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    isaac hull example sentences

    isaac hull

    1. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, requested to present, in the name of Congress, to Captain Isaac Hull, a gold medal, with suitable emblems and devices; and that the sum of —— thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be distributed as prize money to the officers and crew of the United States' frigate the Constitution, of forty-four guns, according to the provisions of the act for the better government of the Navy of the United States; in testimony of the high sense entertained by Congress of the gallantry, good conduct, and services of Captain Hull, the officers, and crew, of the said frigate Constitution, in attacking, vanquishing, and capturing the British frigate the Guerriere, mounting fifty-four carriage guns, thereby exhibiting an example highly honorable to the American character, and instructive to our rising Navy

    2. Bassett, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, on the report of the Naval Committee on the proposed vote of a gold medal to Captain Isaac Hull, late commander of the frigate Constitution, and silver medals to the other officers, and a sum of —— thousand dollars, to be distributed as prize-money among the officers and crew, as an expression of the sense entertained by this House of their bravery and conduct in attacking and vanquishing the British frigate Guerriere

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