Use "inhumanity" in a sentence
inhumanity example sentences
1. inhumanity and misery of her escape, but I will tell you that the
2. would devise whatever inhumanity he could to teach her a lesson in
3. himself up to his sick inhumanity
4. Instead only the extent of human inhumanity,
5. and struggle with the unkindness and inhumanity that they
6. He then mutilated the child's mother while filming the entire half hour of brutal inhumanity
8. Undone by our own inhumanity towards one another
9. The sheer inhumanity of it all then overwhelmed Heracles, who couldn’t help his eyes from filling with tears
10. The thing you would least want to taste! Oh, the inhumanity of it all!
11. So if the quality of love is recognized by all peoples and all nations, then why is it that throughout the course of human history there has been so many wars, so much hatred, so much crime, and so much inhumanity done to our fellow man? If everyone knows what love is, then how could so many people throughout the course of our human history commit the evil and atrocious acts they have committed?
12. ‘Don’t tell me about human courtesies as I had seen the visage of inhumanity at close quarters,’ said Raja Rao, brushing aside Sandhya’s protests
13. The mind of Germans mastered extreme inhumanity under ruthlessness
14. a real one…artificial ones are the ultimate inhumanity)
15. After the Almighty God has drawn our attention within the beginning of this Surah to some great cosmic signs (wonders), He the Almighty out of his Compassion and Mercy upon us has wanted to warn us of losing our life in vain and to advise us to evade the path of distress and malice which leads to inhumanity, therefore He put in our hand a real example of people who didn’t think of these cosmic signs (wonders) which if they had thought about, they would have led them to be acquainted with their Creator and having the true belief, but they indulged themselves in this inferior life, God Says:
16. But three thousand years later do you still think this is the epitome of justice and the highest calling of a penal system that a post-infotech culture can achieve? Has your social ethic of acceptable behavior become one of 'I want them to feel the pain I do!'? Is this really as far as you want to advance spiritually – to be equally inhumane as the perpetrators of inhumanity? Is this what you want to see on Justice TV's i for an Eye: some lucky lotto winner torturing the torturer, killing the killer, raping the rapist, drugging the pusher?
17. At the rehab whatever I saw was the extent of inhumanity
18. It seemed to me that I had done all in my power short of inhumanity to the horses to help him, and it was surely not my fault that Charlotte had not happened to stay anywhere long enough for us to catch her up
19. Despite the inhumanity of its features, I could see sadness there
20. It defies all logic and the inhumanity of what you did to those women defies belief
21. loving their lifestyle while others damning it for its inhumanity,
22. The development of inhumanity, competition, aggression, war, killing, hate etc… came from the increase in population density
23. During the tool-progress of civilization, the same blind prejudices, vices, and crimes of inhumanity have been steadily repeated for at least 10,000 years
24. The increase of new deadly viruses, the increase of nuclear proliferation, the increase of toxic chemicals in the water, air, and earth and plants and animals and humans: the accelerating levels of psychotic insane detachment, distraction and inhumanity of the entire species living inside the artificial womb of mechanized industrial civilization: the instant this artificial support system implodes upon itself: 90-99% of the human population will die almost instantly so fast: it will be impossible to determine exactly what killed them
25. Yet, that practice alone has been responsible for more inhumanity, brutality, killing, and bloodshed than all human slavery combined
26. This is the new, modern inhumanity of machine abstraction: destroying all forms of human-to-human contact and replacing it with human-to-machine contact
27. How obvious an example do you want, to underline the selective stupidity of exclusive wealth? How obvious an example do you want to demonstrate the insane inhumanity of selective fan-worship of famous rich people? How obvious an example do you want to expose the asinine, obscene stupidity of the concept of perfection? How perfect is Hollywood? How many people who worship perfection; pay money to watch it on a screen? How perfectly does Hollywood suck in trillions of dollars that could be used to feed starving babies? How ethical is this use of money, adulation, power, status, and wealth? How ethical, how moral is Hollywood? How insulated is Hollywood from the rest of the World’s poverty? What is the point of pouring trillions of dollars into crass, sick entertainments? What is the point of pouring money into lying, distorted fairy-tales and completely ignoring all of the starving sick, and poor people on Earth? This is one cultural example of how the civilized idea of perfection can poison the entire human race
28. What if there was no linear functioning, linear thinking, linear logic, linear power, linear inhumanity, or linear destructiveness? What if we thought-felt-acted-inter-acted on more than one level at a time? Today…people cannot even imagine such a way of living
29. And are forced to live by new rules of total insulated selfishness, and become normalized to a completely new kind of inhumanity
30. The inhumanity of unfeeling, numbed, coldness, instead of the inhumanity of burning hot weeping pain
31. The inhumanity of living amongst uncaring indifferent strangers instead of close, intimate, poor, fellow sufferers… all searching for the happiness of an easier life to escape their poverty
32. What is that but a cop-out? What is that but treason to your own fatherland? What is that but worshipping and flocking to the Richest Nations? If all poor people stayed in their poor countries: they would at least polarize the inhumanity and unfairness of the global system of politics so clearly; that rich people in richer countries would not be able to live with their own conscience
33. Then there would be less hypocrisy in politics, and more honest hate, more honest injustice, more honest inhumanity
34. ’ Until it makes them incapable of being honest about so many things; their selective tool-brain whitewashes, avoids, censors, deflects, changes, manipulates so much of the human psyche; that you get a twisted, stunted, deformed version of reality, of their humanity… until you get pride, arrogance, smugness, blindness, inhumanity
35. For 100 years, the upper ruling lass and the bourgeois class had been forced to give concessions to the growing millions of industrial workers who were rebelling against the new industrial inhumanity of mechanized slavery which western civilization had invented
36. It was only after the Poles began slaughtering Germans in Poland on a genocidal level of mass horror and inhumanity, only after the Poles built huge concentration camps where they were starving Germans to death and working them to death and killing them and slaughtering them on a mass scale designed to systematically kill and exterminate every German man
37. But why have Ethiopia and many parts of Africa been perennially the worst areas of drought, disease, civil war, brutality, inhumanity, starvation, etc? one reason is that these races refuse to grow out of a tribal culture that became obsolete and out-of-date before the first Egyptian Pyramids were built 7,000 years ago
38. If popular consumer culture accurately mirrors what consumers like, and what they are like: does this mean that when modern consumers are with their spouses or mates…they have the urge to vomit on each other in disgust; since their culture portrays love and kindness to be disgusting? Do they watch Nazi Death camp films to laugh themselves sick because the old Nazi forms of brutality and inhumanity are much funnier than our modern forms of inhumanity? Do civilized humans try to be as cruel and unloving as possible just to conform to what their society expects of them? Is this kind of mindless conformity, evil, hate, cruelty, and corruption, hiding under the guise of modern humor, good for us? One effect civilization has on humans is that it turns civilized humans into emotionally sick people, with emotionally sick attitudes, and emotionally sick values and ideas about what is funny
39. The crucial difference between humaneness and inhumanity is simply a question of connection and balance: you can see this acted out every day in ordinary life
40. Ultimately, all forms of inhumanity are caused by separation and insulation without any connectiveness
41. What you get is a façade of politeness with every imaginable inhumanity being practiced secretly inside closed minds, behind closed doors, inside closed societies, and closed communities
42. You cannot allow yourself to remain sensitive to the pain of neglect, or indifference, or unfeeling inhumanity
43. You will have the process of all human injustice and inhumanity laid bare before you
44. Apart from those two episode of active resistance: the North American Indians went to their doom… never understanding the inhumanity of white European culture
45. And then over a period of 50 years… the practice of starvation, killing and sadism and inhumanity began to shrink: as the Camp guards realized that their atrocities might go reported by surviving concentration camp slaves
46. No historian dares tell of the real reasons for all this inhumanity
47. The relative kindness and cruelty and inhumanity of any rulers can only be understood in the relative context of the times and culture they lived-in
48. Once: the inhumanity of decapitation made us civilized
49. Now the inhumanity of DeCapitalization: makes us stupid civilized slaves
50. England would have rid itself of its own social inhumanity faster and better than it ever did by rich scum like Scrooge giving a few paltry donations to the institutionalization of social poverty and degradation