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    Use "joyfully" in a sentence

    joyfully example sentences


    1. 9Live joyfully with the wife whom thou love all the days of the life of thy vanity, which

    2. He led her to his kingdom where he was joyfully received, and they were married and lived for a long time afterwards, happy and contented

    3. She took me by the hands and smiled joyfully

    4. The operator shouted joyfully to the boy, “Reach

    5. Life in those parts went on completely normally; stores were open, vendors offering their wares, children playing joyfully in the streets

    6. Each animal joyfully tossed the fuel into the trenches, so expertly excavated

    7. released and will be joyfully shared:

    8. Ebira screamed joyfully in fear

    9. 9 Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of the life of your vanity, which he has given you under the sun, all the days

    10. It was the kind of beauty that pulled at her gut, and made her want to jump from the car and throw herself joyfully into the landscape

    11. It is Christ in us, that serves now, and all the duties He has for us are to joyfully assist

    12. 44 Joyfully his friends broke up, together with his kinsmen; and, trusting in his

    13. When we turned onto the Merritt Parkway, my mother would shout joyfully, ―Kids, we‘re in Vermont!‖

    14. They smiled and showed great joy when a professor translated for them in Chinese Roger’s English version that said “… you will be the colored bird that joyfully sings for me in the morning…” There, in Anyang Roger could touch the feelings of the true Chinese common people

    15. He raised his arm in greeting and was joyfully hailed

    16. 44 Joyfully his friends broke up together with his kinsmen; and trusting in his determination arranged their forces in guard at the most convenient places of the city

    17. They then joyfully departed

    18. Tesar was very fond of WWII era airplanes and would have them replicated in every detail at the Station before transporting them into our dimension, where he joyfully and skillfully flew them

    19. 6 He hurried came down and received Him joyfully

    20. small troop slowly but evermore joyfully finished their entry into the town, passing the hill that

    21. greeting and was joyfully hailed

    22. “Moshe! Youssaf!” the old man joyfully exclaimed as they drew near

    23. with me, watching joyfully in the background

    24. Corey can have his questions back joyfully refunded

    25. Then the iron I had swallowed a few miles back began to kick in and I joyfully liberated the beast within me, and let its rage wrap around my soul and obliterate my anguish, like a dose of morphine that erases pain and leaves you feeling good

    26. Worship the God of light by joyfully walking in the paths ordained by his revealed religion

    27. Once more he joyfully ran through all the preparations, all in order, it was like reviewing the solution to a difficult equation once it had been finally solved, basking in the simplicity of it

    28. If one were to take a quick peek outside, they may very well catch a glance of the little ones dancing in the street whilst holding hands and singing joyfully to one another

    29. I would instruct you in the Father-son relationship of God and man so that you may be joyfully led into that sublime and supernal free worship of a loving, just, and merciful Father-God

    30. I say to you who profess to be acquiring treasure in heaven: Take lessons from those who make friends with the mammon of unrighteousness, and likewise so conduct your lives that you make eternal friendship with the forces of righteousness in order that, when all things earthly fail, you shall be joyfully received into the eternal habitations

    31. Her eyes glimmered joyfully and eagerly

    32. Phoenix was walking with bare feet in the water, jumping joyfully from

    33. Phoenix stood near him, saying joyfully:

    34. She turned to look at him joyfully:

    35. “What”, she grins joyfully, “you didn’t think the wheel is a secret that only

    36. He wiped his finger along one of the tables and grinned joyfully

    37. “This means he’s come back,” Úrsula said joyfully to General Moncada

    38. It flollops joyfully when there is so much suffering in this world that you can't walk down a street without treading on a poor starving wretch

    39. Churches; he stealthily invades the hallowed study rooms of our pastors; he joyfully walks

    40. He then went up quickly to her, hugging her joyfully

    41. ‘’But that’s fantastic news, Ingrid!’’ Said joyfully Ken before kissing her again

    42. In fact, when the animal hears the Name of Al’lah, its spirit becomes joyfully excited

    43. of eternal brass and golden plate, hanging joyfully with the light

    44. The crew rushed out and would have just stood around joyfully laughing and talking about their brush with death, but Max aggressively shouted them quiet

    45. “Maa, you brought toys and clothes for me, haa?” You said; joyfully and in great excitements

    46. Her mother Susan answered the buzzer and greeted her with opened arms as soon as she opened the door, hugging her joyfully

    47. Delgado joyfully revved the engine and a relieved smile spread all over his

    48. Jimmy and Annie Loomis, who were playing with Hien with miniature cars and planes, jumped joyfully on their feet on seeing through the window their father walk towards the entrance door

    49. ”At the chorus to the second verse, some of the audience joined in, and by the end, all were singing loudly, joyfully, a sense of triumph in their voices

    50. joyfully together; for they will see with their own eyes when

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    gleefully joyfully joyously

    "joyfully" definitions

    in a joyous and gleeful manner