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    Use "knock-out" in a sentence

    knock-out example sentences


    1. One indeed attacked me without reason on the border, and I am afraid I distressed the Army medic by informing him I would most definitely shoot him if he didn’t quit fooling around and pull it out with pliers (which I had appropriated from the Army the week before) immediately and without leaving pieces of the spike in me either! After that I passed out because he had mixed the antibiotic injection with a knock-out drug after I had given him the evil eye, or so he said during a fatherly chat about the attempted murder a few days later

    2. Stylish knock-out with only minor flaws

    3. I started the outboard engine and Flynn casually stepped aboard and cast off the ropes tying us to the shore, I told him to sit out of sight in the half cabin as I swung around and headed across the bay to Bongaree, the only reason I had Flynn along was because Mr Jay said it would need two to gently lift the Wilson, although the alarms were disabled there was still the printers dye to be considered he said, it was only ten or twelve kilometre’s across the bay and with the amount of times we’d practised I could have done it with my eyes closed, leaving Flynn out of sight in the cabin, I tied the boat up and walked to a bench were Mr Hawk was sitting waiting for me, getting in the panel van we drove along to were Mr Jay had parked the truck, Mr Hawk then pointed out the financiers house about fifty metres up the road and we drove a bit closer then we went up the driveway, Mr Jay knelt down and in seconds we were in the house, we could hear the noise of a television set coming from the kitchen, peeping in the round window of the door I saw the two guards drinking coffee watching a football match, I looked at Mr Hawk he nodded and we slowly pushed the door open, when the darts hit them their heads dropped forward, one fell to the floor the second body didn’t even move staying in the same position as though he was still watching the footy match, Mr Hawk’s knock-out drug was certainly fast acting

    4. Shirl was on the laptop talking business with Jerry, a couple of her accounts he was unfamiliar with she told Murray, so Murray went into the bedroom and after donning a pair of cotton gloves opened the parcel he’d bought from Sally laying it all out on the bed, there were two bags of cocaine, eleven thousand dollars of the stolen Post Office money, two thousand dollars refund from Sally, and last but certainly not least the present that Sally had mentioned, the piece de resistance, wrapped in a plastic bag was a 38 millimetre automatic hand-gun, a note stuck to the plastic bag stated that this was the actual weapon used to shoot and wound the two postal workers, Murray was ecstatic, the gun would move the question of guilt out of the realm of possibility, to the realm of certainty with no chance of convincing anyone otherwise, the two thousand refund Murray returned to his wallet, then from the bottom of the wardrobe he retrieved the battered briefcase he’d bought at the op shop, he took from the briefcase one of the hypodermic needles that Ted had left his fingerprints on, putting this to one side, and leaving the other three needles, he began loading the bag, first he shook the gun out of the plastic bag, then added five thousand dollars of the tainted money from the robbery, lastly he placed a bag of cocaine in the briefcase and closed it, from the bedside table he now took his own briefcase, which still contained his various identities in the false bottom, into this he put the remaining six thousand dollars of the Post Office money, the syringe with Ted’s fingerprints, the bag of heroin, both of the air pistols and the packet of darts, from his inside jacket pocket he took the little bottle of the knock-out mixture that he’d switched from Mr Hawk’s coat during the robbery, holding it up to the light he saw there was less than a quarter left, more than enough though for the task ahead, he’d just finished these preparations when Shirl called from the other room

    5. POW! After all they’d been through, the knock-out! On

    6. “I heard it was some knock-out drug or some extacy that might have been slipped in our drinks

    7. The match went all three rounds with Samsung winning by decision rather than a knock-out or an inescapable hold

    8. She’s a bit of a knock-out from what my spies tell me

    9. Move the mould from pouring bay to knock-out bay

    10. The 80-year-old man, an ex-middleweight champ, fought daily with the decision whether to turn the young tough in or continue to turn a deaf ear and hope his own life ended before the joint suffered a final-round knock-out blow

    11. She coasted up to the reverend and focused her new eyes on his, ready to deliver the knock-out bulletin

    12. If you want to change your apparent failure around and have a knock-out profile,� here is a list of tips that could help:

    13. As for the plum-pudding - it was a fair knock-out; just like Christmas: but as Ned Dawson and Bill Bates had drunk all the

    14. Also known as a Knock-Out Option

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