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    Use "ineradicable" in a sentence

    ineradicable example sentences


    1. Their need to censor their neighbors, to be alert to the failings of others is “underlying and ineradicable

    2. Castle it would cost less to upgrade the rail network and provide free public transport over all of the British Isles, paid for by increased freight, than to continue with her crazy motorway plans that would only end in ineradicable urban congestion

    3. "It is a common assumption, and one that sometimes seems ineradicable even in the face of evidence to the contrary, that the Jews of today constitute a race, homogeneous entity easily recognizable

    4. But between Polonism and Slavonism there is not so much hatred as a complete and ineradicable incompatibility

    5. The traces of superstition remained in him long after, and were almost ineradicable

    6. Oh! it would never do! As his curate, his comrade, all would be right: I would cross oceans with him in that capacity; toil under Eastern suns, in Asian deserts with him in that office; admire and emulate his courage and devotion and vigour; accommodate quietly to his masterhood; smile undisturbed at his ineradicable ambition; discriminate the Christian from the man: profoundly esteem the one, and freely forgive the other

    7. The long time he had spent in Petersburg had left ineradicable traces in his heart

    8. By that which was about to happen to them, the shameful, terrible, ineradicable thing that was to happen to them, they were separated from all the rest of the world, and so were unable to feel what he, Gabriel Andersen, felt, just as he was unable to feel what they felt

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    "ineradicable" definitions

    not able to be destroyed or rooted out