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    Use "lightening" in a sentence

    lightening example sentences


    1. Out of the sky as fast as a lightening strike, there was a black blur and the thing was gone

    2. As they drove back to the house they could see lightening off in the distance

    3. As they rounded the corner and came up the hill, they could see in the distance a lot of dark ominous clouds and lightening across the sky

    4. Storms are really much more intense, lightening strikes are the worst

    5. There was a storm crossing the desert, huge streaks of lightening raced across the night sky providing her with her own private show

    6. In spite of the lightening they had done, and losing a lot of their gear to the kranjan weeks ago, Alan's pack was still way too heavy to be running with

    7. Some showers wandered around offering occasional relief but endangering them with a few sparks of lightening

    8. They were being turned to ash before his eyes as a white blur darted from dragon to dragon at lightening speed

    9. She spun around and seized K’nada, unsheathed his blade and leaped through the air slicing thru imagined enemies swinging the blade with lightening speed

    10. The sky was a dark bluish color from horizon to horizon, interspaced within were white lightening strikes

    11. There was already a perceptible lightening of the mood in the room

    12. ‘Hemlock? Isn’t that what some Greek philosopher died of?’ James said in an obvious attempt at lightening the atmosphere

    13. Jameson was quicker than the flash of lightening which struck out at the same moment, and held her in his embrace, safe from gravity and and the fall

    14. In celluloid terms, the next moment should be like a flash of lightening, but the real world works through simple, individual sparks of light, and through basic synaptic connections

    15. lightening for the rain, he brings the

    16. Dumbfound she sat there, playing with the strap of her purse, trying to figure out what he’d ran off for, when like a streak of lightening Jim came bounding thru the door

    17. and lightening could be seen over the roofs of the

    18. He tried to sort his thoughts and must have dozed for when his head bobbed he was startled to see that the sky was already lightening

    19. She sat there wallowing in shame for quite a while as the coach rumbled ever deeper into the lightening flatlands of the outer city

    20. Already flashes of sheet lightening could be seen flickering in and through the mounting storm

    21. The sky behind the eastern valleys was lightening

    22. It was a perfect cloudless night so we were stumped as to where the sheet lightening was coming from

    23. As soon as the Nord returned to the Stormcloak camp, realization struck him sure and quick as lightening

    24. A flash of lightening rent the sky and thunder roared in the distance

    25. Lightening split the clouds, and thunder rolled

    26. Seas can be evaporated and living creatures are struck with an enormous power, greater than the lightening from the skies, and shrivelled to ashes in seconds

    27. The clouds looked brighter although still foreboding, as they swanned across the rapidly lightening sky

    28. There - yes - there was a lightening of the cave walls ahead, and suddenly she rounded the corner and came out into the cool air of the rocky beach

    29. His eyes narrowed and he suddenly tensed, terrified that the Circle of Claws had been destroyed by the lightening bolt

    30. They sipped coffee, not speaking, just watching and dunked their rolls while familiar stars faded into the lightening atmosphere

    31. The noisy crashes of thunder and flashing lightening and finally the electric power outage must have frightened her

    32. The bark was not blackened from a lightening strike

    33. Such discussions always made her uncomfortable, or as she would put it, afraid that she was going to be struck by lightening

    34. I was the lightening rod

    35. Just as the sky was lightening, we shoved off and headed for the inlet that would take us from the lagoon to the open sea

    36. A dark cloud had formed over the sorcerers’ heads, and then suddenly lightening rained down from the clouds and completely wiped out the enemy position

    37. Had Chloe done something else to him now? Fear struck him like a bolt of lightening

    38. They had been electrocuted by the lightening, and then crushed under fragments of the wall

    39. He thought back to the nonsense the cabbie had been blithering on about regarding lightening strikes and electrical items blowing up

    40. AJ was as quick as lightening and came up behind the distracted doctor, plunging a syringe deep into her neck

    41. A flash of lightening resulted, but this one didn’t tear into the earth after being hurled from above

    42. If you’ve used Twitter before, you’ll know it moves at lightening pace

    43. Edict followed edict with lightening rapidity

    44. He had the body and hair shape of a tiger, but his stripes were horizontal instead of vertical, and they ranged in lightening bands from dark red on his back down to light yellow on his belly and legs, with white whiskers on his snout and eyebrows thirty-five centimeters long

    45. A strike of lightening could not have stunned him more

    46. Like lightening the Dweller attacked again this time scoring her flesh

    47. Simon stared out at the sky, already lightening with the full promise of morning, before he turned his attention to more practical matters

    48. Cristal squinted and could see an image where the lightening streaks were crossing each other

    49. rationalization seemed increasingly capable of lightening the

    50. Barrad’s hairs stood on end and his nostrils filled with the stench of sulphur as a great shimmering portal appeared on the plain and small secondary lightening sparks radiated outwards

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