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    Use "intelligence agent" in a sentence

    intelligence agent example sentences

    intelligence agent

    1. "Some financial contacts, a few ships, some intelligence agents and analysts, a couple of safe havens

    2. However there were some drawbacks: she was a double-agent, responsible for the murders of several valuable Canadian intelligence agents, an active member of the Soviet Communist Party and a close friend of the Soviet elite

    3. Instead of having his information destroyed, it was funneled to us by this counter-intelligence agent

    4. ‘’You do realize that this only paints you more as some kind of intelligence agent, miss

    5. Sighing with contained frustration, the IRGC intelligence agent then went back in the lounge and looked down at Nancy, who was finishing her cup of tea

    6. Secret wars are those caused or influenced by businesses or intelligence agents in countries

    7. � One of the inmates that were liberated there was a British female intelligence agent named Janet Harlow, who was found nearly starved to death and who bore the marks of repeated beatings and torture

    8. investigators and intelligence agents throughout the world

    9. Somehow she understood that she herself had to undergo the same drastic metamorphosis: from child and victim to someone who could fight back against a highly trained and ruthless intelligence agent

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