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    Use "logistical" in a sentence

    logistical example sentences


    1. This included mining firms, prospectors, logistical firms, refining operations, support operations and anyone else who lived and worked in the vicinity

    2. But this would pose many logistical problems for the State—and, frankly, it would not be that efficient

    3. Since the value of these old boards was so low, repairing or upgrading anything became a difficult logistical problem

    4. Armed forces personnel suffered high casualties in the Pacific War due to fanatical enemy resistance and the logistical and tactical challenges of amphibious assaults on enemy-held islands

    5. It was one of the busiest intersections on the Underground and could be a logistical nightmare at times

    6. Matthew was like a man possessed about the logistical side of things, constantly looking out the window

    7. This is logistical and admin support This huge building on the hill is their church

    8. “Obersturmführer, it seems that your maintenance section, along with most of our logistical train, will never arrive here: over 400 British bombers attacked Hamburg with those awful blast bombs imported from the future by Laplante

    9. This promised to be a logistical nightmare of the first magnitude

    10. Now, concerning the logistical arrangements

    11. These three officers, along with eight clerical, signal and logistical NCOs, will travel with you on the MEIGS: you will thus have ample opportunity to get to know them

    12. I may be a top ace in the air but I know nothing about United States administrative and logistical procedures and regulations

    13. Captain Ernest Wakefield, whom Ingrid had managed to grab back as her administration officer, had taken care of the arrangements for the recruiting campaign, helped in this by Captain Peter Shmelling, her old logistical officer from the 17th Pursuit Squadron, who had also been recuperated by Ingrid

    14. While there were more than enough candidates sitting in the rows for pilots and aircrews to satisfy Ingrid, they were easily outnumbered by the women wanting to join administrative and logistical trades, while the ones interested in technical support and maintenance were a clear minority

    15. ‘’I also got a total of 3,681 candidates qualified for the positions of aircrews for bombers or transport aircraft, or for various maintenance, logistical and administrative positions

    16. In Ingrid’s mind, whoever in Washington had planned the logistical effort in support of the South Pacific campaign should have been shot for gross incompetence

    17. After Masan, there is your airfield, then the port of Pusan and its logistical installations and supply dumps

    18. The personnel of the following units and sub-units will prepare immediately for a ground defense mission beyond the perimeter of the airfield: the armored car and detention platoons of our Military Police company; the first and second platoons of our airfield defense company and the emergency defense sections of all our administrative, logistical and construction sub-units

    19. Brigadier General Dows then accepted to form a ground defense unit with parts of her administrative and logistical personnel

    20. That was not to denigrate the qualities of the North Korean and Chinese soldiers, though: up to now, despite suffering from a poor logistical support system and not enjoying air superiority, the enemy soldiers had proved to be brave, sturdy and ferocious infantrymen with first class field craft skills

    21. General Dows and her KATF were given to you to support the 8th Army in the air, not on the ground! Now, General Dows herself sent me this afternoon a request to thin out on the ground her non-essential administrative and logistical equipment and spare parts in prevision of a possible evacuation from Korea

    22. ‘’You god damn incompetent idiot! Dows is a Medal of Honor recipient with more actual experience of frontline ground combat than you! She fought with her women in Guadalcanal and Papua New Guinea and now has been repulsing repeated assaults by a whole Chinese division for three days now, and you have the gall to tell me that her opinion is unworthy of attention? Her unit may have been provided as a tactical air support unit to 8th Army, but the KATF still falls under me for administrative and logistical matters

    23. ‘’First, our thinning out program is going well and has managed to bring back to the Philippines much of the vehicles and equipment of our administrative and logistical support echelons, including our tents and mess facilities

    24. The German invasion of Britain, “0peration Sea Lion" was planned; but Hitler held no illusions about the logistical difficulties of this formidable task

    25. We will limit for the moment our assistance to Japan to providing logistical and intelligence support

    26. Carla commented, “This is to be expected, the complex is exceptionally secure, but without the logistical nightmare of security guards everywhere

    27. The failure to destroy the fuel tanks and service facilities reflected Japanese preoccupation with tactical rather than logistical targets

    28. Even those planes, while excellent for strafing missions, have a limited bomb-carrying capacity and are beset by a chronic lack of spare parts and a weak logistical support system

    29. This caused the build-up of enormous traffic jams, resulting in major logistical and supply difficulties

    30. But such a diversion would have created immense logistical problems and leave the bulk of the Allied army much further from the Rhine and Berlin

    31. He repeatedly departed from original plans and these miscalculations would cause enormous logistical problems and fatal delays; all of which led to the great German disaster at Berlin in April 1945

    32. Henceforth, the Americans, who were providing most of the logistical backing and with more than twice the number of troops in the field as the British would call the tune

    33. Hitler's interference in military operations had become totally irrational, causing enormous logistical problems and fatal delays

    34. ‘’While nearly all the infantry elements of our Marine brigade have arrived in Da Nang, only a small portion of our logistical equipment and supplies has been landed, while our heavy weapons, tanks, artillery and anti-aircraft guns are still in ships at sea and are due in Da Nang late this coming Monday

    35. An Army logistician, Belknap was long on years of service but short on everything else except knowledge of logistical matters

    36. Fortunately, air reconnaissance by our planes alerted us to that invasion force, which allowed us to effect preventive strikes along the border… Those airstrikes in turn destroyed the tanks, artillery pieces and vehicles, all Soviet, of that force and also destroyed the enemy logistical depots near the border

    37. And a third reason was just a lack of concentrated effort, with insufficient logistical support and reluctance of militiamen to leave their homes for long periods of time

    38. Withered by continual fighting, bad weather and logistical shortfalls, the Germans eventually could no longer stand up to the increased Russian resistance, and in 1943 the Soviets began a steady drive toward the Nazi homeland

    39. ‘’Send the surviving ships of the Covering Force to our logistical support flotilla in orbit around Alpha IV and have them rearmed and resupplied as fast as they can before joining the six battleships assigned to escort the MARCO POLO towards Earth

    40. Seeing that there apparently were no more objections or questions about Ingrid’s plan, MacArthur then announced his approval of her plan and ordered his staff officers to work up the logistical and support details as quickly as possible

    41. Collins is the manager of this hotel and is a retired Army logistical officer

    42. The problem of the gathering and processing of information - a logistical constraint - is likely to be completely, satisfactorily, and comprehensively resolved by the application of computer networks to voting

    43. The technical and logistical problems created by a delay in the result of

    44. b) Stands on the right hand side of the guest (unless logistical y

    45. “Ah, but Captain, you know that also is not entirely true, don’t you? It is true that it’s just an engine, yes, but the Confederation, in their logistical wisdom, builds such pieces in cassette form

    46. I had never applied my brain to solving building site logistical problems but it seemed obvious to me that we should build a little step then just let the builders use the concrete base and install expensive wood steps when everything was finished

    47. There was also the logistical problem of transporting 1160 people in one shuttle

    48. Plus, bypassing it would be a logistical mess

    49. Though initially reluctant, Rogers soon became passionate about the trail’s creation, and he spent the rest of his life championing the PCT and working to overcome all the legal, financial, and logistical obstacles that stood in its way

    50. He probably had the logistical capability to reach Hyrdmyn, but he could neither have fed the camp’s inmates after he got there nor evacuated them across that enormous distance

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    Synonyms for "logistical"

    logistic logistical

    "logistical" definitions

    of or relating to logistics