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    1. The least you could do is lend us a couple of agents in a nice show of cooperation

    2. "What about your boss Da? Would he lend you that kind of money?"

    3. Kara looked at him and, flinging a quick plea that Gotte would lend power to her words, assembled her thoughts

    4. Vase: If you put flowers in a vase, you will have financial problems but your friends will be eager to lend you some money

    5. This being the last of the so-called ‘slimming1 Yoga asanas, I should like to lend a helping hand to those of you who, with the best will in the world to practice Yoga and grow slim, feel that you cannot find the time to practice

    6. All that Terry could do, once the dust had settled and his divorce had been dragged through the mire of the gutter press, was to lend his name and his former glories to endorsements and dubious advertising campaigns

    7. When possible, lend a helping hand

    8. lend aid,’ he smirked

    9. dead before any could lend aid

    10. Kulai was generous to lend her an enclosed coach that his business had at their disposal

    11. but merely to lend assistance

    12. “If you’ve got another blade I could lend a hand with those

    13. “It’s going to be boring around here without you to lend a bit of urban flair to our simple lives

    14. He was grateful Beatrice had been available to lend

    15. Dyinholm is fat enough to lend credence to his cooking

    16. Now, you lend us mere apprentices, children incapable of elevating a pebble let alone a twelve ton stone

    17. Jean was one of the first to lend assistance, and

    18. considerable exaggeration ), the great sums which they lend to private people, in countries where the rate of interest is higher than in their own, are circumstances which no doubt demonstrate the redundancy of their stock, or that it has increased beyond what they can employ with tolerable profit in the proper business of their own country; but they do not demonstrate that that business has decreased

    19. Many people must borrow, and nobody will lend without such a consideration for the use of their money as is suitable, not only to what can be made by the use of it, but to the difficulty and danger of evading the law

    20. ‘The Church authorities are obliged to lend their

    21. ‘I’m perfectly happy to lend him a hand,’ said

    22. manufactures may sometimes be in the same town, and sometimes in the same neighbourhood, without being able to lend the least assistance to one another

    23. He asked for a remedy that might lend iron to his-- Forgive me, I can’t say it to you, lord

    24. candlelight – who’d be progressive, but would not hesitate to lend

    25. Even with this precaution, too, the money which is borrowed, and which it is meant should not be repaid till after a period of several years, ought not to be borrowed of a bank, but ought to be borrowed upon bond or mortgage, of such private people as propose to live upon the interest of their money, without taking the trouble themselves to employ the capital, and who are, upon that account, willing to lend that capital to such people of good credit as are likely to keep it for several years

    26. It was the duty of the banks, they seemed to think, to lend for as long a time, and to as great an extent, as they might wish to borrow

    27. On the contrary, the whole expense of this borrowing, of employing agents to look out for people who had money to lend, of negotiating with those people, and of drawing the proper bond or assignment, must have fallen upon them, and have been so much clear loss upon the balance of their accounts

    28. the owner to lend the place to lovers, rather than waste the space

    29. I’ll have Tragus lend me Hesper to lead the way back

    30. To borrow or to lend for such a purpose, therefore, is, in all cases, where gross usury is out of the question, contrary to the interest of both parties; and though it no doubt happens sometimes, that people do both the one and the other, yet, from the regard that all men have for their own interest, we may be assured, that it cannot happen so very frequently as we are sometimes apt to imagine

    31. The creditor will not lend his money for less than the use of it is worth, and the debtor must pay him for the risk which he runs by accepting the full value of that use

    32. The person who has a capital from which he wishes to derive a revenue, without taking the trouble to employ it himself, deliberates whether he should buy land with it, or lend it out at interest

    33. “Then could you possibly lend me a chiton? Your cook must have an extra

    34. They run about everywhere to borrow money, and everybody tells them that they have none to lend

    35. Perhaps you need to lend a helping hand to someone

    36. Your dream may lend a clue to the source of the irritation

    37. The bank of Amsterdam professes to lend out no part of what is deposited with it, but for every guilder for which it gives credit in its books, to keep in its repositories the value of a guilder either in money or bullion

    38. Could someone lend me a torch?” asked Kate excitedly

    39. If it has amassed a treasure, it may lend a part of that treasure, either to foreign states, or to its own subjects

    40. Nobody will lend his money for less interest to those who exercise the taxed, than to those who exercise the untaxed employments

    41. For the sake of the respect and authority which they derive from this situation, they are willing to live in a country where their capital, if they employ it themselves, will bring them less profit, and if they lend it to another, less interest; and where the very moderate revenue which they can draw from it will purchase less of the necessaries and conveniencies of life than in any other part of Europe

    42. To trade, was disgraceful to a gentleman; and to lend money at interest, which at that time was considered as usury, and prohibited bylaw, would have been still more so

    43. The same commercial state of society which, by the operation of moral causes, brings government in this manner into the necessity of borrowing, produces in the subjects both an ability and an inclination to lend

    44. A country abounding with merchants and manufacturers, necessarily abounds with a set of people through whose hands, not only their own capitals, but the capitals of all those who either lend them money, or trust them with goods, pass as frequently, or more frequently, than the revenue of a private man, who, without trade or business, lives upon his income, passes through his hands

    45. Hence the ability in the subjects of a commercial state to lend

    46. The government of such a state is very apt to repose itself upon this ability and willingness of its subjects to lend it their money on extraordinary occasions

    47. In such a state of things, few people would be able, and nobody would be willing to lend their money to government on extraordinary exigencies

    48. In Rome, as in all other ancient republics, the poor people were constantly in debt to the rich and the great, who, in order to secure their votes at the annual elections, used to lend them money at exorbitant interest, which, being never paid, soon accumulated into a sum too great either for the debtor to pay, or for any body else to pay for him

    49. approached to find out if they could lend them a carpenter or two and render any other assistance that may be required

    50. I can’t bring on the rain, but I do have a certain wealth and I will lend you two bags of gold coins to recover your children

    1. you are lending then keep an eye out for who is in need of what you wish to

    2. almost completely transparent, lending to the

    3. I told her about the couple at the damaged house, and about lending a hand to help them clean up

    4. complex, lending an air of mystery to the place so closely

    5. It proved of excellent advantage to me now, that when I was a boy, I used to take great delight in standing at a basket-maker’s, in the town where my father lived, to see them make their wicker-ware; and being, as boys usually are, very officious to help, and a great observer of the manner in which they worked those things, and sometimes lending a hand, I had by these means full knowledge of the methods of it, and I wanted nothing but the materials, when it came into my mind that the twigs of that tree from whence I cut my stakes that grew might possibly be as tough as the sallows, willows, and osiers in England, and I resolved to try

    6. The lowest ordinary rate of interest must, in the same manner, be something more than sufficient to compensate the occasional losses to which lending, even with tolerable prudence, is exposed

    7. Were it not, mere charity or friendship could be the only motives for lending

    8. Though no paper money, therefore, was allowed to be issued, but for such sums as would confine it pretty much to the circulation between dealers and dealers; yet partly by discounting real bills of exchange, and partly by lending upon cash-accounts, banks and bankers might still be able to relieve the greater part of those dealers from the necessity of keeping any considerable part of their stock by them unemployed, and in ready money, for answering occasional demands

    9. Whatever a person saves from his revenue he adds to his capital, and either employs it himself in maintaining an additional number of productive hands, or enables some other person to do so, by lending it to him for an interest, that is, for a share of the profits

    10. The superior security of land, together with some other advantages which almost everywhere attend upon this species of property, will generally dispose him to content himself with a smaller revenue from land, than what he might have by lending out his money at interest

    11. Simple examples could be complimenting a colleague for doing a good job, lending a helping hand to a neighbor or giving up a bus seat to an elderly

    12. That fund might arise even from the interest of a sum of money, the lending out of which might, in the same manner, be entrusted to the court which was to be maintained by it

    13. The sovereign, like, any other owner of stock, may derive a revenue from it, either by employing it himself, or by lending it

    14. The canton of Berne derives a considerable revenue by lending a part of its treasure to foreign states, that is, by placing it in the public funds of the different indebted nations of Europe, chiefly in those of France and England

    15. This policy of lending money to foreign states is, so far as I know peculiar to the canton of Berne

    16. The government of Pennsylvania, without amassing any treasure, invented a method of lending, not money, indeed, but what is equivalent to money, to its subjects

    17. The transference of stock or moveable property, from the living to the living, by the lending of money, is frequently a secret transaction, and may always be made so

    18. By lending money to government, they do not even for a moment diminish their ability to carry on their trade and manufactures; on the contrary, they commonly augment it

    19. Some of those governments, that of Pennsylvania, particularly, derive a revenue from lending this paper money to their subjects, at an interest of so much per cent

    20. doors, lending them to use by the homeless or other lost souls that inhabited the streets

    21. The sun had started to cause its own light, lending a grayish cast to the surroundings

    22. On the pit walls, sconces held torches rather than lamps, lending a primeval feel to the arena

    23. Its eyes were mere slits, lending them a fierce quality

    24. And with this thought held firmly in mind, he pushed onwards along the tunnel, the eerie whispers following him lending an extra urgency to his movements

    25. Gone were the wild flowers that had swayed in the summer breezes, lending their scents to the comforting smell of the sett

    26. Although not every citizen, for whatever reason(s), is predisposed to defend his or her nation during a time of war, each should properly support the nation‘s war effort in some (other) manner by lending either moral or financial support to American troops who have selflessly placed themselves in harm‘s way so that others on the home front might live in peace

    27. He signed other laws that allowed credit default swaps and gave banks looser rules in lending to low income areas

    28. The political opponents of the present administration might choose to carefully weigh the (uncertain) consequences that are (certain) to arise by lending legitimacy to world leaders whose questionable character and destabilizing military designs should provide thoughtful pause

    29. She almost dropped the heavy armful of books she was carrying home from the Glen lending library, and then, to cover her confusion, she told one of those small fibs which even the best of women do tell at times

    30. Verses 23 to 27 regulate the lending of money with and without surety

    31. Bookshelves lined three walls, lending the rich colours of book bindings to the glow of the oil lamps

    32. disposition; lending to the needy without interest, and cancelling the debt of the incoming Sabbath

    33. We’ve weathered the storm pretty well but the share price has fallen to its biggest low, lending had been restricted and our overall ratings have suffered

    34. ful lending practices and commitment to their

    35. coupled with conservative lending practices

    36. This has led to many traditional lenders modifying their lending criteria, and

    37. Recently I was visiting with a very good commercial lending officer

    38. The idea is that community banks do the lion’s share of lending to smal businesses, and

    39. Even Jesus told a parable involving lending and borrowing (Luke

    40. And so I hope that with so many of the most powerful elves in attendance, lending their power to the vow, that you will be affected by its power, enough that you will truly fall in love with me

    41. “I know, and it was wonderful to have you there with us, lending your power and sharing our risk

    42. 7 Since in what way is a solitary eater and a glutton and a drunkard reclaimed unless it be clear that reasoning is Lord of the passions? 8 A man therefore who regulates his course by the law even if he be a lover of money straightway puts force on his own disposition; lending to the needy without interest and cancelling the debt of the incoming Sabbath

    43. In the silence following his announcement, a small nod of approval was seen from the king’s emissary lending the captain the courage to continue

    44. emissary lending the captain the courage to continue

    45. federal loans, including the Stafford Loan, are made under the Direct Lending Program of the federal government

    46. The Random House Webster’s Dictionary defines usury as the charging of exorbitant interest above the legal rate for lending money

    47. Fadi Essmaeel, told me that interest on money lending is against the law there too

    48. However, he explained that the Israeli Banks circumvent earning interest on the lending of money or borrowing funds by calling the higher repayment a “late payment

    49. The Church held that usury (interest) was making money from lending money or making money from

    50. offered to help with the move by lending her black pickup truck

    1. This special series of studies lends itself to a fuller discussion of the work of the preacher in the local congregation

    2. Dave very sweetly lends me his handkerchief when we reach the part where Aslan goes willingly to the Stone Table … I foolishly forgot to put any tissues in my handbag before I came out

    3. The result of sin lends itself to

    4. The Friend That Lends: Luke 11:5-13

    5. The revenue derived from labour is called wages; that derived from stock, by the person who manages or employs it, is called profit; that derived from it by the person who does not employ it himself, but lends it to another, is called the interest or the use of money

    6. A private man who lends out his money to perhaps half a dozen or a dozen of debtors, may, either by himself or his agents, observe and inquire both constantly and carefully into the conduct and situation of each of them

    7. But a banking company, which lends money to perhaps five hundred different people, and of which the attention is continually occupied by objects of a very different kind, can have no regular information concerning the conduct and circumstances of the greater part of its debtors, beyond what its own books afford it

    8. A bank, indeed, which lends its money without the expense of stamped paper, or of attorneys' fees for drawing bonds and mortgages, and which accepts of repayment upon the easy terms of the banking companies of Scotland, would, no doubt, be a very convenient creditor to such traders and undertakers

    9. But a bank which lends money, perhaps to five hundred different people, the greater part of whom its directors can know very little about, is not likely to be more judicious in the choice of its debtors than a private person who lends out his money among a few people whom he knows, and in whose sober and frugal conduct he thinks he has good reason to confide

    10. The man who borrows in order to spend will soon be ruined, and he who lends to him will generally have occasion to repent of his folly

    11. A, for example, lends to W £1000, with which W immediately purchases of B £1000 worth of goods

    12. B having no occasion for the money himself, lends the identical pieces to X, with which X immediately purchases of C another £1000 worth of goods

    13. C, in the same manner, and for the same reason, lends them to Y, who again purchases goods with them of D

    14. The person who lends money gets nearly as much interest from the former as he dares to take from the latter, and his money is much safer in the hands of the one set of people than in those of the other

    15. This rent may be considered as the produce of those powers of Nature, the use of which the landlord lends to the farmer

    16. also lends itself to becoming a triggering mechanism for entering the trance state

    17. The constant battle between the ego and the Higher Self lends credence to the observation that life in this world is one that is steeped in polarities

    18. I am aware of the existence of other people who have a similar likeness to me that confirms my own existence‖ (Freely adapted from Rene Descartes) The troubling assumption with most (nihilistic) existential thinkers is the idea that the universe is fundamentally evil; without purpose or meaning and that alienated Man must overcome the evil dynamics of Nature through his or her own (determined) efforts or by exercising Free Will that ironically lends force to conscious expression

    19. This does not necessarily preclude, however, the potential for every individual to attain appropriate levels of honor and (self) esteem that sets the proper standards for others to follow; that is to say, lends character and dignity to that whole

    20. “He that has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He wil pay

    21. 26 He is ever merciful, and lends; and his seed is blessed

    22. 5 A good man shows favour, and lends: he will guide his affairs with discretion

    23. He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord; and that which he has given he will repay him again; Chasten your son while there

    24. As cited in an American report lends credence to this idea: “The CISC

    25. Here, as part of the group’s activity, Roger indulges his literary curiosity with a visit to Juliet’s house (for Romeo and Juliet supposedly lived in Verona), and Lucille satisfies her musical itch by going to the opera at the city’s majestic “Arena”, a centuries-old Roman amphitheater with a gigantic stage that lends itself to the massive numbers of persons and animals in the production of “Aida”, a frequent summer presentation

    26. 2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor who lends anything to his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the Lord's release

    27. a system, as far as lobbying is concerned, if we have a process that lends itself to one influential lobbyist with a relationship with one member,” Sen

    28. It is highly magical, and lends it’s own power to the gathering

    29. You see, President Obama’s statement only makes sense if you have a tried and settled foundation that lends it the proper support

    30. The experience we gain through following the will of God in the service to others lends itself to spiritual growth and greater maturity

    31. Without the ability to learn and to be social as an organization, it lends itself to being criticized by the very communities of people it intends to serve

    32. Later in the evening, when they were making speeches, one of the more malignant of the Pharisees went so far as to criticize Jesus' conduct to Peter, saying: "How dare you to teach that this man is righteous when he eats with publicans and sinners and thus lends his presence to such scenes of careless pleasure making

    33. “He who has compassion on the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his good deed

    34. It lends instant credibility to you ad

    35. My degree in computer science lends the highest credence to the sections dealing with computers –

    36. Adding some verification to back up what you say from your delving into the subject matter by way of reading, lends more credibility to what you put on paper

    37. This lends credibility to what I said in the first paragraph about

    38. Revelation thirteen is such a clear narrative that it lends itself to a form of paraphrasing;

    39. Inevitably, the best run companies will try to structure their leverage to stay as close to the mean as possible, which lends an air of predictability to this volatile calculation

    40. The entity, usually a bank or financial institution that lends

    41. Final Cut X’s interface lends itself beautifully to this workflow so as a new editor, I would suggest getting used to this interface

    42. It also lends good evidence that the Milky Way was/is being seeded, at least in the Star Trek Universe, and this theme will also be seen again and again

    43. Quickness lends itself to surprise

    44. ‘I don’t think her problem lends itself to a clear-cut solution,’ he said, thoughtfully

    45. Life is not as unkind to the self-introspecting man as it is to a self-reflecting bull for it lends him the scope to contain the damages the vagaries of his habit occasions; but still, save a Gary Sobers, who said he never committed the same mistake twice, man fails to benefit from the let-offs of fate, and that only proves that man is more adept at thwarting the perils without but not at averting the banes within

    46. But, would the Hindu majority, recovering from the humiliation of a thousand years of alien rule, suffer a foreigner taking the capital seat of Hindustan? The Congressmen, and more so women, though seem not to mind, unmindful of the perils of having a person of foreign origin as the country’s Prime Minister! Wouldn’t every nation be a hostage of its own history that lends itself to color its people’s thinking towards the other countries and their peoples? Could an Israelite origin Prime Minister be objective in India’s ties with the Palestine? What about India’s relations with the Western world under the premiership of some naturalized Iranian or an Iraqi? Wouldn’t an Indian political head of Bangladeshi origin, nursing a grouse of his sister’s molestation by some Punjabi fauzis during the crisis in his parent country be tempted to settle scores with Pakistan with India’s military might? Why, could any such one be what he or she should be as India’s Prime Minister; without a native Indian at the helm of affairs, won’t India’s detractors exploit the handicaps of a foreign origin numero uno to jeopardize the Indian national interests?

    47. The star of the merchant of Venice, a Jewish money lender who lends the sum of 3000 ducats to the merchant Antonio under the condition that if he failed to pay, a pound of his own flesh should be taken as a substitute of payment

    48. This popular fish lends itself to lots of different ideas and recipes so don't be afraid to experiment with new flavors to find the ones you like best

    49. extremism” – a formulation that neither offers clarity about the true nature of our foe nor lends itself to a prescription for a successful countervailing strategy

    50. 1) Be creative with clothing -- Clothing is a strong seller on some of the auction sites, and certainly lends itself to a lot of creativity

    1. She told me that Henry has been really worried, desperately trying to remember when he last saw the gun, Stephen … they are pretty sure it was lent out with a load of other stuff for a themed party sometime back in March

    2. ‘That’s easy, Liz … a load of stuff was lent out for a themed party of some sort, and we know that Dan was involved in the collection … in fact Henry didn’t check over the stuff until quite recently which was when he noticed the gun was missing

    3. Gilla has lent me some boots while mine are ‘softened’ by some process I have been told I don’t want to know about

    4. After New Year's day they began to prepare for returning to their places in the world at large--- Harry to Malvern and the Lent term, the ladies to their vocations in Stratford

    5. Summer became autumn, autumn became lent and on to summer once more

    6. His companions lent him their approval with several bursts of “Aye!"

    7. In Bengal, money is frequently lent to the farmers at forty, fifty, and sixty per cent

    8. The virtuous Brutus lent money in Cyprus at eight-and-forty per cent

    9. ‘No need to beg, mister, it’s just embarrassing,’ said Hogan as he lent forward

    10. Maggie lent against him, her hair spilling onto his shoulder, filling his nostrils with her fragrance

    11. Sam lent forward and she put her hands on his face

    12. Janice lent forward and read it aloud to herself

    13. Nathaniel lent down, picked up the two Molotovs, lit them and threw them overhand, one on each side of the road

    14. The stock which is accumulated into a capital, may either be employed by the person to whom it belongs, or it may be lent to some other person

    15. This operation could not augment, in the smallest degree, the quantity of money to be lent

    16. Those who wanted to borrow must have applied to this bank, instead of applying to the private persons who had lent it their money

    17. the tree with its ready-to-bloom orange flowers lent to it


    19. The stock which is lent at interest is always considered as a capital by the lender

    20. The stock which is lent at interest is, no doubt, occasionally employed in both these ways, but in the former much more frequently than in the latter

    21. Ask any rich man of common prudence, to which of the two sorts of people he has lent the greater part of his stock, to those who he thinks will employ it profitably, or to those who will spend it idly, and he will laugh at you for proposing the question

    22. The only people to whom stock is commonly lent, without their being expected to make any very profitable use of it, are country gentlemen, who borrow upon mortgage

    23. The quantity of stock, therefore, or, as it is commonly expressed, of money, which can be lent at interest in any country, is not regulated by the value of the money, whether paper or coin, which serves as the instrument of the different loans made in that country, but by the value of that part of the annual produce, which, as soon as it comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, is destined, not only for replacing a capital, but such a capital as the owner does not care to be at the trouble of employing himself

    24. As such capitals are commonly lent out and paid back in money, they constitute what is called the monied interest

    25. The stock lent by the three monied men is equal to the value of the goods which can be purchased with it, and is three times greater than that of the money with which the purchases are made

    26. A capital lent at interest may, in this manner, be considered as an assignment, from the lender to the borrower, of a certain considerable portion of the annual produce, upon condition that the burrower in return shall, during the continuance of the loan, annually assign to the lender a small portion, called the interest ; and, at the end of it, a portion equally considerable with that which had originally been assigned to him, called the repayment

    27. The increase of those particular capitals from which the owners wish to derive a revenue, without being at the trouble of employing them themselves, naturally accompanies the general increase of capitals ; or, in other words, as stock increases, the quantity of stock to be lent at interest grows gradually greater and greater

    28. As the quantity of stock to be lent at interest increases, the interest, or the price which must be paid for the use of that stock, necessarily diminishes, not only from those general causes which make the market price of things commonly diminish as their quantity increases, but from other causes which are peculiar to this particular case

    29. In a country such as Great Britain, where money is lent to government at three per cent

    30. the greater part of the money which was to be lent, would be lent to prodigals and projectors, who alone would be willing to give this high interest

    31. money continued to be lent in France at five per cent

    32. Had some trouble with a pair of Ice Wraiths, so I lent my sword

    33. Her dad had thoughtfully lent the car to a mate of his from down the pub, just for safekeeping, during Jodie’s stay in hospital

    34. It was mounted on a square block and four uneven wheels lent it motion

    35. money paid for the use of money lent - interest rate n

    36. money lent by a bank etc and that must be repaid with interest - also v

    37. In 1722, this company petitioned the parliament to be allowed to divide their immense capital of more than thirty-three millions eight hundred thousand pounds, the whole of which had been lent to government, into two equal parts; the one half, or upwards of £16,900,000, to be put upon the same footing with other government annuities, and not to be subject to the debts contracted, or losses incurred, by the directors of the company, in the prosecution of their mercantile projects ; the other half to remain as before, a trading stock, and to be subject to those debts and losses

    38. By a resolution of the house of commons, for example, it was declared, that when the £1,400,000 lent to the company by government, should be paid, and their bond-debts be reduced to £1,500,000, they might then, and not till then, divide eight per cent

    39. “Hello lads this is Lt Smith who has been lent to us by the 1st8th Battalion as a replacement for Lt Cole

    40. This land tax, as it is called however, is supposed to be one-fifth, not only of the rent of all the land, but of that of all the houses, and of the interest of all the capital stock of Great Britain, that part of it only excepted which is either lent to the public, or employed as farming stock in the cultivation of land

    41. According to the estimation, therefore, by which Great Britain is rated to the land tax, the whole mass of revenue arising from the rent of all the lands, from that of all the houses, and from the interest of all the capital stock, that part of it only excepted which is either lent to the public, or employed in the cultivation of land, does not exceed ten millions sterling a-year, the ordinary revenue which government levies upon the people, even in peaceable times

    42. In order to put the trade of a builder upon a level with other trades, it is necessary that this rent should be sufficient, first, to pay him the same interest which he would have got for his capital, if he had lent it upon good security ; and, secondly, to keep the house in constant repair, or, what comes to the same thing, to replace, within a certain term of years, the capital which had been employed in building it

    43. “She was up for it wasn’t she Billy Boy and what happens Nobby is with us on the tram instead of in her arms kissing?” Nobby scowled and muttered something under his breath so Bert lent over saying

    44. Time proven tips by masters of the sport will have lent you their important tips on how to survive the game of golf well under par

    45. He told me so much about it, lent me books and taught me things about the history, the culture, religion

    46. Five minutes later he lent forward, brushing the windscreen with the cuff of his jacket, but even though he’d cleared it, he still couldn’t see through the mist

    47. The X-ray images appeared on the big computer screen and she lent forward excitedly, tapping on the keyboard to print out a hard copy of the image

    48. The cat slid along the side of the cot until it was standing at the baby’s head, then lent over and looked directly into its eyes, teeth bared, hissing softly

    49. Before he realised what Gonzalez was up to, the man had lent across the desk and punched a button on the phone, transferring the call to the loudspeaker setting

    50. As the guard lent over to inspect it, Gonzalez punched him in the throat with curled knuckles

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    Synonyms for "lend"

    lend loan add bestow bring contribute impart confer give grant supply present advance entrust furnish accommodate oblige conform comply adjust

    "lend" definitions

    bestow a quality on

    give temporarily; let have for a limited time

    have certain characteristics of qualities for something; be open or vulnerable to