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    insist upon example sentences

    insist upon

    1. Actually, more often than not it was some other member, or collection of members of the family who had to insist upon stepping in and shouldering the unexpected burdens whenever necessary

    2. and geometry, does the wise teacher insist upon the

    3. Tell me why Starbucks employees insist upon filling my cup to the top, unless I make eye contact and insist they leave room

    4. But its obviously similar original configuration places hominid’s and then Man’s physical forms well within the rest of the animal world, contrary to what the objectors to similarity appear to insist upon

    5. I’ve never met him, and I’ll certainly insist upon doing so before- well

    6. the United States, in fact, people usually insist upon doing so

    7. But I must insist upon something from you

    8. instruction that we insist upon, instruction which is almost totally

    9. men for the same work, to insist upon there being roles that are only

    10. Thus part of the discipline that an Investor should insist upon is

    11. He shifted uncomfortably on Mother’s fussy sofa, wondering why it was necessary for women to insist upon quite so many cushions (or indeed why it was necessary to have any at all)

    12. antichrist, the future ruler of this world, will insist upon killing Christians for refusing to denounce the Lord

    13. They boldly insist upon a return to the faith of the primitive Muhammadan Church, to its simplicity of manners, its purity of life, and its determination to spread the Truth, at whatever expenses of the blood of the Infidel, and at whatever sacrifice of themselves

    14. I could hardly insist upon it

    15. It was Olin that told me to insist upon it

    16. death if heshould insist upon marrying his cousin; that was the

    17. you will but utter the mandate and insist upon its execution

    18. matters with him, but insist upon an absolute surrender on his part

    19. Insist upon your mouth wearing upturned corners,

    20. ‘But this alone I insist upon

    21. From such descriptions of the subordinate powers of evil the Gospel writers never shrink; they insist upon this testimony to the end

    22. We have thought it right to draw attention to these considerations in order to insist upon a fairer examination of the Scripture evidence on the subject of this chapter than is possible under the prepossessions which have been now referred to

    23. to insist upon the young magician finding the means to restore your wife to her

    24. The same ghastly mess was made of several other `jobs' besides this one, and presently they adopted the plan of painting strips of colour on the wall in the places where the joints would come, so that if they opened the white wall would not show: but it was found that the paste on the back of the paper dragged the paint off the wall, and when the joints opened the white streaks showed all the same, so Misery abandoned all attempts to prevent joints showing, and if a customer complained, he sent someone to `touch it up': but the lining paper was never used, unless the customer or the architect knew enough about the work to insist upon it

    25. when the next waiter passes, insist upon his taking something

    26. Meantime, what we have to do is to insist upon the duty of the State to provide productive work for the unemployed, the State feeding of schoolchildren, the nationalization or Socialization of Railways; Land; the Trusts, and all public services that are still in the hands of private companies

    27. The train was his, he said, and he would insist upon the exclusive use of it

    28. But one of the girls, who occupied an adjoining bed, was more wakeful than Tess, and would insist upon relating to the latter various particulars of the homestead into which she had just entered

    29. As for my division of people into ordinary and extraordinary, I acknowledge that it's somewhat arbitrary, but I don't insist upon exact numbers

    30. Those black angularities which his face had used to put on when his wishes were thwarted now did duty in picturing the incorrigible backslider who would insist upon turning again to his wallowing in the mire

    31. ministry he had devoted so many years of his own life, and would have helped him to enter a theological college to that end; but since his correspondent had possibly not cared to do this on account of the delay it would have entailed, he was not the man to insist upon its paramount importance

    32. I absolutely insist upon the good and loyal services of Mme

    33. I insist upon it that your father shall not know, unless I choose to tell him," added Lydgate, with a more peremptory emphasis

    34. If the above discussion is compared with that on page 179 of accompanying CD, it will be seen that investors in bonds of a holding company must insist upon a consolidated income account, in which the subsidiary interest—whether guaranteed or not—is shown as a prior charge; but that purchasers of unguaranteed subsidiary bonds cannot accept such consolidated reports as a measure of their safety, and must require a statement covering the subsidiary alone

    35. But if stockholders’ opinions were properly informed, it would insist upon curtailing the despotic powers given the directorate over the dividend policy

    36. But such benevolent deceptions are frowned upon by enlightened opinion, as illustrated by the more recent regulations of the New York Stock Exchange which insist upon full disclosure of subsidiaries’ earnings

    37. (Whether through hypocrisy or self-deception, brokerage-house customers generally refuse to admit they are merely gambling with ticker quotations and insist upon some ostensible “reason” for their purchases

    38. 6 If the market value of the assets falls below 100% of the funded debt, a condition of insolvency would seem to be created which entitles the bondholders to insist upon immediate remedial action

    39. It would be foolish, however, to insist upon such arbitrary criteria

    40. She stopped and wanted to insist upon my taking my shoes, but I would not

    41. Since this sort of details might, particularly at the present moment, and to use an expression now in fashion, give to the Bishop of D—— a certain "pantheistical" physiognomy, and induce the belief, either to his credit or discredit, that he entertained one of those personal philosophies which are peculiar to our century, which sometimes spring up in solitary spirits, and there take on a form and grow until they usurp the place of religion, we insist upon it, that not one of those persons who knew Monseigneur Welcome would have thought himself authorized to think anything of the sort

    42. From a still more serious point of view, and one which it is also proper to insist upon here, this war, which wounded the military spirit of France, enraged the democratic spirit

    43. "Provincial," said the man, "if you positively insist upon it, I

    44. He added: "I insist upon it that the mother shall treat them well

    45. And then, we insist upon it, the study of social deformities and infirmities, and the task of pointing them out with a view to remedy, is not a business in which choice is permitted

    46. We will not insist upon this point; this is not the proper

    47. There, nevertheless, we insist upon it, is life, palpitation, human tremor

    48. And yet, we insist upon the word, people were always welcome there

    49. We must insist upon one psychological fact peculiar to barricades

    50. Thus, for instance, and we insist upon it, what the chiefs of the insurrection of 1832, and, in particular, the young enthusiasts of the Rue de la Chanvrerie were combating, was not precisely Louis Philippe

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