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    Use "magnetic force" in a sentence

    magnetic force example sentences

    magnetic force

    1. both electric and magnetic forces in the body

    2. His feet were still held by the last vestige of their electromagnetic force

    3. electrical discharges, the magnetic force involved

    4. A ship would have to produce a powerful electromagnetic force field around it to go faster than light speed

    5. Our universe is composed of magnetic forces that are high

    6. attracted to each other by the magnetic force of confusion

    7. The negative magnetic force

    8. What is really happening, instead, is that an electromagnetic force acts on the charge inside matter to create the effect of inertia

    9. do not interact with ordinary electromagnetic forces

    10. Electromagnetic forces between the particles in

    11. by the interaction of the electromagnetic forces in

    12. your body with the electromagnetic forces holding the

    13. together by dark electromagnetic forces – it can there-

    14. in the universe and does not interact with ordinary electromagnetic forces

    15. to the magnetic force, at intervals, these currents, moving in opposite directions but carrying opposite

    16. Due to the magnetic force, at

    17. since the strength of the electromagnetic force exceeds many times the gravit-

    18. perience a magnetic force more than 100 times stronger than the gravitational

    19. negative electrons react strongly to electromagnetic forces Because of this

    20. large following, believes that the body has its own magnetic force This was

    21. ened He says that the stars too have magnetic forces On special occasions

    22. lines in plasma The effect of the magnetic force is similar to the tension

    23. qion is a ganu of seven anu trapped by electromagnetic forces and which

    24. electromagnetic forces within magma and the fact that quarks in Q-balls

    25. Beings that have magma bodies are subject to electromagnetic forces

    26. Electromagnetic Force Fields that Shield

    27. magnetic force and still have the particle undetected

    28. According to coulomb the electromagnetic force between two

    29. The result is electromagnetic force = squared

    30. magnetic force, the strong force would exist under those circumstances

    31. electromagnetic force is 10^36 times the strength

    32. He sat in his chair behind his desk and secretly slipped his finger to the button that would create a magnetic force field around him and the desk

    33. A directed magnetic force begins to shift in opposite

    34. As though his proximity induced a magnetic force in her body, she rose from her seat impulsively and stood beside him in the packed aisle

    35. ‘It’s as though some magnetic force would draw women to him! Isn’t Tara, the veteran of many a fill, coy to him as if she were a virgin? It looks like he appreciates Tara’s undeniable charms but he doesn’t seem to be enamored of her

    36. It is the magnetic force that connects you to the belief in obtaining that which you desire

    37. positive/negative poles of electrical/magnetic force;

    38. Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the universe

    39. contains no atoms and that it does not interact with ordinary matter via electromagnetic forces

    40. electromagnetic force, gravity has effectively infinite range and obeys the inverse-square law

    41. force, the electromagnetic force, and the weak force

    42. Like the electromagnetic force, gravity has effectively infinite range and obeys the inverse-square law

    43. Gravity is weaker than the strong force, the electromagnetic force, and the weak force

    44. the electromagnetic force, gravity has effectively infinite range and obeys the inverse-square law

    45. weaker than the strong force, the electromagnetic force, and the weak force

    46. For example, the single phenomenon known as the electromagnetic force is the underlying field for both the duality of the electric charges and the duality of the magnetic poles

    47. Love will be Their outstanding characteristic, and through that attractive magnetic force the new forms will come into being which will permit of purer ray types, and thus of more truly expressive appearances

    48. teachings and he believed there existed a kind of inner magnetic forces

    49. “What, you here too, prince?” said Rogojin, absently, but a little surprised all the same “Still in your gaiters, eh?” He sighed, and forgot the prince next moment, and his wild eyes wandered over to Nastasia again, as though attracted in that direction by some magnetic force

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