think the enormity of the challenge the Toltec had embarked upon couldn’t fail to nurture little doubts, today must be indisputably successful, then all the doubts would wash away, Coatl was totally oblivious of any doubt though, lazing back in his chair he drank another mug of brew, not a care in the world, quite frightening when you knew what he was capable of, late in the afternoon a messenger came running into the square and knelt on one knee in front of us

    8. ” He said indisputably

    9. indisputably killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians in

    10. I’ve been there, too, and seen the indisputably tangible evidence

    11. They indisputably recorded such

    12. To the racist Greeks, a Copt though indisputably inferior, is at least Christian and the word, rich, would have played its mitigating role

    13. A door opened, and I stood in the compartment where Captain Nemo, indisputably a world–class engineer, had set up his locomotive equipment

    14. "My good friend, as in all probability I own my present safety to that influence, it would ill become me to search too closely into its source; therefore, instead of condemning him for his intimacy with outlaws, you must give me leave to excuse any little irregularity there may be in such a connection; not altogether for preserving my life, for my own idea was that it never was in much danger, but certainly for saving me 4,000 piastres, which, being translated, means neither more nor less than 24,000 livres of our money—a sum at which, most assuredly, I should never have been estimated in France, proving most indisputably," added Albert with a laugh, "that no prophet is honored in his own country

    15. I turned away and stood extra still and upright, acutely aware of myself as an object of hot and exquisite beauty, feeling Jonathan’s eyes on my 100-percent-muscle ass and thighs, my breasts held high by the sweet bra beneath my slim-fitting shirt, my extra-light hair and bronze skin, my blue eyes made even bluer by the Plum Haze lipstick—a feeling which lasted for about the length of one song, at which point it reversed itself and I realized that I was a hideous beast with tree-bark-plucked-dead-chicken flesh on my hips and a too-tan, chawed-up face and weather-beaten hair and a lower abdomen that—in spite of all the exercise and deprivation and the backpack strap that for two months had squeezed it into what you’d guess would be oblivion—still had an indisputably rounded shape unless I was lying down or holding it in

    16. But a few days after their first anniversary, Tule was dead, and, indisputably, Hal Archer had done it

    17. Finally, the preening matador came to dispatch the wearied beast, but not before making several indisputably brave but taunting passes of the red muletas that disguised the blade

    18. She knew it would piss him off, being indisputably superior to anything he’d ever be able to create

    19. For indisputably skilled investors like Warren Buffett, wide diversification would be foolish, since it would water down the concentrated force of a few great ideas

    20. Given that the average mine takes a rock-bottom minimum of five years to bring into production, supply will indisputably lag demand as the global economy begins to expand, and this will mean sharply higher metals prices for a long, long time to come

    21. Although each formation has indisputably required a vast number of years for its deposition, several reasons can be given why each should not commonly include a graduated series of links between the species which lived at its commencement and close, but I cannot assign due proportional weight to the following considerations

    22. The proof must be given here, by all of us together, before my eyes, indisputably

    23. These laws furnish a legislative construction of the treaty, correspondent with that given by the Executive, and they vest in this branch of the Government indisputably a power to take possession of the country, whenever it might be proper in his discretion

    24. Clean-limbed throughout, with ears that, if they drooped, had no trace of coarseness and were set wide apart above a basin face, the mare showed race indisputably, notwithstanding the white in her forehead was too smudgy to be called a star, or that, though her muzzle tapered finely, the lower lip habitually protruded a bit

    25. But, sir, it is indisputably true, that there was no mention in the embargo message of those Orders in Council—no allusion to them in debate upon it—no knowledge of them at the time that the embargo law was passed, that can be proven by any document whatsoever entitled to the least respect; and I will even go so far as to allow as evidence the authority of any newspaper

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