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    Use "laughable" in a sentence

    laughable example sentences


    1. His worldly goods fetched a laughable sum, but who would need money on the mountain? He did need good boots, but that was all

    2. Most of the boys at her school are laughable, full of seventeen-year-old menace and spots, with legs and arms that they have not quite grown into

    3. However, Brice was beginning to fear that by sitting and absorbing blows instead of delivering them, most of his people had already exhausted their power, and now any counterstrike they could raise would be laughable

    4. Also, when Gore was questioned about his having made contribution requests from his office in the West Wing, in clear violation of the Hatch Act and other federal laws, his response, laughable, was that there was „no legal controlling authority

    5. It was laughable, really, to believe that anyone could generate even the remotest bit of enthusiasm for the job of grafting together digi-recorders

    6. Their initial response to the news that she was in fact not suffering from menopause but from pregnancy was laughable even if it was not a joke

    7. Edgar wanted the story to be laughable; however, the more Michael talked, the more it sounded as though there may actually be something to it

    8. “True to a degree, but the public forms its opinion upon the information it receives, and that (particularly when it comes to the hysteria surrounding recreational drugs) is altered so far from reality that it’s laughable

    9. ” The billionaire’s opinion on terror, and similar poses by others as well, might be written off as laughable eccentricities were they not so dangerous, if not suicidal

    10. Drinking on an empty stomach was not a good idea for me, considering my less than laughable tolerance for alcohol

    11. Moreover, Roger found laughable the sarcastic remark on Salvador Allende’s death

    12. defense was considered laughable when used by accused Germans, but is honored when

    13. “Wow, am I really that laughable” I said laughing along with them

    14. Those Egyptians were almost laughable as they ran trying to catch us

    15. "So it's still to be taken on faith—you, this joke of time travel and alternate timelines, this pompous professor and his laughable theories you've inflicted upon us and yourself…"

    16. It was almost laughable

    17. Defeat Master? It’s a laughable concept at best

    18. The situation would have been laughable if it didn’t hurt so much to think about it

    19. Too many people are too willing to point ingers everywhere else while those closest to the case were left wondering, “What happened to the justice that should have been served in this case?” The sentence this young man would receive is in our estimation, laughable

    20. Farid’s reaction to his response was almost laughable

    21. "That is the only way you could possibly know anything about The Cube, which is a laughable name if I may add

    22. The precedent was interesting but laughable during a period of time when mullets were more popular than computers

    23. It was especially laughable when he realized if any of them were going to kill him they would have as soon as Ishan left the room

    24. It was almost laughable to Simon, when he saw himself in Ishan's memory

    25. It was really amusing at times to observe her careful approach to new acquaintances, and the fascinating motives that she concocted to explain their behaviour were very laughable

    26. They are as pitiful as they are laughable

    27. Make it laughable

    28. Serious fraud, complex fraud? Oh boy, is someone going to be busy, and along with Rudolph they would be seeking suspects to question which was good, but in this case almost laughable

    29. In fact, the general concept of victimless crimes is preposterous and would be laughable

    30. To talk of abuse in this case would thus be laughable, especially in view of the countless lovers and mistresses, both commoners and aristocrats, that Louis XIV was going to collect during his life

    31. he was told all the time, was just laughable

    32. No one seems to remember which character was tall (Mutt) and which one was short (Jeff), but the two of them were definitely a bumbling and laughable combo in the comic strips in the Sunday morning papers--and the same was the case with the present real life duet

    33. For Zuma to state that he owes no one a cent is laughable

    34. Till now, I still remember very clearly the pitiful and laughable eyes that they have when they looked upon me…”

    35. They found themselves to be laughable antiquities

    36. She was only all to aware that but for this bizarre chance meeting, she would never have met him, and the likelihood of ever seeing him again after tonight, except on TV, in magazines, or newspaper clippings, was so remote as to be laughable to even think it could happen

    37. The following laughable occurrence happened to me when I found a magic book that revealed the secret of how to make a hat of hiding

    38. Besides, coffins are too industrial these days, not comfortable at all,” he tried to joke, but nothing about the conversation was laughable

    39. She wrote to me saying she was going to be the life companion of the finest thinker of the age; her people, so illiterate and so full of prejudices, could not, she supposed, be expected to appreciate the splendour of her prospects; she thanked heaven that her own education had saved her from such a laughable blindness; she could conceive nothing more glorious than marrying the man in all the world whom you most reverently admire, than being chosen as the sharer of his thoughts, and the partner of his intellectual joys

    40. Elm with a face that was so ugly it was laughable

    41. or laughable you are in for a shock because this is what gravity is and this principle dictates gravity

    42. The idiotic idea of somehow creating a tool-intensive, technological utopia in space while billions of humans on earth continue to starve is not even laughable

    43. The idea of there being any choice in careers or jobs is laughable to say the least

    44. The word and idea of any kind of commune has been stuck onto the word hippy and typecast to mean a completely unrealistic lifestyle that is not only obsolete, but also laughable

    45. One of the biggest, laughable hypocrisies of successful bullshit advertising fads ever invented

    46. It was almost laughable really, watching that thing trying to survive over here

    47. Modern civilization is so full of two-faced hypocrisies; that the very idea of respecting it; is laughable

    48. It is not the living human who laughs: it is the undead insane evil inside them that is laughing, as they encourage their living host to become just as insane as they are and laugh at all the wrong things as they do, and not laugh at all the truly funny things that are laughable, until… living humans are corrupted into reversing their entire conceptions of what is funny and what is not funny

    49. If what they have done wasn"t so serious it would be laughable

    50. was generally regarded at first, and indeed in Spain for a long time, as little more than a queer droll book, full of laughable incidents and absurd situations, very amusing, but not entitled to much consideration or care

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    Synonyms for "laughable"

    amusing comic comical funny laughable mirthful risible absurd cockeyed derisory idiotic ludicrous nonsensical preposterous ridiculous facetious humorous droll farcical waggish

    "laughable" definitions

    so unreasonable as to invite derision

    arousing or provoking laughter