Use "long-standing" in a sentence
long-standing example sentences
1. The same will probably hold true for fear; if you are addressing very long-standing, intense fears, they may take some time to fully clear
2. Karen was taking Jake away on a long weekend to visit her relations in France but Alastair couldn’t go due to a long-standing and well-paid booking for the band
3. Prodd - a long-standing friend and colleague until he and Professor Spanners fell out following an argument about a restaurant bill - is keen to stress that nature is inherently symmetrical and that the roles of cause and effect can often be reversed
4. And the earthquake of AD 17 might have diminished in advance the long-standing Jewish ability to influence the activities of the surrounding communities
5. Fruit carving is a long-standing tradition that has reached such a high level that the Country’s countless cooking schools offer courses in the subject as popular with tourists on learning vacations
6. I could see across the causeway that a lot of long-standing grudges against the Tenocha were being settled with interest
7. “I will, as long as they are not to be lead to the slaughter as has been the long-standing tradition
8. long-standing relationship the company had
9. problems at the RCMP are institutional and long-standing, however points
10. question of whether they should abandon their long-standing refusal to back Democratic Paty candidates
11. The trade association had no connection to Corbin, but it had long-standing ties to Rogers
12. The aviation group also was a long-standing donor, having
13. It’s still an open question if humans adopted dogs or dogs adopted humans, but the relationship is long-standing, dynamic, and deep, and the loss of a dog is devastating
14. They dutifully explained that it was a long-standing tradition for the president of Ithaca College to serve on the bank board and that they were quite sure that I was going to be asked to do so
15. She made her way to the chain-store that sells clothes and where she had a long-standing account
16. In fact, I canceled a long-standing family vacation to work on your writ application
17. that this civil war is apparently the result of a long-standing power struggle between Pierre
18. But again, if you have had long-standing digestive
19. It is grown as much for its long-standing, tasty mustard-like tops as for their multiple small florets with clusters of broccoli-like buds
20. long-standing debate over vampires vs
21. She also knew that, weighed against its other long-standing assets, the numbers would still come out in her favor
22. thetics, long-standing traditions that have been passed down from
23. Her attitude became so distraught, on reading the news, that I cancelled our long-standing daily paper delivery and avoided playing the wireless whenever I could
24. It also suggests real efforts to realize the government's long-standing ambition to gain the confidence of, and parity with, the British and French governments
25. A fire-brand priest by the name of Savonarola preached that old, tired fallacy that the end time was at hand, and he insisted that works of art and literature not in keeping with the strict, repressive long-standing dogma were of an evil nature
26. It almost seems, for example, like there’s a long-standing conspiracy by English teachers to
27. This is a long-standing problem that requires expensive treatments with a chiropractor
28. He also had a long-standing invitation to visit the CERN Large Hadron Collider facility in Switzerland, which was also being used to destroy particles at enormous temperatures and pressures, although not to create fusion but rather to discover the conditions which existed immediately after the big bang
29. suit his long-standing beliefs, or should he organize his beliefs to
30. never met before - only to find out in conversation that our families have long-standing
31. But how strange! The killer surprised him by smiling warmly and greeting him as if they were long-standing friends or even family
32. Danny again discussed his and Graham’s long-standing plan to write a musical based on their experiences with the band, and that he’d spoken via email to a certain impresario who they’d met at Jimmy’s party the previous year
33. The word "depression" covers a wide range of conditions, from long-standing
34. Finally he understood the real source of the Devata’s long-standing supremacy
35. probably also owed it to the Apache’s long-standing
36. avid throughout the course of the long-standing
37. has an equally long-standing use as herbal tea in treating nervousness
38. The entire venture was the continuation of long-standing European religious racist hatred before the ships were ever loaded
39. The Ancient Greek right to public homosexuality, homosexual exhibitionism, and sodomizing children and adolescents, was a long-standing tradition that was a part of the fabric of their normal everyday culture
40. It illustrates that the current status quo causes harm to others and in order for that harm to end, long-standing realities
41. Also, long-standing traditions and things that change slowly are common to
42. current status quo causes harm to others and in order for that harm to end, long-standing realities
43. across any type of protector for the Winchester family? Maybe even a long-standing ally?”
44. may necessitate the resolution of long-standing conflicts in your life
45. As a long-standing tradition, the most senior senator in the majority party has generally been elected president pro tem
46. It was an impressive show, and it reinforced the long-standing belief—shared by many of the coaches and writers present that day—that despite Washington’s wins in the long races at Poughkeepsie and in Seattle, California remained the superior sprinting crew
47. Their long-standing house servants, Arn and Em, were waiting at the garden gate and looked as if they had been stationed there all day
48. She had a long-standing relationship with my family, as had her father, starting from when she had been educated at Harvard
49. his friend Sviazhsky, who had splendid marshes for grouse in his neighborhood, and had lately written to ask him to keep a long-standing promise to stay with him
50. It must be hard for Thirsk to decide how he felt about that, Hahlynd thought, given the long-standing hatred between himself and Ahlverez