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    Use "irrefutably" in a sentence

    irrefutably example sentences


    1. Sir John, aware that he had to make a strong showing in the midst of so many hawk-eyed, elected members, exclaimed, "Oh yes Sir, isn't it magnificent, so well argued, so concise, so irrefutably true

    2. Some of the greatest men in history were irrefutably right in their

    3. Later, they were considered irrefutably wrong

    4. irrefutably damaging and ending relationships as a result of doing

    5. capable of making decisions irrefutably proves the existence of human

    6. And if I express myself in these eloquent terms, so little flattering towards him, it is because irrefutably, and in a fairly short period of time, I had to suffer in the flesh the reaches of his overwhelming revenge

    7. In the 20th century, great civil rights leaders like Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King proved that irrefutably

    8. the other mountains of data, this knowledge and its verifiable math decisively and irrefutably prove

    9. decisively, verifiably and irrefutably that the stories of Jesus Christ, the New Testament and

    10. Now you can irrefutably verify and thereby fully understand that both are

    11. PROFESSOR [again looks round severely] And just as mathematical calculations have irrefutably proved the existence of imponderable ether which gives rise to the phenomena of light and electricity, so the successive investigations of the ingenious Hermann, of Schmidt, and of Joseph Schmatzhofen, have confirmed beyond a doubt the existence of a substance which fills the universe and may be called spiritual ether

    12. And just as mathematical calculations have irrefutably proved the existence of imponderable ether which gives rise to the phenomena of light and electricity, so the successive investigations of the ingenious Hermann, of Schmidt, and of Joseph Schmatzhofen, have confirmed beyond a doubt the existence of a substance which fills the universe and may be called spiritual ether

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