Use "investment funds" in a sentence
investment funds example sentences
investment funds
1. interested in the prospect of providing investment funds but additionally wished to
2. But now, investment funds have dried up
3. As applied strictly to investment funds this charge would amount to about or of the annual income, which must be considered substantial
4. How can one judge fairly of the overall results obtainable here? We think that reasonably sound conclusions can be drawn from a study of the results achieved by the investment funds specializing in the growth-stock approach
5. But how have the investment funds performed as against the general market? This is a somewhat controversial subject, but we shall try to deal with it in simple but adequate fashion
6. One of the new phenomena of recent years was the appearance of the cult of “performance” in the management of investment funds (and even of many trust funds)
7. It is another extraordinary fact that shares of at least one of these doomed companies were bought not only by investment funds but by university endowment funds, the trust departments of large banking institutions, and the like
8. (Incidentally, other organizations—such as Scudder, Stevens & Clark—operate separately as investment counsel and as one or more investment funds
9. At bottom, this is the reason for the wide diversification practiced by the investment funds
10. 1 On the basis of the past record he might expect approximately the same future results by buying shares of several representative investment funds
11. As we pointed out in Chapter 9, these comparative figures in no way invalidate the usefulness of the investment funds as a financial institution
12. We were members of a “select group,” mainly of investment funds, who participated in a private offering of convertible 4½% debentures of Eversharp Co
13. bankruptcy; and aggressive investors; of brokerage houses; case histories about; and defensive investors; and history and forecasting of stock market; and investment funds; and market fluctuations; and price; of railroads; and security analysis
14. bonds: and advice; and aggressive investors; and asset allocation; and bargains; calls on; and characteristics of intelligent investors; common stocks compared with; and convertible issues and warrants; coupons for; “coverage” for; defaults on; and defensive investors; discount; distressed; and diversification; earnings on; and Graham’s business principles; and history and forecasting of stock market; inflation and; interest on; and investment funds; and investments vs
15. managers/management: compensation for; competence of; and convertible issues and warrants; and daring to be different; and dividends; efficiency of; functions of; Graham’s comments about; and interests of investors; of investment funds; investors’s relations with; and market fluctuations; migrating; misbehavior of; and per-share earnings; poor; as promoters; and repurchase plans; reputation of; and security analysis; as shareholders; stock options for; and stock selection for aggressive investors; wealth of; and whose money is it?
16. municipal bonds; and aggressive investors; and defensive investors; fluctuations in price of; and investment funds
17. Even though there were investment funds whose strategy was to purchase distressed securities, many of them had high rate of return requirements
18. From 2006 to date, the sponsors on behalf of themselves and the investment funds managed by them have extracted $4,973,500,000 in cash either from Hertz or from sales of Hertz common stock in public offerings
19. At the time of this writing, the investment funds still hold 110,009,479 shares of Hertz common with a market value of almost $1,800,000,000
20. 4, which summarizes cash payments to sponsors and sponsors-controlled investment funds from 2006 through December 2012
21. After extracting nearly $5 billion from Hertz and the public market, investment funds associated with CDR, Carlyle, and Merrill Lynch still owned about 26 percent of the outstanding common stock capitalization
22. 24 at the time of this writing, the market value of the Hertz shares held by the investment funds was over $1
23. We have not seen any of the private placement memorandums (PPMs) of the various investment funds
24. When Hertz was in deep trouble in 2009, a capital infusion in the form of common stock by the investment funds and the public may have been crucial in having Hertz avoid a painful restructuring, perhaps in Chapter 11
25. Given such super access to capital markets, there is no question in our minds that becoming a limited partner in investment funds run by CDR, Carlyle, or Merrill Lynch is an attractive option for OPMIs
26. One problem is that most likely you will not have $1,000,000 of investment funds in ready cash, although theoretically a spread bettor could establish a $1,000,000 position with a lower initial stake – thanks to the leveraged nature of spread bets
27. You still need $15,000 of total investment funds even though you are risking only $10,000 worth
28. The rules and terminology of futures trading are different, and the risk is far greater, so investors should definitely limit the proportion of their investment funds that they commit to futures
29. We even had investment funds now trading the system
30. Jeeva Ramaswamy is a managing partner of GJ Investment Funds, an investment fund modeled after the original 1950’s Buffett partnership
31. Since its inception in November 2008, GJ Investment Funds delivered compounded annual return of more than 72 percent (net to investors)
32. Things are even easier than TD with their investment funds: all you have to do is pick from one of four basic asset allocations, and they will take care of the rebalancing
33. Note that your investing statements will show up about 10 days after your chequing and savings account statements – and for your first statement the placeholder for investment funds won't appear until about two weeks after the end of your first month with Tangerine