Use "journalist" in a sentence
journalist example sentences
1. Every journalist and commentator in the world of newspapers, television and radio, together with every member of the chattering classes and everyone who was anyone in the established elite, were all talking about the soon to be published paper
2. 'He said, and I quote 'no decent journalist should be without one
3. ’ Trevor said ‘I can always find a job for a talented journalist
4. Of course, this meant she was earning lots more than Dave who was a rookie journalist at the time
5. partly what makes him such a good journalist
6. His mother died earlier in the year, so he applied for a position of journalist with Associated Press and Reuters
7. As a journalist, poet, critic and historian, he soon made a reputation as one of the most able and versatile writers of the day
8. The door creaked behind him as the journalist entered the room
9. In fact, a few lights had flickered off during Dillard's conversation with the journalist, making the city look even darker than before
10. “Did a sober journalist write that?”
11. I also believe that the expression “shoot to kill” is nothing but fiction created by some longhaired liberal journalist for media attention
12. ‘Okay so I got a telex this morning,’ she said pulling out the page she had been reading at my desk, ‘the sister company in the Cape Town office is looking for a journalist
13. I don’t think you have the passion anymore to be the journalist I was told you were
14. A journalist who enjoys a First Amendment right to obtain certain information as it relates to his or her pursuit of a ―storyline‖ should properly consider the sensibilities of the individual being interviewed; that questions raised should be fair and balanced and not intended to either harass, embarrass or otherwise offend that individual and that the highest (professional) standards should be (properly) observed at all times and that that journalist should neither conceal some hidden agenda nor interpose pre-conceived biases that purposely seek to discredit, distract or place that individual in a compromising position and that answers to stated questions should never be taken out of context or pre-determined and that, (most importantly), privacy rights should be observed at all times
15. In other words, that journalist should know when to back off
16. Brubaker,” his fellow journalist told him
17. Were he truly committed to rectifying social ―injustices‖, perhaps he might consider resigning from the newspaper, thereby enabling an equally qualified journalist of color, otherwise prevented from engaging in his or her chosen profession because of ―institutionalized racism‖, to assume his present position as sports writer
18. The journalist is not always or even necessarily your enemy but can be when it comes to operational security
19. Writing on a variety of subject matters is a difficult, if not daunting task for any journalist of limited scope and talent
20. It never occurred to him, that he might be a journalist, a high-status position which was a privilege and a gift
21. One interesting thing Lothar told our source, possibly an American journalist, while they were still neutral…? Lothar said it was ‘fun,’ at first, ‘like a game
22. A journalist is someone who has to attribute his statements to someone else
23. When I started as a cop, Annie, that was my wife"s name, started her career as an investigative journalist
24. “You told me about the gunfight that ended your being a cop, and I"ve seen all the scars, so what were you doing while your wife was making the bucks as a journalist?”
25. “I was sort of a journalist too,” I said recalling too vividly the despair I had felt during those years after thriving as a cop
26. “My career as a budding journalist started almost by accident a few months after my physiotherapy ended
27. “But you could call a journalist or a video news station
28. As Nutter and his gang started up their bikes again, the journalist reported on his attempts at eavesdropping
29. A journalist would be a good cover; they’re always looking for sympathy from the press
30. Ethan pondered about that word for a moment and thought it funny that a journalist could draw more fire than a solder
31. It struck her as odd but Ethan had managed to explain that any journalist that wanted to get alive out of a war zone had to be a medic as well
32. Ethan put his hands up and grinned like an idiot, trying to look the part of a mildly insignificant, completely harmless fool of a journalist
33. Maybe writing up a story wouldn’t hold, but the stupid journalist ploy still had something in it
34. “You’d have me think you’re doing all this to find your brother? And you’re telling me you just happen to be a Captain in the Royal Marines, serving as a military advisor in Lagos for the past two years? Posing as a journalist, running off in the jungle setting off mines and getting shot at, with no other purpose other than to find your brother?”
35. The journalist at the end of his article says: "Gingerich is still surprised by the fact that some people see a conflict between religion and science
36. ”) As a journalist, Marx wrote for and edited revolutionary and anti-Capitalist newspapers
37. William Sherman, the journalist who was instrumental in uncovering this fraudulent mess, alleges that the cost of 1 ounce of bone, in terms of dental implants, is more than the cost of 1 ounce of gold
38. Prize–winning journalist George Will, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, it’s the size of the fight in the dog
39. In the clamoring world of PC enforcers “sensitivity” to “minority rights” is required in a manner that journalist William McGowan in his book Coloring the News shows to be selective at best
40. Not speaking the local language is a real handicap for a journalist
41. Mituri began her career as a print journalist while in school and continued to work as one while completing her university education in journalism, writing for a variety of local papers, university publications, online materials and glossy magazines
42. Journalist and columnist Andrew Sullivan warns that “decadent left” organizations, centered on the east and west coasts, hold such extreme anti-American views that they “may well mount what amounts to a fifth column” in America
43. Not only did he use the time to sign copies of his new book Odyssey Resumed, but he also had an extensive conversation with the guest speaker of the fair, journalist Tico Medina who subsequently delivered one of the best speeches he had ever heard
44. journalist in Haiti began to ask questions about why Ouellette was missing
45. Identifying truth is the job of theologians, philosophers, artists, and scientists, but the job of identifying reliable sources has belonged to the journalist, historian, newscaster, lawyer, blogger, etc
46. The boss replied: “Well, is he a journalist or a detective?”
47. One of the inherent problems with presenting propaganda rather than news is that the more facts the journalist presents, the more difficult it becomes to function as
48. With the presentation of many facts, a perceptive reader will be able to piece out what journalist seeks to hide or obscure
49. A journalist once suggested to Soros that he should be appointed pope
50. K Wolfe, whose son Tom was later the celebrated journalist and novelist in the white suit, gave me some lessons about writing