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    Use "jeered" in a sentence

    jeered example sentences


    1. They shouted and complained, swaggered and jeered as they sailed on past, but at least after that they'd leave her alone

    2. “He…he should’ve said something”, stammered her husband, as around him one judge after another jeered and called him every sort of stupid ass that their imaginations could conjure up

    3. The secular party workers jeered at Mama's team

    4. The others turned some of their attention to the interloper and jeered, “What do you want here 'horse boy'?” “Better not trip over your apron an' fall down

    5. “Well if it is then throw it over here and let’s get it cooked”, as the Fusiliers and our lot jeered and laughed

    6. But he seemed to enjoy every minute of it, slipping and sliding on the slops on the floor and licking the beer of his arms and throwing himself around in a wild frenzy, while his friends, friends!, clapped and jeered and sang and shouted and danced, danced!, bumping and pulling and shoving until all ended in a drunken heap on the floor

    7. With a lot of difficulty we made it back to our lines whilst the German troops jeered and fired a hell of a lot of ordinance at us

    8. The crowd jeered as Raven danced from side to side

    9. The men in the fort came out and jeered us as we moved away

    10. ” jeered Sephiroth, his voice distant,

    11. He should never have sired us the way he did” my brother jeered

    12. He jeered at her, and referred to her in terms which were far from being true,

    13. “You’re slipping, Russell,” Pooh jeered

    14. As he stumbled and yelped in agony she jeered, "Forgive my clumsy blow, noble sir—I had aimed somewhat higher

    15. "A mouse!" Swann jeered

    16. "Would you want a hot dog?" she jeered

    17. Some further away jeered and laughed at their fellows’ panic

    18. When he encountered the fat, green frogs in the forest they jeered at him and disappeared

    19. But you, he jeered, what has Saul done for you

    20. Jesus looked down on them while they divided his garments, and the thoughtless crowd jeered at him

    21. He was jeered at; a small band of adventurous young warriors followed him into the north, but none returned

    22. He pointed at Joey and jeered, “You’re the Rakai? Oh please

    23. The boys at Tanganyika House knew better and jeered at Wilson’s every turn in his quest to save face

    24. “Did I forget to mention the shield?” Heckler jeered as Harmony walloped against the wall separating them

    25. You can tell by the words and tone of Jesus’ statement, that He was really feeling the love of God for these people, even as they watched and jeered as He was dying on the cross

    26. They jeered the males in their own language, and one of the males made a gesture that made the whole room buzz with laughter

    27. Many women suffer in silence , bearing all they are taught to do so by tradition 4 July The american independence day Rajkot a small city of India where Pooja Chauhan walked down the streets in her undergarments to protest against the cruel treatment of her husband and in-laws for giving birth to a baby girl Men jeered at her ,stared lewdly The young mother of 22 was protesting police inaction despite repeated complaints ,hoding a baseball bat in one hand to smash their heads and bangles in another she matched into the office of the police commissioner

    28. The young rare beauty jeered, “If hatred is engraved in the heart, what

    29. students that sneered and jeered at him

    30. The believers jeered and cried aloud, wondering if the man has a soul at all

    31. laughed and jeered, hurling abuse and insults at him

    32. “Bye, bye, boys,” he jeered, fluttering his fingers and inching the door closed

    33. Replacing the phone inside his jacket, he turned to Ritter and jeered, “You ever screw with me, I’ll cut off more than your pinky

    34. “But I’m sure Judge Demick would be glad to talk about this little visit you’re having with me,” he jeered

    35. “Lucky you,” he jeered

    36. A regular chip off the old block,’ she jeered

    37. Since when?’ she jeered shakily

    38. The crowd jeered and cat-called, reminding Petra of the angry crowd in the old Frankenstein movie

    39. much to the amusement of the Teriz on the bank, who jeered and

    40. And they cannot stand for the Myths of their National Identity to be jeered at; too directly and too honestly

    41. That is the fatal spiritual killer that makes people throw up their hands and say: ‘what’s the use in asking questions? What’s the use in fighting city hall? What’s the use in struggling or complaining about unfairness or injustice?’ Then the injustices of others is cynically taken for granted, and those who rail against the system are jeered at by others as naïve fools

    42. A sublime supplication to the Creator from the Son after being jeered, insulted, spat upon, punched, beaten, scourged, crowned with thorns, nailed to the cross and speared, such that He was fatally wounded by Roman soldiers, Gentiles, Jews, Pagans, Elders, Teachers of the law and Chief Priests

    43. Messengers before you were also ridiculed, but those who jeered were surrounded by what they had ridiculed

    44. jeered, “Oh shut up” she laughed “don't mock me, let's cross this

    45. “Whatever you say doc” he jeered again, “Ughh” she complained

    46. I thought, too, of your article in that journal, do you remember, on your first visit we talked of it? I jeered at you at the time, but that was only to lead you on

    47. And that proud suppressed enthusiasm in young people is dangerous! I jeered at you then, but let me tell you that, as a literary amateur, I am awfully fond of such first essays, full of the heat of youth

    48. " They perceived, in short, clearly that the town which had been twitted had turned out to do battle with some other that had jeered it more than was fair or neighbourly

    49. As they marched round, the crowd jeered at them and made offensive remarks

    50. “A ring of stakes?” Elfric jeered

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