feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the
Upon my arrival there I was informed that my counterpart in their offices was recently taken ill and had to resign his position indefinitely due to the extensive treatment of his near fatal malady
When he was but an infant, Jakkar suffered a malady that twisted his body into wicked, unhuman proportions
How every plant and bush in her garden was a cure for some malady
released his wife from that malady
However, he was soon cured of the malady
The women agreed to join forces in order to help solve the riddle and oversee their men’s recovery, since it appeared the men shared the malady, what the hell ever it was
If the malady was caused by a biochemical agent, that agent might
Those who place their faith in them with their votes wonder later about the Beltway Malady
with dragons suffering from every type of malady
Although loss of vision is a common companion to growing older, along with white hairs and lined skin, yet treatment of this malady is not impossible; the ancient physician Galen, in his treatise On Fluids, advised frequent blood-letting from the neck artery to relieve eye-strain
Yet perhaps religion is sufficient consolation for any physical malady
The unreality and horror the Primagnon had outlined by statement and innuendo, pushed him further into his malady
Denson continues, "As if life’s not hard enough, the kid is born with a genetic malady, a huge skull, randomly passed on, usually on the mother's side
would thoroughly comprehend the nature of the malady and know precisely
“Well, the same malady afflicts the politicians as well,” he continued in the same vein
The passing of time demonstrated that this woman was really cured of her malady
Sadly, there is no cure for this malady other than to feed it regularly
In addition to this nervous malady this lad had become possessed by one of those wandering, mischievous, and rebellious midwayers who were then present on earth and uncontrolled, so that the youth was both epileptic and demon-possessed
5 This was a true healing of a double affliction, a physical ailment and a spirit malady
proportions, the malady exhibited a diminution in severity, and the disabling symptoms
There should only be reasons evaluated for the motivations when they are brought on by some insecurity or any other malady that your doctors or dogmatic leaders may thrust onto a group of people
The sender may have been more supportive of drugs than herbs, saying that a particular combination of herbs had been tested for a specific malady and showed no beneficial effects
He was treated for cancer and afterwards had been taking the combination of the four herbs, and has been free of the malady for years
It may have to do with the different stages of the malady
mercy of the malady
He hardly recalled his preexisting malady, for the
With a sigh at the prospect of a mere physical malady attempting to interfere with his work, Wickland opened one of his drawers in search of a package of crackers or something that would delay his hunger
“It’s the malady of our men,” Kusuma sounded sympathetic, “that they won’t marry widows and spurn divorcees, leaving both to rot in their paternal homes
Save a Gandhi, even the best of the rest of yore were not averse to their fellow-beings scavenging their latrines; now I wonder why I never thought of it before, maybe, we put up with what we come to grow up with; if not, why don’t the Sikh males find the turban burdensome and the Muslim dames put up with the inhibiting burka? Whatever, the world seems to care two hoots for the plight of the sex-workers as it had been to that of the scavengers, and God knows when it would be wiser to the ills of the unlicensed prostitution, if not AIDS, it’s the VD that’s the return on investment for these pleasure-givers; why, the malady of the flesh-trade is the bane of those who bring in the wares
“Showiness has become the malady of our times; haven’t wedding cards come to resemble wall posters
It seems to be a malady that plagues
When there remains no malady and the mind is perfectly
He is also the remedy that cures the malady of worldly misery
with which the malady of worldly misery is cured and replaced by a
external gods, are subject to the malady of these properties
Were there any justice left in this universe we inhabit, every last one of those pencil-pushers who decided that this super-human being can't play, would have to spend the rest of their lives with the same malady he has overcome
muttering again lost in the throes of delirium and Ceri knew that his malady was grave
‘And to think – my renovations have caused this malady
The hidden ‘solutions’ and reasons for the malady suggested by this charlatan varied: he posited that the sufferer was being affected by the glance of an envier’s eye; he mentioned buried magic tools and the snatching fear which occurs shortly after sunset; he called for the offering of sheep to the magician, that had to be immolated; such proposals continued until the father became utterly pauperized while his son remained ill, because he was simply suffering from chronic migraine!!
When everything fails and you may have exhausted all your resources in curing yourself of this pathetic malady, it is time you consult your doctor
These mental depressions and years of stressful life makes them very unfortunate and therefore, they turn away from sex, romance and other blissful things in life, except binging(eating), which ultimately makes them obese, bringing in more malady and misery in their later lives
If you are already suffering from some sexual problem, eating of food containing bad carbs will definitely add to your malady
Far from this, after his death, he may open up a new chapter of malady, misery, misfortune and suffering for those who depended upon him or those he killed or maimed and the dependents of such victims
Why is this so? If our medicines could control all the illnesses all over the world all the time with utmost sincerity, we would have diseases and illnesses within our control, but this is not so, the race between medicine and malady continues, one inching forward than the other all the time all over the world
When the analysis is sincere and complete, we may be able to find the answers to stop the malady in our lives
In underdeveloped and so-called developing countries, you have mostly uneducated and irresponsible masses, which are lazy and live off charity, begging and casual income with rising population, misery, suffering, malady and unrest in most part of the country
Since the country is made up of people like you and me, naturally our karmic consequences are responsible for our misery, malady and suffering
Since science has nothing to do with karma and its consequences, it can never combat the diseases nor can it ever eradicate the malady that ails mankind
First, how his mother is being treated by others, her stress, malady and chain of thoughts and lifestyle, all goes into affecting the unborn child
'It is so clear that you have never known this terrible malady of love
some weird malady that caused it to clench in on it's self, rendering it impossible for her to speak
deal with whatever malady had affl
Queen’s subjects, and had the details of his malady been divulged,
The malady had
) I remember being taken regularly to a pediatrician to be stripped and put under a fortifying ray lamp of some sort just in case my malady was the result of abnormal physical weakness for I was very thin and high strung
strange malady, as he could not believe that Lancelot,
They had given her the shop she worked in free of charge and her position in the town had only risen with every grateful new patient she had helped to overcome whatever malady they had brought to her
also the malady is deep rooted
Al this could cause some malady or even individual’s death
In Status Anxiety de Botton defines the malady as "a worry so pernicious as to be capable of ruining extended stretches of our lives, that we are in danger of failing to conform to the ideals of success laid down by our society and that we may as a result be stripped of dignity and respect; a worry that we are constantly occupying too modest a rung or are about to fall to a lower one
"I believe," returned Doctor Manette, "that there had been a strong and extraordinary revival of the train of thought and remembrance that was the first cause of the malady
And to tell you the truth, sirs," continued the goatherd, "it was yesterday that we resolved, I and four of the lads, two of them our servants, and the other two friends of mine, to go in search of him until we find him, and when we do to take him, whether by force or of his own consent, to the town of Almodovar, which is eight leagues from this, and there strive to cure him (if indeed his malady admits of a cure), or learn when he is in his senses who he is, and if he has relatives to whom we may give notice of his misfortune
Poor Marianne, languid and low from the nature of her malady, and feeling herself universally ill, could no longer hope that tomorrow would find her recovered; and the idea of what tomorrow would have produced, but for this unlucky illness, made every ailment severe; for on that day they were to have begun their journey home; and, attended the whole way by a servant of Mrs
a malady which has plunged this court into affliction for some time past!"
When again in private life we see a whole family one by one dropping into the grave under the Ate of some inherited malady, and the parents perhaps surviving them, do our minds ever go back silently to that day twenty-five or thirty years before on which under the fairest auspices, amid the rejoicings of friends and acquaintances, a bride and bridegroom joined hands with one another? In making such a reflection we are not opposing physical considerations to moral, but moral to physical; we are seeking to make the voice of reason heard, which drives us back from the extravagance of sentimentalism on common sense
malady was not incurable, but that he must see her and speak with her alone
When Kenneth warned him that his medicines were useless at that stage of the malady, and he needn't put him to further expense by attending her, he retorted:
Since the first attack I experienced of this malady, I have continually reflected on "You are convinced now, Edmond, are you not?" asked the abbe
The doctor analyzed the symptoms of the malady to which the prisoner had succumbed, and declared that he was dead
"It is the sort of malady which we call monomania," said the doctor
Mr Belcher was not suffering from any particular malady, but was merely `run down', and rumour had it that this condition had been brought about by the rigorous asceticism of his life and his intense devotion to the arduous labours of his holy calling
Not to speak of hostels, leperyards, sweating chambers, plaguegraves, their greatest doctors, the O'Shiels, the O'Hickeys, the O'Lees, have sedulously set down the divers methods by which the sick and the relapsed found again health whether the malady had been the trembling withering or loose boyconnell flux
Why was there no help for him? Nobody understood what was wrong; no one could even put a name to his malady
I could not help thinking that his strange, catchy little laugh was also a symptom of some nervous malady
physical malady which has caused degeneration? Certainly my heart quails when I think of that horrible cavern in the hill, and the certainty that it has some monstrous occupant
My medical knowledge told me that there was some serious internal malady
Is not this because we constantly omit to turn the stream of psychological light upon our impulsive determinations, and fail to explain the subtile reasons, mysteriously conceived in our minds, which impelled them? Perhaps Eugenie's deep passion should be analyzed in its most delicate fibres; for it became, scoffers might say, a malady which influenced her whole existence
Eugenie often reproached herself as the innocent cause of the slow, cruel malady that was wasting her away
But now their art and knowledge were baffled; for there were many sick of a malady that would not be healed; and they called it the Black Shadow, for it came from the Nazgyl
And it seemed to the tenders of the sick that on the Halfling and on the Lady of Rohan this malady lay heavily
fair to see, but stricken, soon to fall and die? Her malady begins far back before this day, does it not, Jomer?'
"With regard to Miss Westenra's health I hasten to let you know at once that in my opinion there is not any functional disturbance or any malady that I know of
Jonathan still pale and dizzy under a slight relapse of his malady, and now a telegram from Van Helsing, whoever he may be
But when he had gone into another room, to which the countess hurriedly followed him, he assumed a grave air and thoughtfully shaking his head said that though there was danger, he had hopes of the effect of this last medicine and one must wait and see, that the malady was chiefly mental, but
Countess Helene Bezukhova had suddenly died of that terrible malady it had been so agreeable to mention
When Kenneth warned him that his medicines were useless at that stage of the malady, and he needn’t put him to further expense by attending her, he retorted, ‘I know you need not—she’s well—she does not want any more attendance from you! She never was in a consumption
Kenneth was fortunately just issuing from his house to see a patient in the village as I came up the street; and my account of Catherine Linton’s malady induced him to accompany me back immediately
The universe appeared to him like an immense malady; everywhere he felt fever, everywhere he heard the sound of suffering, and, without seeking to solve the enigma, he strove to dress the wound
One day she received from the Thenardiers a letter couched in the following terms: "Cosette is ill with a malady which is going the rounds of the neighborhood
"It is a malady that one gets without knowing how
That handful of snow applied to her bare skin between her shoulder-blades had brought about a sudden suppression of perspiration, as a consequence of which the malady which had been smouldering within her for many years was violently developed at last