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    issue from example sentences

    issue from

    1. ‖ Goodness lies in Humility of Purpose; without intended purpose, however; that is to say, undetermined and without motive; an impartial or uncertain ―Will‖ to Goodness that internally defines the Self; a Goodness that does not issue from the Conscious Self but the Hidden Self, rather, that must necessarily refute its own ―apparent goodness‖ or the self-sustaining content of its (own) intentions

    2. The main issue from the 1870s on would no longer be race but class

    3. She took a tissue from her bag and tried to wipe it off, but it only made the stain spread

    4. 53 And they followed the track of the blood and came to the wall of the city of Gaash, and they saw the blood issue from the city, and they heard the voice of crying from the inhabitants of Gaash, for it ascended to Heaven, and the blood was continuing to flow abundantly like a brook of water

    5. 53 And they followed the track of the blood and came to the wall of the city of Gaash and they saw the blood issue from the city and they heard the voice of crying from the inhabitants of Gaash for it ascended to Heaven and the blood was continuing to flow abundantly like a brook of water

    6. Not even the remains of the scar tissue from Thomas’ knife



    9. " She pulled a tissue from her purse and dabbed at the tears that had run down her cheeks

    10. the same issue from a different direction to ask: what kind of

    11. It was not a sterile procedure, but Garcia acted as if he had done it before, working quickly to retrieve the bullet, stop the bleeding and clean the area as best he could, and then closed up the tissue from inside out

    12. Rate the level of emotional charge you have when you think about the issue from 1-10, with 10

    13. “Do you think it will hold?” Sam shouted over the noise the electric buzz that started to issue from the shield

    14. that will, for you, help to keep the issue from

    15. Leesa was dumbfounded to hear such words issue from such a boyish face

    16. to have an ‘external’ view of the issue from

    17. through the kitchen, she paused to throw out the used tissue from her pockets

    18. “Indeed my sons, his actions issue from a magician who will never prosper, whatever he does

    19. She pulled out some tissue from the

    20. They think they can stimulate the speech centers in Smitty’s brain by removing some of the scar tissue from the frontal lobe of his left hemisphere

    21. "Be so good as to explain," he said sharply, and waves of icy air seemed to issue from where he stood and heave through the room

    22. When the main charge fired the crowd saw a gust of flame and smoke issue from the barrel mouth and a short while later they heard the boom and felt the concussion

    23. Nick took a clean tissue from one girl and wrapped up his denture, which had been knocked out by Dam

    24. She could almost picture the creatures’ bloody satisfied faces as their fangs ripped skin and muscle tissue from the stationary carcass

    25. What I found was astonishing! These modern miracle vaccines are killing and injuring untold millions every year! Do you know what they’re made up of? The base ingredients in almost all vaccinations contain elements of animal blood, puss, human embryonic tissue from aborted babies and the list goes on and on

    26. 10), in which he sees a 'fiery stream issue from the throne’ of God: this very same 'beast,’ or fourth empire, is then 'slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame,’—words whose literal sense is fixed by the contrast of the fate of other 'beasts’ whose 'lives were prolonged for a season and a time

    27. ter requesting him to delete the Spectrum pricing issue from the ToRs of the GoM

    28. Roque went back, while Don Quixote remained on horseback, just as he was, waiting for day, and it was not long before the countenance of the fair Aurora began to show itself at the balconies of the east, gladdening the grass and flowers, if not the ear, though to gladden that too there came at the same moment a sound of clarions and drums, and a din of bells, and a tramp, tramp, and cries of "Clear the way there!" of some runners, that seemed to issue from the city

    29. Then they drew warily back, keeping their eyes riveted on the ruin, as if they expected to see the apparitions of the dead issue from its silent walls, until, having reached the boundary of the area, they moved slowly into the thicket and disappeared

    30. Indeed, so very distinct and intelligible were the devices of the quadruped, that even the most experienced observer would have been at a loss to account for its actions, until the moment when the party entered the forest, when the whole would have been explained, by seeing the entire animal issue from the lodge, uncasing, by the act, the grave features of Chingachgook from his mask of fur

    31. I watched the course of the little stream as it came in from the moor, and my fancy followed it to the top of the glen, where it must issue from an icy fountain fringed with cool ferns and mosses

    32. Even whole sentences of the proclamation which he meant to make Barrios issue from his headquarters at Cayta as soon as he got there passed through his mind; the very germ of the new State, the Separationist proclamation which he had tried before he left to read hurriedly to Don Jose, stretched out on his bed under the fixed gaze of his daughter

    33. But here that toad was incomprehensible! So much so that, after some seconds spent in asking herself if she had really heard that note, that sound, that infernal noise issue from her throat, she tried to persuade herself that it was not so, that she was the victim of an illusion, an illusion of the ear, and not of an act of treachery on the part of her voice

    34. fine weather because the house stood just at the end of the town, with a garden and stables attached, in that pleasant issue from Middlemarch called the London Road, which was also the road to the New Hospital and to Mr

    35. Would this misery last for ever? Would she never issue from it? Yet she was as good as all the women who were living happily

    36. More than one host may issue from

    37. The fact that principal (at par) and interest were safe beyond question did not prevent the issue from being an extremely risky purchase at that price—one which in fact was followed by the loss of over half its market value

    38. If the earnings were not properly stated; if the balance sheet revealed a poor current position, or the funded debt was growing too rapidly; if the physical plant was not properly maintained; if dangerous new competition was threatening, or if the company was losing ground in the industry; if the management was deteriorating or was likely to change for the worse; if there was reason to fear for the future of the industry as a whole—any of these defects or some other one might be sufficient to condemn the issue from the standpoint of the cautious investor

    39. Did this fact alter the flotation, or did the advance possibility that it might happen exonerate the original distributors of the issue from responsibility for this public offering and its later sequel? Not an easy question to answer, but it deserves careful consideration by Wall Street and the government regulatory agencies

    40. He was seized with a sort of convulsion, he threw himself against the back of the chair as though to gain breath, letting his arms fall, and allowing Marius to see his face inundated with tears, and Marius heard him murmur, so low that his voice seemed to issue from fathomless depths:

    41. These barely articulate words were heard to issue from his

    42. I had regained the gallery, and was just shutting the back-door behind me, when an accelerated hum warned me that the ladies were about to issue from their chambers

    43. I stared at it horror-stricken, not knowing what was about to issue from it

    44. This impregnation is brought about by means of tubes (POLLEN-TUBES) which issue from the pollen-grains adhering to the stigma, and penetrate through the tissues until they reach the ovary

    45. The murderous mark of the fiend's grasp was on her neck, and the breath had ceased to issue from her lips

    46. (3) The ministerial department, either unable or purposely unwilling to calculate, has raised the educational business to such a high, expensive level, and one which is so foreign to the masses, that considering the high price at which the education is acquired, no issue from that situation can be foreseen, and the number of learners can never be increased; but the masses, who know how to calculate, and who are interested in that calculation, have no doubt long ago figured out what I have pointed out above, and see as clear as daylight that those expensive schools, which cost as much as four hundred roubles each, may be good indeed, but are not what they need, and try in every way possible to diminish the expenses for their schools

    47. , after); the artist, on the other hand, thought that the next letter would be v; that the soul intended to say that souls would recognize each other by the light—posv (ietu) that would issue from the ethereal body of the souls

    48. The external life of Christian nations remains pagan, but they are already penetrated by the Christian life-conception—The issue from this contradiction is in the acceptance of the Christian life-conception—In it alone is every man free, and it alone frees him from all human authority—This deliverance is brought about, not by a change of external conditions, but only by a change in the conception of one's life—The Christian life-conception demands the renunciation of violence, and, in delivering the man who accepts it, it frees the world from all external authority—The issue from the present apparently hopeless position consists in every man accepting the Christian life-conception and living accordingly—But men consider this method too slow, and see their salvation in change of the material conditions of life made with the aid of the authority of the State—This method will have no issue, because men themselves cause the evil from which they suffer—This is especially evident in regard to the submissive acceptance of military duty, for it is more advantageous for a man to refuse than accept—Human freedom will be brought about only through the liberation of each individual man, and already there are signs of this liberation, which threatens to destroy State organization—The repudiation of the un-Christian demands of governments undermines their authority and makes men free—Therefore instances of such refusals are feared by governments more than conspiracies or violence—Instances, in Russia, of refusals to take the oath of allegiance, to pay taxes, to accept passports or positions in the police, to take part in courts of law, or to be drafted as soldiers—Similar instances in other countries—Governments know not how to dispose of men who refuse to obey their requirements because of the Christian doctrine—These men destroy without a struggle the foundations of governments from the inside—To punish them would mean for governments to deny Christianity themselves, and to contribute to the diffusion of that consciousness from which such refusals spring—Hence the position of governments is a desperate one, and men who preach the uselessness of personal deliverance only arrest the destruction of the existing system of government founded on violence

    49. And men looking on one, on ten such madmen, will understand what they must all do in order to loose that terrible knot in which the superstition regarding property has entangled them, in order to free themselves from the unfortunate position in which they are all now groaning with one voice, not knowing whence to find an issue from it

    50. He too only aims at presenting its tragic features, without suggesting or forseeing any issue from the position

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