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    Use "laughed" in a sentence

    laughed example sentences


    1. Herndon laughed at that, Jorma tried to

    2. Herndon laughed, "Not hardly

    3. “Maybe we should all pay those dykes a visit!” he laughed

    4. Ava laughed, "Don't bet the lives of the crew on it," Ava said, "Because I couldn't

    5. His dad laughed at him, but Micah was able to duck out of the way before he could ruffle up his hair

    6. Johnny almost laughed out loud

    7. “Bingo!” Jerm laughed, taking the flask back

    8. Silence laughed at him, and indicated that he was welcome to try with a gesture of her hand

    9. The people asked that Haques to take a break, but he laughed at them

    10. He pulled his knife to slit Fox's throat, expected him to beg, but instead Fox laughed at him

    11. " Fox laughed again, even in pain as he was

    12. He is not very bright, is he?" They both laughed

    13. ‘Go to work, you cheeky monkey!’ I laughed as he shuts the briefcase with a final snap

    14. Frank laughed as he swiped his card to check out and, just like magic, the doors opened for him

    15. He splashed into the water and the other dragons laughed at him

    16. ‘Yes …’ I laughed, ‘Complete bastard, that he is!’

    17. Topher laughed and took the blunt

    18. ‘Oh, no!’ she laughed, her tone brittle and forced

    19. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver

    20. He laughed out loud and then, hands on his hips, he said, “I am a man of my

    21. ’ She laughed self-consciously

    22. "He just laughed and told him he better have the money in 48 hours or else

    23. The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of

    24. He laughed long and hard again, booming out his mirth in the womb-

    25. The fat woman laughed, but in spite of her girth, her bosom was small and well constrained

    26. ‘You idiot!’ he laughed, holding his stick out on a level with mine

    27. the first time in all these years he actually laughed

    28. He laughed so much that now he

    29. step but he just laughed and told it not to be an arse

    30. She almost laughed now at the thought

    31. The big idiot rolled his eyes and then laughed

    32. “Sleep well?” he asked and laughed softly

    33. She laughed at that question so hard her eyes teared up

    34. Robbie laughed and turned to the guard standing in the doorway

    35. I introduced these people to my games, and in my head we laughed and we talked

    36. Ernesto laughed uproariously and his sons soon joined in but he could see they didn't really understand

    37. Kara laughed; by the Elements, she liked this young woman

    38. The captain laughed out loud

    39. “¡You are a fool Son!” the guard laughed

    40. The driver laughed out loud as he surveyed his little world of perfectly stitched cow hide, walnut veneer and deathly totem

    41. ” the soldier laughed

    42. He laughed and sat down

    43. For the first time in all these years he actually laughed

    44. He laughed so much that now he had a sore throat and no voice

    45. His left leg complained with every step but he just laughed and told it not to be an arse

    46. Kara followed suit and they all laughed

    47. laughed again at the absurdity

    48. out of vision” she laughed along with Brijbabu and

    49. She would have laughed at thinking 'just a starship' if she had thawed from her terror yet

    50. Everybody laughed at the absurdity

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