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    Use "instead of" in a sentence

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    instead of

    1. In the evening before you go to bed instead of

    2. Instead of spending time on social media how about going on YouTube and instead of watching

    3. Instead of spending those couple minutes driving around waiting for

    4. on your goal instead of focusing on the tv

    5. You take two hours each day for one year and you focus on your goal instead of whatever else you are using the same 2 hours for each day

    6. He had to go find her, well maybe not today, but instead of just wishing she was here

    7. · Instead of tinned fruits and juices, use fresh fruit and juices

    8. Instead of saying avoid chemicals at all cost, I suggest not using any chemicals that can harm you and your environment

    9. Instead of asking, “How old are you?” we should ask, “How many years have you lived?”

    10. I prefer the smoking or pipe tobacco instead of the dust

    11. · Take the back road instead of the main crowded road

    12. The motors and pumps were from a waterpark with the boilers adapted to burn liquid fuel instead of cordwood

    13. ” He beamed with pride as if it were him that was getting through the security instead of the Super Chip

    14. But instead of joy and pride in his task as guardian, and overwhelming jealousy bubbled in his stomach

    15. Concentrating on the effect instead of the cause is wasted effort

    16. Some things had to be investigated instead of assumed, and now that he knew for sure the door was locked, he knew exactly how to proceed

    17. It had a line of blue, instead of red, liquid trapped inside a see-through tube

    18. We should ask ourselves, "What did we do with what we were given?" A lot of people are going to have a hard time explaining to God why they chose their plan instead of His while they were here on earth

    19. We have also the responsibility to help our less fortunate brethren, at least in their old age, to be exposed to spiritual thoughts and service to others instead of self-preservation

    20. Therefore use hair from a men’s salon instead of a woman’s, as most men do not use these chemicals

    21. This process gradually steps up the consciousness and enables the aspirant to arrive at the life side of manifestation instead of the form side

    22. For all the Troll might of arms, the telling factor over time had been the tiny babies produced by Elven woman so that almost all mothers survived, instead of the average Troll woman's chance in those days, dying in her fourth or fifth childbirth

    23. “And if I could get more people to do what l am doing instead of consistently destroying the environment she would have a much easier job

    24. instead of one single repetitive operation on a large sheet we could punch out smaller

    25. Instead of picking up my

    26. The wider wheels are smaller, only six feet in diameter instead of eight, leaving the backbone a foot closer to the ground

    27. is why He established the seventh day of the week as a day when, instead of

    28. Instead of grumbling about the world, instead of

    29. Instead of growing old and decrepit from illnesses, the children of

    30. "We should be doing something about it instead of trundling this old crate into the wilds," Estwig said

    31. "Pretend Juleel is here enjoying the fire instead of preaching about this asteroid

    32. could occupy it, instead of letting it be filled with fear and depression

    33. Instead of obeying

    34. He was telling his problems to loan sharks in the cash for gold instead of his dad

    35. instead of being afraid a man is filled with faith

    36. die at once instead of being alive”

    37. He had a screen in his house like he would have had back in Brazil since four hundred years ago now, except that it looked like a crystal ball instead of a screen

    38. counted for nearly an hour, but instead of marshalling his thoughts towards the

    39. "Why don't we talk about where we are instead of this, why don't we discuss the philosophy of this civilization, a civilization that exists without violence and coercion

    40. They scolded each other about how long it had been since they'd actually talked instead of just leaving quick notes for each other

    41. It was the one that had been left on Biology Base, way back in 2271, when it was only one hundred years old instead of two hundred and fifty

    42. Instead of admitting they had a legitimate

    43. Now, instead of being overwhelmed by confusion, I felt strangely refreshed with this waking

    44. Weak instead of strong – When challenges to the Almighty God arose, Zedekiah

    45. Instead of shredding them, it slammed into the junk and peppered the hull with little flashes and hot spots from the impacts

    46. Instead of torture I felt the cigarette being placed into my fingers

    47. Instead of a remembrance of time through the satiation of hunger I recall only periods of light and dark

    48. That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman's commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other ''services'', instead of books

    49. At a moment, he advises us: “When bad things happen to you, instead of thinking ''I am unhappy'', you had better think ''There is unhappiness in the world''

    50. My words cause him jump up, but instead of running off, he just scowls at me, "You can't tell me who to care about!" Then he storms off, getting in line for breakfast with the other students

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