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    Use "leading role" in a sentence

    leading role example sentences

    leading role

    1. She’d played the leading role in the research and development of the drug, and had done so without the proper permits

    2. Plantation slave owners, or “the slave owning power,” as many abolitionists referred to them, likely played the leading role in why the US fought the war

    3. Clinton also took a leading role in cutting public assistance (welfare), adding to human misery

    4. The leading role in this farce had now been unilaterally assumed by yours truly whilst I had become an extra

    5. about the cast of characters and some of the known leading roles:

    6. The ACP should take a leading role in addressing the excessive use of

    7. So, in an attempt for recovering the role that God had granted him, of shepherding of the lost souls of his herd, and having come to the place of the concentration and verified that the assertions of the devout women were true, he occupied his place at the head, pushing Tula with his elbow superficially backwards, in an attempt for taking the leading role of the woman and granting to the gathering a religious character

    8. ‘If you’ll sing the leading role, the last half of the School Concert this year will be a condensed version of Mozart’s ‘Magic Flute’

    9. ‘As someone who played a leading role in restoring the great lakes of North America, we really could do with your expertise, Professor

    10. She smiled triumphantly when she saw one email that she had been waiting for anxiously: it was from the Universal Studios and confirmed the start date next week for the production of the next movie in which she would feature in a leading role

    11. Instead of attacking across the Elbe towards Berlin with Montgomery’s 21st army group, which had been specially prepared for this task; Eisenhower, held back to permit Bradley the leading role, relegating Montgomery to guarding Bradley’s left flank

    12. leading role in these types of high profile operations

    13. As discussed over the last few pages, toxins play a leading role in the formation of an

    14. As a late entry into the Oscars, the film was nominated three times, best actress in a leading role, best special effects, and of course best actor in a leading role

    15. Now, five years later, she was proficient in the language and playing a leading role in the royal government

    16. debut in the Comédie Française with the leading role in Iphigénie by Racine, the

    17. Salts play a leading role, the role of stabilizer for the general ecology of the globe!"

    18. But the initiative quickly got caught up in a lot of political issues, some policy, some process, some naïveté, some nothing more than attacks on Hillary and her leading role

    19. She’d had a leading role in a few of the breakups at

    20. Meanwhile, women were making huge advances in medicine and education: Universities and colleges were opening their doors to women, and Western women played a leading role in spreading the message of education and emancipation in Africa and Asia

    21. Women took a leading role and so did employers: To them, a drunk worker was a bad worker

    22. Sukarno had played a leading role in Indonesian nationalist movements against the Dutch before the war

    23. She made the shortlist in the Actress in a Leading Role category for her performance in Beasts of the Southern Wild (USA, 2012)

    24. In it she had a leading role in which she sang two solo numbers—“Every Baby Needs a Da Da Daddy” and “Anyone Can See I Love You”—as well as two duets with Adele Jergens

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