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    Use "limits" in a sentence

    limits example sentences


    1. We should listen to them, appreciate differences, encourage risk-taking (within limits) and discourage blind conformity

    2. Similarly they should praise within limits and definitely not in such a way that the child stops believing you

    3. This limits their attack on wet and dry woods within reach of the soil

    4. In practicing Yoga, know your body and respect its limits

    5. I don’t know what speed limits Jeremy broke between his place and here, but he and Tonya are at the door before I expect them

    6. She put loose limits on all format matches at the finest levels of detail in every user manual, trying to get an idea what kind of format was in use

    7. exerted beyond this borough’s limits

    8. For a start off, you have to stop at crossroads – then there are lots of rules about speed limits in towns and loads of other cars on the roads

    9. pocket's limits, there are 101 ways to live up to all your partner's romantic dreams and give him or her all they have wished for in a dream-date

    10. Thom had certain limits to the magic he could employ, opening a new back door wasn’t in his allowance

    11. To say that they are basic would be to stretch the meaning of the word to its limits

    12. The sampling interval can be reduced to the limits of our equipment and it still looks like an analog trace

    13. He could scroll thru them in each direction to the limits of his instrument

    14. They are at the limits of our instrumentation

    15. “To the limits of my technology to detect it

    16. They symbolized the limits that we place on ourselves

    17. doors, and that he could fly, with no earthly limits to

    18. limits of their own skin

    19. The four-day journey would be hard; there would be no amenities; they would all be pushed to their limits

    20. Like a mortal, she would have to set limits on the amount of alcohol she consumed as long as she was in this universe without a med panel

    21. develops and progresses beyond what their limits of yesterday could not

    22. “We have unexpected guests, Rusty, and they are off limits

    23. ‘Yes, but there are limits

    24. As they breached the limits of the town proper, he began a story, “Once upon a time there was no donkey in the Guang

    25. 10when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place,

    26. Back in the good old days of 1971, the federal government didn't have all the silly rules that they have today that limits the creativity of veterans to earn extra money through the G

    27. The traffic had lessened since leaving the city limits and now it was only

    28. The barrier of azure flames flickered and dimmed as the shiny black substance inside flexed and expanded, as if testing the limits of its prison

    29. The liberal reward of labour, by enabling them to provide better for their children, and consequently to bring up a greater number, naturally tends to widen and extend those limits

    30. children that has no limits, whereas a business manager ends his

    31. its limits like every other ; and the increase of stock, by increasing the competition,

    32. Those who did seek to find her limits always died before reaching them

    33. When seen in its true form it is a current of pure energy constantly moving through the river of time, always flowing beyond its limits in a direct course toward the infinite," Brice finished his speech, then gazed out over the faces in the crowd seated before him

    34. Even Alec has his limits

    35. In waste and uninclosed lands, any person who discovers a tin mine may mark out its limits to a certain extent, which is called bounding a mine

    36. Though even that ancient weapon had its limits, for now it was ripe with darkness, growing painful for Solo Ki to bear

    37. He also worried about his own limits

    38. In this search there seem to be no certain limits, either to the possible success, or to the possible disappointment of human industry

    39. democracy, its limits and possibilities

    40. every time the limits of each one of them, without

    41. “Tejas, you have crossed all limits this time…”

    42. There are limits to insanity

    43. Think for yourself within limits

    44. This produce, how great soever, can never be infinite, but must have certain limits

    45. I was consumed; each of my senses extended to their limits

    46. The capital of all the individuals of a nation has its limits, in the same manner as that of a single individual, and is capable of executing only certain purposes

    47. All limits had indeed been crossed

    48. She didn’t bother to shrink back to the limits of her chain

    49. He threw himself into the training of the Hebrews, pushing himself and them to the limits

    50. Truly, I think you’re just inventing ‘rules’ and reasons to chastise me! The war was never explicitly labeled as off limits when I signed on

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