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    Use "intestines" in a sentence

    intestines example sentences


    1. " There was one with spaceships made of painted monster intestines that he thought was particularly comical

    2. ralphing it up with what felt like my intestines

    3. intestines, as far as she could tell

    4. Many take months trying to visualize their intestines

    5. And the greasy fish and chips were still mucking their way through her intestines

    6. And pull by the cord, not the kitten, or you could jerk out its intestines

    7. Intestines that the Obama administration doesn"t seem to have

    8. Prolonged use may reduce iron absorption in the intestines and may also affect other mineral balances in the body

    9. inserted into the intestines of his victims

    10. Shirley Dibs later recounted the one enduring memory that would forever haunt her to a newspaper reporter; Edna’s feeble body, ripped to shreds, pieces of her intestines hanging from a gaping wound, laying like a disembowelled child on the blood soaked bed

    11. He then replaced it with the intestines of a dead animal which caused the victim immense stress and the demand to be evacuated immediately as he lost “half his f intestines during the number two

    12. After decapitating the bird, I gutted it, tossing the intestines and head onto the draining board

    13. Where was his equipment? A notepad, or a set of binoculars? And where was the rest of the body? A big cat would have left the head, and probably the intestines

    14. He once bathed a woman’s face with a cold towel to revive her: he had just sliced her open from ribcage to crotch and wanted her awake for the pleasure of reading the horror in her face when he pulled her intestines out like a jump rope

    15. As he dove for cover behind a rock at the side of the road, the next round clipped off the tip of his ring finger and bored through his intestines

    16. Shame is stored in the large intestines and blocks the energy

    17. With his lower intestines feeling loose and suddenly hollow, he crept closer to the hubbub of voices, now aware that one was too deep and indistinct to be one of the women

    18. its intestines across the ground

    19. fromthe stomach and intestines to prepare your muscles for ‘flight’,

    20. wiggling intestines and was trying to shove the mess back into his

    21. There was something about waiting for one moment in a play that tied up his intestines in knots

    22. Then they pulled the intestines harshly to make them suffer even more

    23. Do you really need to be a Truth Seeker to get what you need?” Joanna’s stomach started turning, the sushi playing havoc with her intestines

    24. with foliage, wrapping its fingers around my intestines

    25. The heart, like the brain, the liver and the intestines, are subsystems of the system

    26. Its intestines were hanging out and I knew that the food it ate would just fall out in a while

    27. The killings always included wrapping the intestines around the throat of the victim

    28. Following that she had a bit of a stormy course with an ileus (condition where the intestines are temporary paralyzed)

    29. His small intestines and other viscera now dangled from his belly

    30. The Little Goddess is tearing into the bird’s intestines, oblivious to all the commotion, in a feast of gory ecstasy

    31. flesh gaped and as the hole grew in length, intestines and fat pushed up

    32. I stood there fascinated, watching the intestines writhing slowly

    33. intestines which ran, sprinting out of her body with the pressure

    34. have nicked the bladder, as a uriniferous smell ran out with the intestines

    35. I ran out of blood again and by then, Helen’s sausage like intestines had

    36. Lots of killing and horror and bloody messes involving intestines and other soggy bits

    37. This mixture can be eaten twice daily as it is also heals the intestines that have

    38. It is also good for intestines troubled by

    39. You can enhance the health even further by giving more attention to the heart (from the 22nd onwards), the hips and kidneys (from the 10th onwards), and the arms, shoulders, lungs, small intestines and respiratory system (from the 17th onwards)

    40. expression, and into interna!organs such as the heart, stomach, and intestines; and, in

    41. The port sewn into my intestines looked obscene, my belly wasn’t flat but concave like a deep bowl

    42. His cabin reeked of blood and guts, the stench of torn intestines and offal

    43. The first image was a man hanging from a tree, his throat had been cut and his intestines were trailing from an open wound in his stomach

    44. the intestines of humans, birds and other animals

    45. We had another coworker who suffered with bouts of colitis in his intestines which everyone knows comes from stress

    46. Soon all that was left was the skeletal remains of a torso, a head and the intestines, all surrounded by soil damped with yellow blood

    47. She rammed the knife of her knuckleduster into his gut, and dragged it up, and sliced his intestines to strips

    48. Another with some carnivorous bird feed from the intestines had reddish-purple flesh, but the flat face indicated it was a yautgan

    49. Stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands, and intestines

    50. intestines; exiting from his groin

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    Synonyms for "intestines"

    bowels entrails guts viscera