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    Use "know-how" in a sentence

    know-how example sentences


    1. You have the marketing know-how and the systems in place to sell the

    2. If anyone had the know-how to disable an in-system virus it would be he

    3. With all their most brilliant technical know-how they had chosen a meagre human – albeit one who had published work on neuro-physiology – to play a key part in recovering a lost culture

    4. Most worryingly, the knowledge that enabled its creation did not provide – as far as he knew – the know-how to control it

    5. ‘What about the insects? They’re the ones with the know-how

    6. I always wondered what Souta's purpose was in the group, but I discovered that he was the one with all the medical know-how

    7. With al his money, power, popularity, know-how and savvy, Mr

    8. local companies have the necessary know-how and enjoy

    9. hence had nothing to do! Lehr had the time, but not the know-how,

    10. Barak had the manpower, the know-how and the ability to do the job, but his security and confidence lay in Deborah, she was the chosen leader of Israel

    11. competing with men for executive positions, “so we need the same know-how, the same tools, and the same opportunities,” she says

    12. mobilize the manpower and know-how

    13. This breakdown may be simple to remedy but there is often no one around or close by with enough know-how to make the repair

    14. engineering and architectural know-how, buildings are rising all over the world with some of the most surprising and unique designs that could be

    15. “As you’re probably well aware, Japan has the resources, know-how and technology to produce nuclear weapons in large quantities

    16. the tenacity, and the know-how, but of course they’re much

    17. have the time or know-how to catch violators

    18. He passed this know-how on to his crew, and they all worked together to bring in a goodly catch

    19. Most of us don’t have the technical know-how or time to

    20. ‘’If it saves me the price of a hotel room, why not? You will have to prove to me that you haven’t lost any of your energy and know-how, though

    21. Or, you can utilize the know-how of the big guns and join the automated passive

    22. trading is the technical analysis know-how in reading and interpreting

    23. Stalin’s purges and outdated tactical know-how was a key factor in the opening days of Barbarossa

    24. The scientists have great know-how

    25. could kill a man with the apparent know-how of “an Indian

    26. Brains are about thinking in opinion and conclusions for the know-how; to change mystery into human knowledge

    27. She had the will-power and the know-how but absolutely no reputation to speak of outside world she’d walked away from

    28. General Ashtar had said they were 5,000 years ahead of surface humans in technology, so she wondered why the aliens would start the invasion with a race of beings who possessed sophisticated weapons and technology instead of on the surface, where people didn’t have all the fancy gadgetry and know-how to fight them

    29. None of those Anduains had the experience or know-how to successfully navigate the caverns this far down

    30. Named so for his uncanny ability to effectively operate the wooden hangman’s gallows that could kill a man with the apparent know-how of “an Indian chief

    31. this lack of know-how

    32. assistance by someone with a much greater level of understanding, know-how and the ability to

    33. With these simple tips and a little know-how, you will be able to survive dormitory life during the next four years

    34. It should be reemphasized, furthermore, that many portfolios should be restricted in whole or in great part to high-quality issues (especially when the portfolio managers have neither know-how nor know-who) where a principal objective has to be the generation of regular cash income and where there are fiduciary obligations to the portfolio beneficiaries

    35. In contrast, the investor who, because of know-how or control, has confidence in an equity investment based on price of the issue, and who has a financial position that will allow him to survive the short term, does not need the extra protection that comes from diversification

    36. Even so, unless the outsider has some special know-how or know-who, we think it is so good that he would do well to restrict his investments to securities covered by the paper trail

    37. Net long option spreads can be especially popular among younger, untested brokers who do not have the know-how or the experience to sell options effectively

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    Synonyms for "know-how"

    mastery savoir-faire ability knowledge skill training experience