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    Use "lights" in a sentence

    lights example sentences


    1. A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep

    2. A simple trip to the grocery store will be filled with episodes of bad drivers, poorly-timed traffic lights, crowded aisles, indifferent checkout clerks, and thin plastic grocery bags that rip too easily

    3. He stomps it out lights another

    4. I can watch for it as soon as it lights, but those probes won't see the inert craft

    5. · Have handrails and lights put in on all staircases

    6. A long, drab corridor illuminated with fluorescent lights

    7. The lights above his head seemed

    8. The houses and tavernas and bright lights of the

    9. With the lights out my

    10. John pauses, touches some of the big Christmas lights hanging from the building, looks about before entering

    11. The cavernous roof with its harsh strip lights folded into starry night

    12. He reaches over on the nightstand, lights a cigarette, hands it to Ahmed

    13. glowed under the lights in ambers and olives and whites, almost tabby in effect

    14. She lights a cigarette, offers him one

    15. from the lights and the chirpy clatter of bars and restaurants

    16. "Turn off the lights there

    17. She braked – he saw the brake lights come on, but it appears that her brakes failed for some reason

    18. Drivers flashed their lights and drove through without a look in the old man’s direction

    19. Naturally, there are still lights on in one or two of the houses – this lot never sleep from what I can see - and Henry waves across at us … he’s taking Buster out for a late night walk

    20. The truck would idle for a moment, waiting for traffic to clear or for lights to change, and as the truck moved off I spat oaths of vengeance in my head, while I fought for breath through my clogged nose

    21. Smile, it costs you nothing and it real y lights up a person"s face

    22. With the night sky calling forth the hunter in her soul, she opened the curtains, stepped out onto the balcony and gazed down the dusty little lane that ran towards the local coastal strip, with its bright lights, its noise and its scurrying human possibilities

    23. There seemed a deepening of the chill in the air as she climbed up and out of the town, as though the imminence of winter was more profoundly announced away from the lights and the chirpy clatter of bars and restaurants

    24. So here she was, about to walk down the ramp and into the underpass, with the first dread impulse to run back to the lights and bars rising from the pit of her stomach

    25. Alan expected the lights here in the hall would be turned up when the show ended

    26. And now there weren't just noises in the sky, there were lights

    27. turns, lights another unfiltered Players,

    28. catching reflections from the coloured lights

    29. and stops at traffic lights, where a white Fiat van

    30. reflecting the lights from the stage

    31. Red lights in his face

    32. In one there were several packs of Marlboro lights, and in the other Capri menthols

    33. Fred turned on the Christmas lights

    34. In the surround sound of cars beyond strip lights,

    35. Jack had put on the Christmas tree lights

    36. that there were no lights on

    37. the street lights along the river reflected

    38. Through the window, I could just make out some lights, orange, so still in what must have been sports arenas and motorways

    39. Orange lights flickered across the surface in the late afternoon sun

    40. Pin pricks of light glittered in the growing darkness, unusual clusters that had me confused until I twigged they were not stars at all but lights from mountain houses

    41. On the road down to the harbour with its lights and the village life, the faint strains of bouzouki floated through the air from a shop nearby

    42. Boy sleeps with the lights out,

    43. From Homer I gathered a huge range of heroes and myths about monsters and magic that I'd tell to my dormitory mates after lights out

    44. Behind the desperate couple, the house lights went up, but they were so engrossed in their respective miseries that neither of them noticed a shabby little old man shuffling down one of the aisles and taking a front row seat

    45. The lights snapped off and there was another crack of thunder

    46. As the lights came up again slowly, the tart with a heart was standing where the blonde spirit had appeared, and she was smiling her soft and gentle, gap toothed smile once again

    47. It appeared that mother was winning and the bright lights of the Nevada desert would soon be graced by two new high rollers with money to burn

    48. I don't know if it was the reflections in the sea, or the lights from passing ships, or maybe the peaceful scattering of tables and chairs in the street, or even the girl, the mountains, the bells, or all of it all together, but that was the evening the spirit of the village of Sophia stood before me, showed me her face and stole me away

    49. Along the road out of town, I climb for about half an hour to where the bulldozers have scraped out the old rock to make the new road, and from there look back at the lights of Sophia, a tender pattern of sparks with a few gaps where mountain homes once stood

    50. A frail string of lights hanging in the darkness - and such dense darkness there would be without the tender sparks

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