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    join up example sentences

    join up

    1. ’ He said thoughtfully, ‘I wasn’t old enough to join up at the start of the war, and by the time I was old enough, I was needed on the land because all the other men had joined up

    2. users to suggest potential friends and their ID's so they can receive e-mail offers to join up

    3. to join up with Petr at Perlow and sign on at the

    4. was careful to join up with another group of pilgrims

    5. managed to join up with a small group of pilgrims

    6. She could only point him toward the cave, crying out to go on ahead, to keep moving, and that she would join up with him as soon as she could

    7. Puzzled, Brynjolf mused aloud why Dragon Bridge, why that far-flung little village, and the man answered mockingly that maybe she intended to join up with the “Pentus Ocultus”, or whatever gibberish it was that they were called

    8. “I am extremely proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves and each other our task was to join up with the Munster’s, Dubliner’s and the other troops on V Beach

    9. I saw he was dressed in uniform which surprised me the last thin I would have expected from him was to join up because he was a selfish little bastard to say the least

    10. Lee’s strategy was to pull out of Richmond, move south, and join up

    11. “We were over on the far right and we saw when you and the rest ran forward to take this trench so we were determined to join up with you and see what happened from then

    12. were allowed to join up on this investigation at all, is nearly inexpressible to western barbarians

    13. Izio found a way to join up with a group of Polish partisans, who were active in the forest

    14. “When Lieutenant Tom’s forces arrived we planned to join up with them and give them all the info we had, but they never made it to the colony

    15. thing to join up with one of the birthday clubs

    16. He showed Shawn the battle situation and explained the tactical plans for the elements to join up and fight their way out

    17. They're ready to punch through and join up, but they've spotted a bunch of VC to the east they think are waiting for them

    18. Only continue humble and serve the Lord in all purity of heart you and your children and your house and walk in my commands which I enjoin upon you and your repentance will be deep and pure; and if you observe these things with your household every affliction will depart from you

    19. “Can I join up?”

    20. medical test and could not join up

    21. Maybe they should join up with the religious

    22. Colin had also said that Tristan’s best bet of traveling through Dejon was to join up with a caravan, especially a caravan of Fir traders

    23. Also when they came into contact with each other again, they were able to join up again, without any effort

    24. chair at Bristol to join up with a fringe organisation

    25. to the Temple Mount to join up with the other half of their

    26. Climbing back in the truck�s cab, Nancy had the female driver join up with the two other trucks on a nearby parade square

    27. watched Kareem, in a friendly tone, he said, “Why did you join up?”

    28. ‘’Not on this ship, that’s for sure! I will call the Marriot Hotel in Los Angeles and get a suite there, where a backup team of my bodyguards will be able to join up with me once they arrive from London

    29. All we had to do was join up with you on the other side as it were

    30. She then did a short sprint to join up with Colonel Kinsler and explain to him her plan

    31. After they had finished reviewing the honor guard, the group went to join up with the other passengers of the VC-5000 in front of the air terminal, where a few jeeps and two buses were also waiting

    32. Once at one end of the main runway, the two F-83s put on their afterburners and took off in an ear-splitting noise to join up with the two AC-10s

    33. The latter, seeing him approach, let go the piece of floating debris she had been clinging to and started swimming to join up with him

    34. “Then, we will leave Paris and join up with our soldiers

    35. “You think I’ve changed? What about you? You suddenly join up with

    36. “I think I’d better get back to Harare and join up with Bonkers again

    37. Stay in close to our ships and try not to lag behind as we pull back to join up with reinforcements

    38. �Break north and join up with the Midnight Dawn

    39. Besides, all of them volunteered to join up with me

    40. There are some that want to join up with us but we’ve already decided as a group that we would try to stay small

    41. I can't understand why they chose to travel over this merciless, ice-covered land and then join up with the Copper River later

    42. That’s why from here on in we are going to join up

    43. they would join up with other clubs at the Red Sea

    44. We’ve learned much from Rene, though sadly, he passed away just before I left to join up with Quantrill

    45. Despite her heroics he still wasn’t convinced that she should join up

    46. I’ll probably join up with you there

    47. you're in" medical test and could not join up

    48. company, but I felt I should think about getting up to Cairns to join up with Roy

    49. I tried join up and again I felt his efforts

    50. When you do this you join up your talk with your slide

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