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    maitre d example sentences

    maitre d

    1. The maitre de smiles at Chris and offers his smooth manicured hand

    2. The Maitre d’ pushed the chair comfortably beneath Elizabeth and then proceeded to pour the French Champagne…

    3. companions, speak with the Maitre d’ immediately

    4. The Maitre d' will usually always try to accommodate your

    5. speak with the Maitre d' to get it changed

    6. The maitre d’ seated them at a table covered with a red

    7. Then again, she found it strange that Faye did not leave word with the maitre d’ or that she neglected to attempt to contact her in her room to ensure that everything was all right and reconfirm their engagement in order to jog her memory in case she had forgotten

    8. Seeing no one that even vaguely resembled his wife, or anyone they had met either on the journey here or upon their arrival, sent a flare of anger that he quickly subsided through his body, and smiling, he approached the maitre d’ who had been watching him curiously since he stormed into the room

    9. The maitre d’ pursed his lips as he studied the question and attempted to recall those guests who had entered just recently

    10. The smug grin on the maitre d’s face slowly faded as Terence walked away and the implications of the remark finally became perfectly clear to him

    11. Feltus handed his hat to the maitre d’ who looked at him with resentment then grudgingly placed the item below the counter for one of the few people in the hotel whom he considered his superior

    12. Feltus retrieved his hat from the maitre d’ on his way out of the dining room then, fearing that he had used up too much time conversing with the Ashburns and obtaining their valuable information, glanced at his watch which showed only twenty minutes had passed since leaving his office

    13. The old man stopped and gestured like a maitre d’,

    14. Zachary closed his eyes in preparation but the Laurent the Maitre d' was too fast and the jug was expertly separated from the woman's hand before a single drop hit the motionless Demovic brother

    15. " Zachary said to the Maitre d'

    16. " He said wearily to the Maitre d' and then waved the dish away

    17. She watched Alexandra as the maitre d' escorted her to the table, and she had the odd sensation she was watching herself approach the table

    18. At a corner table sat a couple that must have been of some importance because a waiter was in constant attendance and the maitre d'hôtel made many smiling approaches, inclined-head inquiries and reverent little bows

    19. At the restaurant the bodyguard stayed at the door and when we entered, there was a momentary panic with the Maitre d' Hôtel rushing to receive us and the waiters hastening to smile and bow with low voiced greetings

    20. That rippled the fur on the maitre d’s neck, but he let us in anyway

    21. The maitre d’ was presenting a bill to his last customers

    22. buses to terrify drivers as the last gates banged shut and the whiskey-film vault-catacomb tunnel brimmed with arctic slush reddened in its flow even as the church across the street nailed its doors and the drunken priest fled to join the maitre d’ from the Brown Derby up by the Hollywood sign in the dark hills, while the invisible war and the unseen army pushed us farther and farther west, out of my house, out of Crumley’s jungle clearing, until at last, here in the Arabian compound with food in short supply but champagne in large, we would make our last stand as the Beast and his skeleton army shrieked down the sands to toss us as lunch to Constance Rattigan’s seals, and shock the ghost of Aimee Semple McPherson trudging up the surf the other way, astonished but reborn in the Christian dawn

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