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    Use "luxury" in a sentence

    luxury example sentences


    1. You don’t have the luxury house and lifestyle, do what you need to do to keep it, and then be who you need to be in order to keep it

    2. That whole area's redeveloped now, its luxury mid-rises along the river now, well, then, 2148 is when we left

    3. I have been deprived of the luxury of caring what my beloved thinks of me, and so I write

    4. Many of us are in a better financial situation that we did not have the luxury of when we had to work and spend so much time away from our children in order to feed, cloth, and keep a roof over their heads

    5. Just a few hours later the lovers were on Santorini looking out over the caldera from the balcony of Theo's luxury apartment on the island

    6. I had to rip up my jeans in lieu of the toilet paper, and of all of the things that I requested from captors, it was this simple product that now seemed so much less of a luxury and much more of a dire necessity

    7. I hoarded my daily ration of cigarettes, denying myself the luxury of nicotine relief for hours on end, until, like a binge drinker I felt compelled to indulge in some weird chain-smoking ritual, gorging on tar and smoke until I was physically sick

    8. Here in this damp little island, where the eyes of the masses dim with disappointment when still young, this man enjoyed the luxury of profession and vocation

    9. Other places seem to be dumbstruck with the need to buy and be seen with luxury

    10. In those days, conditioner was a luxury and she also

    11. So Herod said, “If your greatest king hid out on Masada, then I will live in luxury on Masada

    12. To the woman who complained that riches hadn't made her happy, the Master said, "You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness; whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be enthusiastic about

    13. that I am afforded this small febrile luxury

    14. the luxury of yesterday’s

    15. On the way out I cowered in my father's leather backseat, sure I was being escorted in luxury towards my death

    16. By nine o’clock Cyberia had nearly sold out her stock and was looking forward to the little luxury that might be afforded by way of a bacon butty and a polystyrene mug of tea, when her husband arrived pushing an old pram full of soiled tee-shirts and builders’ low slung jeans

    17. his warehouses filled with every luxury and every loaf

    18. strong with petals as soft as luxury velvet and a strong, sweet perfumed aroma that would

    19. There were more luxury towers on the great cliffs and dozens of elevators whisking people from the outer harbors to the heights

    20. 19"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury

    21. Lying back in the water, enjoying the luxury of it, I close my eyes and allow my mind to drift

    22. I mean, it wasn’t exactly a life of luxury

    23. dressed with herbs and lashings of butter – an unaccustomed luxury

    24. They don’t have the luxury of time

    25. Dave has the luxury of being an outsider

    26. Ted has progressively sold off the rest of his memorabilia on eBay, which forms an essential part his other little luxury

    27. Paint on exterior woodwork is a luxury that the residents seem ill-inclined to afford

    28. She sighs contentedly and snuggles under the covers, revelling in the luxury of the lie in

    29. After all, he has given her life and a little luxury, a real bed and fresh linen

    30. childless - enjoyed the incredible luxury of having four

    31. where the money had come from for such luxury

    32. “And this Man was researching the secret to Eternal Life; I convinced him to pour every last cent of his Money on a collection of luxury vacuum cleaners! Now his dead body lies forgotten amidst an enormous pile of Vacuum-Cleaner boxes!”

    33. and we basked in the luxury of being their only guests

    34. For the second night running, Enid had the luxury of

    35. Rafe wished he had that luxury

    36. had the luxury of a place to herself

    37. Luxury Travel for the Rich and Famous ON A BUDGET!

    38. detour into Salzburg, where we’d enjoy the luxury of a

    39. Enjoy this chance at luxury while we have it, but I don't want to get used to it," she told him, "and then expect it

    40. on beer and – a luxury he hadn’t been expecting - fresh

    41. The common complaint, that luxury extends itself even to the lowest ranks of the people, and that the labouring poor will not now be contented with the same food, clothing, and lodging, which satisfied them in former times, may convince us that it is not the money price of labour only, but its real recompence, which has augmented

    42. Luxury, in the fair sex, while it inflames, perhaps, the passion for enjoyment, seems always to weaken, and frequently to destroy altogether, the powers of generation

    43. He had the luxury of a cell to himself

    44. – a very small one, it was true, but indisputably a luxury

    45. Born to a long line of wealthy merchants, a family tree steeped with riches, Brice had spent his childhood surrounded in luxury

    46. The previous day had been pure luxury, warm with a cooling breeze, a swim before lunch and an afternoon nap to settle my stomach down

    47. knowledge that they didn’t have the luxury of lingering as

    48. The increase of security would naturally increase industry and improvement; and the demand for the precious metals, as well as for every other luxury and ornament, would naturally increase with the increase of riches

    49. She even had the luxury of

    50. Though it is not very probable that any part of a tax, which is not only imposed upon one of the most proper subjects of taxation, a mere luxury and superfluity, but which affords so very important a revenue as the tax upon silver, will ever be given up as long as it is possible to pay it; yet the same impossibility of paying it, which, in 1736

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    Synonyms for "luxury"

    luxury lavishness sumptuosity sumptuousness luxuriousness opulence affluence richness comfort extravagance indulgence amenity frill delicacy superfluity treat

    "luxury" definitions

    something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity

    the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive

    wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living