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    Use "itself" in a sentence

    itself example sentences


    1. itself in order to have the company I want?

    2. This was a week to let the garden take care of itself and it was going to be at least another hour before the snow melted anyway

    3. "I only know the theory, I never worked on the engine itself

    4. pays for the entire system all by itself

    5. She could hear the horns and metal and glass twisting and grating and cracking against itself

    6. Her shin bone was probably in pieces, too, but her brain couldn't wrap itself around the pain

    7. Or it repeats itself

    8. In another hour they could see the town itself

    9. The bolt barely lodged itself into Vald's thigh and was flicked away like a stray crumb

    10. The mind that was born naturally of these genes had erased itself, tragically; and she had rescued the abandoned body from death

    11. Herndon had suggested the Colonel might even have intentions for the starship itself, a million tons of metal

    12. The fjord that leads to the tunnel is a wonderland in itself, great grey cliffs, leaping waterfalls and deep blue water

    13. This itself is a big change that can translate into success

    14. Don’t worry, the situation will resolve itself in a moment,” Ackers said, thinking quickly that he now had to appear as normal as possible so as not to arouse too much suspicion and have the paper boy call in any authorities

    15. Description of Disease: Canes turn brown from tips, plants most affected in colder climates, right after winter protection is removed, not a disease itself but can led to disease attack

    16. The mother land has known the secrets of the ocean since time itself began

    17. Each sheath or vehicle through which the soul expresses itself (on physical, emotional and mental levels) carries latent within itself certain inherent potencies, but the soul, which is the source of them all, has them in their purest and most sublimated form

    18. While they discussed, doostEr was looking around and saw that getting the rockasaur into here would be a rigging job in itself

    19. Like the magnificent form of the human body, the earth has the wondrous capability of healing itself

    20. It was about that time that the idea presented itself to place what he calls his “Moral ABC’s” - a complete version of this is now available in book form - on a label

    21. out of time itself

    22. Detaching the tongue is a heavy job by itself, carrying it along while the kedas turn around was a strain for the three of them

    23. The place itself was nothing more than a large field with a snug old lodge in the middle of it

    24. whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so

    25. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head,

    26. He could see swathes of missing roof tiles, and the ridge itself

    27. ‘Yes … It was hell leaving everything behind as I did, but, just as the view from the top of a hill shows you what lies in the valley far more clearly than you can ever see when you are in the valley itself, it gave me a chance to analyse things … my emotions … recent events … without all the clutter

    28. "Or the body itself?"

    29. just revealed to me, to root itself in my mind

    30. "Sure, I'm alive all right but what's this about, where is everyone? Was that date right? 2423?" Ava's gathering room was empty, but that was not unusual in and of itself unless she was having a party, then there would be a table of food set up in the middle of it

    31. expect the tumour to resolve by itself just because you are Christian

    32. And hell itself was aware of this

    33. deep and endless, a calling wind from the birth of time itself, assured and confident

    34. root of disease, the sin- is destroyed, the disease itself will be destroyed as

    35. “Let the Bora blow itself out on my head”, he said to himself, “and then we’ll

    36. I’m pretty sure Molly didn’t miss a trick … wouldn’t surprise me if she knew perfectly well where her son spent most of the night … but she was discretion itself

    37. Ginger merely told the renegade device to return to the Riverside Burger Joint, wait there for Kandhi Clarke, and surrender itself to her

    38. Another mind kept making itself up to stay right where she was until she understood everything

    39. I don't think it's the containment for the shuttlecraft, I think it's the columnator assembly for the daedalus combustor of the Lula itself

    40. The job itself was a bit of a pain

    41. This special series of studies lends itself to a fuller discussion of the work of the preacher in the local congregation

    42. His role as a spiritual teacher does not in and of itself result in his being one of the elders

    43. I made an educated guess for the number of blocks missing because of the door itself and so arrived at a number

    44. The Squidy that Raleigh hit looked like it folded and wrapped itself around the

    45. The debris she knocked in the redsuits’ direction collided with other pieces on the way to create a storm of jagged metal and packing containers coming at them almost as fast as the junk itself

    46. “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up” (1 Corinthians 13:4) NKJV

    47. Life itself will be extinct from the earth when the sun starts to cool

    48. Each of them lasted a ten-thousandth of a second, but each one burned itself on his retina so that in only a few moments of looking up at that dazzling display, his vision was a network of slowly fading veins of blindness

    49. So, while Betty and I drag the boxes of decorations out of the cupboard where they live during the rest of the year, the men bring in the barrel used for the tree which is kept in Fred’s shed for some reason I cannot fathom, and the tree itself which has been lying in my drive for the last two days resulting in me having to park in the car park but that was a minor inconvenience, though I didn’t think so when I left my mobile in the car and only discovered it an hour later by which time the rain was pouring down

    50. "That of itself will not make the pistols disappear from their belts," Vincef said

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