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    Use "joining" in a sentence

    joining example sentences


    1. He was due to fly back to NYC that evening, to stay in his flat before joining Tatania for Valentine’s day, but he was sure he could fit in some more pleasurable socialising

    2. “And how can you have no one to add to this mission? We’ll be adding four top operatives that will be joining you

    3. "No, but joining the moving crew might help," Taktor told him

    4. ‘What did the Inspector say, Liz?’ I asked, joining her at the table

    5. ’ I agreed, joining him in his contemplation of the very neat grass

    6. Bolt squeezes off one more frame - FLASH! - before joining the exodus

    7. She was impressed and she suggested my joining her party! I accepted at once, full of joy

    8. Still the prime governor wasted his time with the nationality issue, siding with the Colonel and Waldeis more often than not and urged Herndon in joining them within a boundary and constitution

    9. ’ He commented, driving out of the station compound and joining the traffic

    10. joining the ranks of advisers, consultants

    11. next to her, joining with her, chest, groin, thighs, knees

    12. ’ Berndt said, joining us

    13. ’ He said, joining me at the rail

    14. ‘So what is on the agenda for today?’ Joris asked, joining us at the table with his bowl of porridge

    15. ‘Feeling better?’ Berndt asked, joining me at the rail

    16. Those of the public who were interested already knew that they were metallic asteroids with strange filamentous structures joining them

    17. To my surprise, I see that there is no metal bit in the gg’s mouth, only thin leather straps round the animal’s head and the reins joining under the chin

    18. ’ Berndt said, joining us, his eyes on the children

    19. ‘We’ll be joining it later on

    20. As they left the Hall Kate watched and Daniel turned and raised his hand to halt her joining them

    21. joining a local gym would help

    22. In the meantime she spent a great deal of her time at the country club and gymnasium, toning her muscles, keeping her figure in trim and joining a number of other upwardly mobile wives for coffee mornings, hair appointments and tennis lessons

    23. It wasn't long before I was joining in the applause and cheering speeches I could not understand

    24. They would have a more public ceremony during their winter stay in the Ohmu Forest; but both wanted to cement their joining in the proper way

    25. She was joining him for meals often

    26. finger of the other hand, joining the hands together

    27. I can say with a certainty that I doubt Lord Boras will accept the news of their joining well

    28. “Come in my sweet, Duncan approves of our joining,” Tarak told her happily

    29. “But LadyRayne that has all been tried before,” Kai interjected joining the group, “and the results were deadly; an entire family slaughtered

    30. I’ve never been one for joining clubs and the thought of joining a dating agency or something like that is not appealing

    31. the fisherman joining this new business venture

    32. Wait Mya, Tam said joining them at the fireplace, haven’t there been others before that

    33. She thinks about joining Billy and Bex, but decides that she needs a moment to herself

    34. She takes her bag downstairs and dumps it in the hallway before joining her father in the living room

    35. Joining the circus

    36. He has no real means or motive for joining in with her rage

    37. Belle said, “White Feathers informed me he will not be joining us this evening,” and she looked to George suspiciously

    38. At the traffic lights by the entrance to the hospital Billy intends to hang a left so that he can be with Bex, but as much as he thinks about indicating and joining the filter lane his hands refuse to obey and he heads straight on into town

    39. Alistair already knew that he would be joining the Guides, and

    40. with their extended family, would be joining the Guild of Directions,

    41. She would be joining a select group occupying a set of quiet

    42. As Billy tries to sit up his temples start to throb, joining a chorus of complaint from his joints and his stomach

    43. The headmaster turned to Harry and informed him they would be waiting another half an hour, as the other two candidates scheduled for the examinations had not yet arrived, but would be joining them in the interim

    44. Spelman looked at each other surreptitiously, the former, who would not be joining the party for factory reasons, gave the latter a look which said, 'rather you than me

    45. Goldie Barrett decided this was the perfect time for a game of Rugby, but her relatives didn’t seem interested in joining her

    46. Spelman and young Miss Kaitlyn into joining them for certain undisclosed sport, and with some regret I must admit, I was forced to dissuade them from their request

    47. " Shelly exclaimed, joining him

    48. Was it really cowardliness that kept him from joining the

    49. The quiet time they used to have at dinner to talk, was lost with the joining of the other families

    50. But I have no intention of joining my

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    Synonyms for "joining"

    connection connexion joining assembly construction attachment collection

    "joining" definitions

    the act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication)