Use "infect" in a sentence
infect example sentences
1. It would infect people in different ways: some formed boils under their armpits, some on their genitalia, and then some had pneumonic plague which gathered in the lungs
2. However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being
3. No doubt Moamar knew as well as the Haadij that the virus would infect any of their seed they set in this ground
4. Have you ever seen someone who’s agitated infect a
5. They infect each other
6. “So we think,” Elmore said, “but you never know what bacteria might infect, especially bacteria that can produce plastic, which Alan says they have
7. To infect him would be a tremendous boon to their forces, they would no longer need superior numbers to win
8. Arig Flamebow told them he feared the taint would infect them all sooner than later, and he referred to the entire male population of wielders
9. "She doesn't have long but can she can still infect the rest of us?"
10. They would need to infect the host or human with another agent for the probe to work effectively
11. “But they could still infect you, Simon
12. host of painful mental states that infect both the guilty snorer, and the
13. Probably frightened I"d infect them with homosexuality
14. Probably the less time we spend wandering around Oasis with the potential to infect others with our heresies, the happier they’ll be
15. It was like he was speaking to the lads but infect he was quacking
16. In their blood is a DNA strand that can infect normal
17. They are the ones the vampires will infect
18. “Did you infect the woman you were just with,” she asked him anxiously
19. Infect as many as possible as quick as
20. of them to split up and head throughout the land to infect it all
21. inocular, to infect with
22. And if the egg breaks inside her, the veterinarian may have to perform minor surgery to remove bits of egg before they infect the oviduct
23. They will infect you with positive vibration and strengthen your belief
24. can infect pigeons, other birds and animals, and humans
25. and knowingly infect a person or persons with an STD
26. pleasure as a primary motive and not to deliberately infect
27. Men can infect others and women
28. The zombies kill and/or infect others
29. If we gave this to Forrest, he could easily infect others
30. A manager who is not sympathetic to your needs to stay home when you are under the weather has to realize that your presence could infect some of your co-workers and that might affect the project deadlines
31. ‘’Moderately only, and doing nothing that could infect your burns
32. Wedon, being elevated to high priest by the god Quetzalcoatl himself made him the most powerful priest in Anahuac, no priest would dare to usurp this god-given position, all other priests would come under his direct guidance and their usual scheming would be stopped by him, before it could fester and infect the whole priesthood as it had under the Teoti
33. People from miles around had made their way to the city for the celebration and were coming and going in their hundreds, everyone was dressed in their best clothes and the carnival atmosphere seemed to infect everybody
34. Infect Others With Success!
35. Let them infect you with their success and winning attitude
36. Although the disease of American healthcare could easily spread to infect other
37. Just about every stupid scheme to burn, poison, drown, electrocute, infect, drop, explode, crush and mutilate animals has been carried out against innocent fellow earthlings
38. But politicians are so reprehensible that they enacted special protections, above and beyond the common citizen, for the most heinous stench-filled puss bags to ever infect the earth
39. Inside are a series of showers and baths meant to clean yourselves of any potential body and hair lice and other little critters that could in turn potentially infect the whole inn
40. "You know what, we should make up our own ‘statement wear’ that makes our stance clear on those life-swindling, interfering types who feel the need to infect someone else's success with their own foolproof formula for mediocrity
41. to infect the workplace
42. These first two verses perfectly set the stage for all of us as far as what God the Father really thinks of this negative spirit and quality that could infect anyone of us at anytime
43. Many countries have open sewers, which can easily infect the smallest scratch, so that before you know it you have a throbbing ulcer leaking green pus
44. your life, then now is the time to infect those around you
45. It is the endless electronic comformication of monergy that not only keeps corporatenisms alive, but also this hyper-dominance of financial virtualnisms which allows corporatenisms to both co-opt human social organs and to virally infect Earth's emerging neural brain and conditionally emergent consciousness
46. How we live can infect, inoculate, or improve her health
47. language, this is the worst of viruses that can infect a computer
48. Love is not a virus; it does not infect others
49. Would love infect the GlobalMind upon Its awakening?
50. “A blank mind waiting for a designed virus to infect it with an End Game
1. Uh! If I wasn't infected with that Instinct I'd spill his guts on his mother's carpet with a carving fork
2. It was lucky that disease was not very contagious, but there was a scare thruout the city for awhile and it turned out quite a few had been infected
3. people are infected with diseases
4. Is that a statement of human depravity, or does he really mean that this whole world is infected? I know the obvious context is speaking of mankind
5. That thing drew your blood and infected you with its poison
6. ROBERT: Was she infected with any venereal disease as a result of the encounter?
7. Those Brazilians became infected as soon as they touched the hulk we left behind
8. Your substrate is in a single bubble that is infected
9. site for 7 days, therefore my back up was also infected
10. An important Brazilian had died, hundreds were infected and the university had dispatched a floater to fly the corpse up here for analysis
11. Harry rescued them, “That sounds like something they'd think up for you to do; doesn't it!?” and his own laughter infected them
12. It had infected some in Gengee City and an unknown number of the Brazilians
13. Even if he was mad, even if he purposely sabotaged the ship to land them on an infected planet, Gem couldn’t deny that he was still damned clever
14. Clever enough it seemed, to not only live in an infected world, but to have thrived within it
15. “But he was wrong, the world was infected
16. Because of the silence, they assumed everyone beyond the city avoided Lock Core because it was under siege, or they were already dead and infected
17. You will submit to the Death Guard for inspection or be condemned as infected
18. Quite the contrary, if they existed they would have been infected with the Instinct for centuries
19. We now believe he not only entered the Black Door prior to the War of Lock Core but that in doing so he became infected
20. Unlike the Meat Puppets -- who were infected, killed, then came back to life -- the Living Dead where infected while still alive, and never actually ‘died’
21. Alan had told her that was a trip his flesh could not have survived if he hadn't been among Kassidorian humans and been infected with the anti-aging viruses
22. Anon wanted to say that he was immune to the Plague, and that he could not be infected
23. Newly infected can recover, but one such as yourself
24. Until he had been infected by the Plague, Anon had never truly known the meaning of the word
25. For Anon, he should have been relatively weak, but Imorbis had infected him with the pure strain
26. If Imorbis was infected by the latest evolution of the Plague, then perhaps he truly did need Anon’s help to be freed of the Dead Tree
27. Besides which, now that Anon was infected as well, who was going to save him? The truth was that he may survive this battle only to find himself enlisting in the Dark Army
28. But the Dead Tree had many servants, particularly the newly infected Elder God, Ostedes
29. No one can raise a hand to another after being infected with that, and since that virus could be transmitted thru the air, just about everyone has been infected by now
30. The foul stench of infected, rotting flesh
31. His infected brothers came to him
32. Besides, if she didn’t, she doubted she could defeat him once fully infected
33. The infected Elders took a moment to survey the battle, then, wasting no time they struck out against the ‘good’ Makii
34. As the twelve infected Chosen and Elders charged forward, Kendal ran out to great them with a pair of flaming fists
35. He caught wind of it behind him, but he knew the most pungent scent came from him – his infected leg
36. and even infected, but he had healed all his wounds
37. lazy is explained: they have been infected by
38. Mythology – who have been infected and the
39. "You and I, we're both infected
40. "We've both been bitten, but we were infected the right way,” I said, using Walt's terminology
41. His pants had fallen around his ankles due to his disease assisted weight loss, but most of his hair was probably gone prior to him being infected
42. Being infected caused a nearly miraculous regeneration, but it was almost like their aging process had been reversed
43. Once again, I found myself thinking about Walter and what he had told me of his emphysema being gone within two weeks of becoming infected
44. With the tele-porting of the infected pods
45. It seemed there was a split vote between them, some having the normal fears that I was infected and a monster, but I also had some Elders in my favor
46. It’s got to be infected and we don’t have any way of dealing with that here
47. The doctor started to cut the infected flesh away and swabbed the puss out of the wound then he washed my shoulder out with surgical alcohol and I passed out with the pain for a moment
48. There must have been shit or putrefied flesh on the barbs of the wire and when it gouged into him it infected his leg and he contracted first blood poisoning and then gangrene we were told that he tried to fight it even when his leg was amputated but it had gone too far
49. Of course we had all been affected by it but in Eli’s case it was much more severe and had really infected him
50. We're fairly sure the cause was a ruptured and infected
1. ’ Janet said equally straight-faced as she leaves the room, and I double up with laughter rapidly infecting Nick
2. Was the brush he was sitting in infecting him with poison or disease? Were there deadly diseases in the water? Much of the water had splashed over his foot, would the wound be full of worms if he survived til daylight?
3. infecting the city’s liver
4. and multiplied, infecting the young and the old, the rich and the
5. This entire time, it believed Imorbis had been doing its will; helping to see the Elf Prince removed from his hole and separated from his staff, and infecting and leading Anon into a trap
6. Danny felt a deep panic spread through every muscle and sinew infecting his mind with despair
7. They had also increased, the more he worked with Power; Torin told him it was the taint infecting his mind
8. Was it the taint infecting his mind or was it a sign? He needed rest and another day of Healing to set his mind right before he could make any sense of it
9. The last time he had had such symptoms was when the illness was first infecting his mind on Earth
10. He wondered if the taint was infecting his teacher also
11. Was it the taint infecting his mind, the Sickness, or the Darkness as the immortals called it? Or was it a part of that connection with this Angel of the Low Realm
12. Surprisingly, he sensed little contempt from the male wielders in regard to the Sons of Odin infecting teron with the taint
13. ‘How about infecting the core monitor program with a virus?’
14. How many of us would have the courage that he showed , when purposely infecting himself with the vector for puerperal fever in the attempt to find the cure, found it, and gave his life in the finding?
15. Thus falsehoods rise up, bearing chains of imprisonment; harlotries increase bringing forth illness, infecting the whole of the body
16. ‘Limon Province, continually neglected by the corrupt power structure of the federal government: bridges down and a plague of crack cocaine infecting the province, and what does the federal government do? Nothing
17. was just the influence of Tybalt as a virus infecting all
18. This discipline problem can't go on any longer without infecting the rest
19. “Fear thusly is as primitive as ‘tis deceptive, brilliantly; doth kiss thy cheek, as would a friend, infecting thee with its disease
20. bites for infecting and fornication is allowed, even encouraged
21. It was years before this disease - the Islamic Revolution, infecting our country
22. infecting man and beast and mice;
23. We loped through the streets and I screamed out my joy and exhilaration infecting Diomed with my brand of crazy so that he bucked in sheer exuberance
24. -Deliberately infecting you with an STD either by force or
25. “This is an official army general order, signed by you, authorizing the formation of Unit 731, a unit dealing with biological warfare and which conducted experiments on live prisoners, infecting them with all sorts of diseases
26. many as they can, thus infecting the whole society with false
27. into heaps of infecting dung;
28. the infecting disease among our intellectual elites
29. of his infecting consuming presence
30. in his canyon are dead or dying, infecting the others in the process
31. Delay is a poster child for party politics and the appearance of blatant abuse of power and corruption infecting the American political system
32. She could imagine the gossip about her infecting the student body
33. doughnut, unloaded Gato and headed for the front door in hopes of finding out what was infecting the underside of the otherwise
34. neuroligcal impairment is induced through a lack of nutrition by infecting them with a parasite
35. from all sides, infecting their fortunes and their generations
36. And to make matters worse, not knowing that he was infected with AIDS, he ended up infecting his wife with it
37. ” I paused with anxiety infecting my core
38. I got as far as infecting the bacteria with viral DNA before freezing the experiment
39. Locke thought of the Symbols infecting Gambling City
40. Bilal: Dear teacher, now I have understood the real meaning of: ((Satan has touched me with distress…)) that is to say; he had been touched by Satan through what Satan whispered in the spirits of prophet’s people infecting them with evils, illness and suspicion against the Prophet’s Call
41. Infecting the needy with the want of all is spiritual rape
42. "going around" as if it were making the rounds infecting every child in its path
43. She had thought perhaps by infecting him somehow with cholera or some other deadly disease, but she quickly realized that a contagious ailment might also cause her demise
44. If a rabid dog is running loose and biting and infecting people, and the people do nothing to stop the dog, is it then the dog’s fault that harm is being done unrestrainedly?”
45. Over the years I have myself fallen prey to this sin and whenever it comes upon me I separate myself from my wives because if I was to lay with them while consumed by this lust I would be infecting them as well so I stay at my place and I pray, I ask the Lord to help me avoid this pit trap and until I’ve rid my heart of it I won’t touch my wives because not only would I be infecting them but I would be cheating on them even as I recomitted myself to them and wouldn’t the devil just enjoy that?
46. What is the criminal practice of swindling but skinning someone alive of their money? The inhuman horror of killing and skinning and poisoning, and greed, and hate these first English scum were unleashing upon a virgin continent that had never been raped… the huge energy potential of the growing cancerous poisons they were infecting this land with… was so huge: that these first would-be skinners lost their own skins in the process and died horrible deaths
47. As long as the North American natives did not resist: their slow-systematic genocide went on unnoticed by everyone except the few whites who were personally involved in murdering them, cheating them, infecting them with European diseases, selling them rotgut alcohol, and treating them as if they were not human
48. It did this by poisoning the lowest classes of civilized humans with the corruption of the highest classes: by infecting all the lowest classes with greed and the ambition of upward mobility
49. By infecting the lowest classes with the worst evil of elite corruption: personal selfishness: egocentricity
50. The result was a huge influx of Moslem culture, ideas, and influences; invading and successfully infecting western European cultures
1. Son of Odin: Title given to Adem Highlander, Carl Wilder, and Wil Martyr, the three witnesses to ghosts on Earth, who are transported to the world of Kismeria, where they bring the taint that infects teron, the male half of the Power
2. The World Health Organization estimates that malaria infects 300 to 400
3. infects all parts of our lives with Him
4. One might say that this hidden and subtle force infects all life, including Sci–Coll adherents and the Occidental State
5. A disturbing stillness infects the land and air
6. necessary, as if the blob needs to expel a secret of past crimes, a capital sin that infects the blob
7. gossiping that pervades our society and infects the Body of Christ
8. they’re in a hurry, and this anxious desire to leap into tomorrow infects the
9. Sadness infects its gaze
10. Thus, betaine supplementation should not be used during active urinary tract infects or in
11. He’s rolling over on the bed, and starts hiccupping with laughter, until eventually it infects us all and we start giggling too
12. papilloma virus, which infects the outer layer of skin
13. ‘In 1997 this place goes back to China and infects the
14. Orchitis is a disease caused by bacteria and virus which infects the men one
15. But: being born into a condition of fear already infects them with this imbalance-disease
16. Under his breath he whispered, “Lord please show me the way and enable me to destroy this pit of darkness that infects the land with blasphemy
17. It infects everyone and is everywhere
18. Reagan’s grim mood infects the whole country
19. Lydgate pausing and looking at her began to feel that half-maddening sense of helplessness which comes over passionate people when their passion is met by an innocent-looking silence whose meek victimized air seems to put them in the wrong, and at last infects even the justest indignation with a doubt of its justice
20. It infects every conscious trading moment
21. And even those two won’t fly if the AI infects them
22. But his unnamed striving, which is expressed by his terror in the presence of solitude, is so sincere that it infects us and draws us more powerfully than many, very many sermons of love, which are enunciated with the lips alone
23. All this, if only the boy, when telling the story, again experiences the feelings he had lived through and infects the hearers and compels them to feel what the narrator had experienced, is art
24. A speech delivered in Chinese may be excellent, and may yet remain incomprehensible to me if I do not know Chinese; but what distinguishes a work of art from all other mental activity is just the fact that its language is understood by all, and that it infects all without distinction
25. Art is differentiated from activity of the understanding, which demands preparation and a certain sequence of knowledge (so that one cannot learn trigonometry before knowing geometry), by the fact that it acts on people independently of their state of development and education, that the charm of a picture, sounds, or of forms, infects any man whatever his plane of development
26. Musical execution is only then art, only then infects, when the sound is neither higher nor lower than it should be, that is, when exactly the infinitely small center of the required note is taken; when that note is continued exactly as long as is needed; and when the strength of the sound is neither more nor less than is required
27. As soon as the spectator, hearer, or reader feels that the artist is infected by his own production, and writes, sings, or plays for himself, and not merely to act on others, this mental condition of the artist infects the receiver; and, contrariwise, as soon as the spectator, reader, or hearer feels that the author is not writing, singing, or playing for his own satisfaction,—does not himself feel what he wishes to express,—but is doing it for him, the receiver, a resistance immediately springs up, and the most individual and the newest feelings and the cleverest technique not only fail to produce any infection, but actually repel
28. The reproach is unjust, for the subject-matter of all kinds of ornamentation consists not in the beauty, but in the feeling (of admiration of, and delight in, the combination of lines and colors) which the artist has experienced and with which he infects the spectator
29. By certain external signs—movements, lines, colors, sounds or arrangements of words—an artist infects other people so that they share his feelings; thus, "art is a means of union among men, joining them together in the same feeling