Use "lampshade" in a sentence
lampshade example sentences
1. Lampshade: Your lover hasn't been sincere and he is sorry about it; if the light is on, he will ask for an apology
2. back of Tony’s head splatter the lampshade and send a crimson cast through the
3. many a windowpane and lampshade
4. Troy says: Remember the time the Family inflicted the reviled Elizabethan Collar on you? The lampshade laced round your neck that impaired your hearing and gave you tunnel vision
5. On her yellow lampshade, there were cut out stars and planets decorated with sparkling glitter
6. The reading is performed using the hand 3 fixed to the lampshade
7. say it is a great honour to be turned into a lampshade
8. what looked like a lampshade over my head! This
9. Emma listened to him, mechanically turning around the lampshade, on the gauze of which were painted clowns in carriages, and tight-rope dances with their balancing-poles
10. Then, one cool Sunday shortly after New Year's Day, Baba was selling a lampshade to a stocky Filipino man while I rummaged in the VW for a blanket to cover his legs with
11. Behind her was a room with a battered lampshade, a linoleum floor, one table, and some old brown overstuffed furniture