Use "major power" in a sentence
major power example sentences
major power
1. "They were the major power in space last century, they launched the only starships in the twenty first century
2. The League of Nations may choose to give independence to the Philippines, or they may pass control to Japan as the closest major power
3. “Maybe, but defeating us is not the same as defeating the other major powers
4. So then, what would interest Raidan that was in Aleator? It was a system on the edge of the Empire, outside the jurisdiction of all major powers and governments
5. His ship was way out in deep space, a region inconveniently between the Empire, the Rotham Republic, and the Polarian Confederated States, and mostly ignored by the major powers
6. But the major power this month is in your 11th house of friends and groups
7. Armed with this information, the EADUN Directive, the global strategy for survival, was in theory being directed for the common good; however, each major power had firewalled their own defence system in order to retain the ability to direct independent military action
8. But the unholy, the Illuminate elite, who would return us to the wicked ways of the past, are still in control of much of the Earth, and we have a state of cold war between the major powers as they scramble for land and mineral resources
9. They make just enough trouble to keep the two major powers on edge so that they don’t launch a full scale war on each other
10. Still, the major powers, the Swordsmen and the Federation, had not faced each other since the Swordsman’s peaceful secession from the Federation
11. The final major power, other mysterious organization who had previously wreaked havoc and
12. ‘China's emerging status as a major power should not be in doubt
13. However, of far greater significance is the avoidance of conflict between major powers since 1945
14. And later defeat at the hands of France virtually ended the Dutch bid to be a major power
15. essences that Mount Shasta is, indeed, one of Earth's major power centers
16. This verse is a major power verse! This verse really puts everything into proper perspective in how we should view this life, and what we should all be striving for and seeking after in this life
17. These first three verses are major power verses
18. To understand that ethical orders are ad hoc systems founded upon chosen, not necessary, principles and beliefs, is to have a major power over the ancient mind
19. the Vatican conquered the last of three major powers that were making
20. Fred assumed that a major power break-down was very unlikely in buildings belonging to the hospital and thus, in spite of the rules of his trade, this lift was familiar to him
21. Austria-Hungary, suspecting that to neighbor, Serbia, had instigated the plot to assassinate Ferdinand, declared war on Serbia, and by October, most of the world's major powers were at war
22. Now we wouldn’t want that now… would we? Solve the problem of world hunger at the expense of the three major power groups of civilization: Government, Business and Religion
23. All of the major powers including Russia had been manufacturing and stockpiling revolutionary new weapons of mass destruction for years
24. On the other side were their official speeches and government policies: where they were only ineffectual figure heads who were largely ignored in the actual running and policy decisions of each European major power
25. population, wealth, and military as a major power in Eurasia and the Eastern foothold expanse
26. the Vatican and with the cooperation of most world leaders, especially the major powers
27. Britain and France: These two powerful countries were the major powers within the League and in theory gave it the power it needed to enforce its will