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    Use "manfully" in a sentence

    manfully example sentences


    1. the table, but instead he managed to swallow it manfully and smile thinly

    2. I dutifully handed over that obligation to Robroy who took it manfully, and soon had children running all over the place playing hide and seek

    3. I was manfully blinking back tears, but it didn’t seem inappropriate

    4. 33 And he said to me, Stand up manfully, and I will advise you

    5. become, let us die manfully for our brothers, and let us not stain our honour

    6. 21 And the manifest signs that came from Heaven to those who behaved themselves manfully to their honour for Judaism: so in being

    7. 27 therefore now, manfully changing

    8. right soon, holding out his hands manfully

    9. 14 So when he had committed all to the Creator of the world, and exhorted his soldiers to fight manfully, even to

    10. courageously to set on them, and manfully to try the matter by conflict, because the city and the sanctuary and the temple were in

    11. manfully for themselves, their children, and wives; and promised that if they proved conquerors, she would give them two mina? of

    12. 33 And he said to me Stand up manfully and I will advise you

    13. 10 Then Judas said God forbid that I should do this thing and flee away from them; If our time become let us die manfully for our brothers and let us not stain our honour

    14. 19 Now as concerning Judas Maccabeus and his brothers and the purification of the great temple and the dedication of the altar 20 And the wars against Antiochus Epiphanes and Eupator his son 21 And the manifest signs that came from Heaven to those who behaved themselves manfully to their honour for Judaism: so in being a few they overcame the whole country and chased barbarous multitudes; 22 And recovered again the temple renowned all the world over and freed the city and upheld the laws which were going down the Lord being gracious to them with all favour: 23 All these things I say being declared by Jason of Cyrene in five books we will assay to abridge in one volume

    15. 27 therefore now manfully changing this life I will show myself such an one as my age requires 28 And leave a notable example to such as be young to die willingly and courageously for the honourable and holy laws; And when he had said these words immediately he went to the torment: 29 those who led him changing the good will they bore him a little before into hatred because the foresaid speeches proceeded as they thought from a desperate mind

    16. 5 Now when he was so crippled in all his members he commanded him being yet alive to be brought to the fire and to be fried in the pan and as the vapour of the pan was for a good space dispersed they exhorted one another with the mother to die manfully saying so 6 The Lord God looks on us and in truth has comfort in us as Moses in his song which witnessed to their faces declared saying And he shall be comforted in his servants

    17. 10 After him was the third made a mocking stock and when he was required he put out his tongue and that right soon holding out his hands manfully

    18. 16 So Maccabeus called his men together to the number of six thousand and exhorted them not to be stricken with terror of the enemy nor to fear the great multitude of the heathen who came wrongly against them; but to fight manfully 17 And to set before their eyes the injury that they had unjustly done to the holy place and the cruel handling of the city of which they made a mockery and also the taking away of the government of their forefathers: 18 For they said he trust in their weapons and boldness; but our confidence is in the Almighty who at a beck can throw down both them that come against us and also all the world

    19. 14 So when he had committed all to the Creator of the world and exhorted his soldiers to fight manfully even to death for the laws the temple the city the country and the commonwealth he camped by Modin: 15 And having given the watchword to them that were about him Victory is of God; with the most valiant and choice young men he went in into the king's tent by night and killed in the camp about four thousand men and the chiefest of the elephants with all that were on him

    20. 41 Now when the multitude would have taken the tower and violently broken into the outer door and bade that fire should be brought to burn it he being ready to be taken on every side fell on his sword; 42 Choosing rather to die manfully than to come into the hands of the wicked to be abused otherwise than beseemed his noble birth: 43 But missing his stroke through haste the multitude also rushing within the doors he ran boldly up to the wall and throw himself down manfully among the thickest of them

    21. 17 So being well comforted by the words of Judas which were very good and able to stir them up to valour and to encourage the hearts of the young men they determined not to pitch camp but courageously to set on them and manfully to try the matter by conflict because the city and the sanctuary and the temple were in danger

    22. 4 A fierce battle then took place; and the men of Antiochus prevailing Arsinoe continually went up and down the ranks and with dishevelled hair with tears and entreaties begged the soldiers to fight manfully for themselves their children and wives; and promised that if they proved conquerors she would give them two mina? of gold apiece

    23. He said, "We must stand manfully, fight bravely and defend the camp of God

    24. The angel then said to me "Conduct yourself manfully in this service and make known to everyone the great things of God and you will have favour in this ministry

    25. He suddenly realized how important the wounded man had become to him, and struggled manfully to hold back the tears

    26. Gagging on the malodorous exhalation I manfully resisted the impulse to turn my head away and informed him I was rude with health – a response that triggered the lighting of a Woodbine

    27. I didn't tell him he also wasn’t the man of my dreams, but checked there really was a spare bedroom, paid four weeks rent in advance, shook hands manfully, and set off for the station, suffused in a vague feeling of regret

    28. Curiosity made me accept the invitation, but I had nothing to wear so Edgar took me to a warehouse of clothing seconds on Vauxhall Bridge Road, and the following afternoon I strode manfully up the drive, mounted the magnificent staircase and strutted through the classical portico resplendent in a cream linen suit, cream shoes and white silk shirt open to reveal a heavy gold stage-jewellery chain from Edgar’s property box

    29. Matthew tested the camera, breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed manfully, stood shakily and said bravely, „Time for interview number two, gentlemen?"

    30. Although Siri manfully maintained a stiff upper lip, his fathers despair was tearing his heart out

    31. not having commenced to manfully

    32. know but I went back manfully and stood by her

    33. ” Joel hastily intervened, smothering what sounded suspiciously like laughter to Kathy’s ears, a sound which was echoed in the choking, strangled sounds the other men standing around her were making, as they manfully, but unsuccessfully, struggled to contain their mirth

    34. “While this is all very -um- enlightening…” Conrad managed to interrupt, while manfully struggling to keep a straight face, not only at the girls’ disclosures, but also because he’d just become aware of his brother’s preoccupation with their kid sister’s best friend, and noticing at the same time, Henrietta’s complete ignorance of this fact

    35. Who would manfully declare his love and then accept the pain Of her rejection, should she reject his suit,

    36. He stopped abruptly as his mind strove manfully to connect the tenuous strands of the case to the latest information

    37. Cervantes, indeed, to the last generously and manfully declared his admiration of Lope's powers, his unfailing invention, and his marvellous fertility; but in the preface of the First Part of "Don Quixote" and in the verses of "Urganda the Unknown," and one or two other places, there are, if we read between the lines, sly hits at Lope's vanities and affectations that argue no personal good-will; and Lope openly sneers at "Don Quixote" and Cervantes, and fourteen years after his death gives him only a few lines of cold commonplace in the "Laurel de Apolo," that seem all the colder for the eulogies of a host of nonentities whose names are found nowhere else

    38. All that was ever manfully begun, whether it succeeded or no,

    39. Jo, who refused, thinking there might not be enough, for they dwindled sadly after the picking over, glanced at Laurie, but he was eating away manfully, though there was a slight pucker about his mouth and he kept his eye fixed on his plate

    40. John Brooke did his duty manfully for a year, got wounded, was sent home, and not allowed to return

    41. He did his best and did it manfully, but I don't think he found that a pair of rampant boys, a pipe, or even the divine Plato, were very satisfactory substitutes for wife and child at home

    42. "I'd take it manfully, and be respected if i couldn't be loved," said Amy, with the decision of one who knew nothing about it

    43. Often his fragile, childish figure was seen staggering manfully along, bending beneath the weight of a pair of steps or a heavy plank

    44. Now, by way of having a resting-place during his excursions, avoiding the wretched cookery—which has been trying its best to poison me during the last four months, while you have manfully resisted its effects for as many years,—

    45. All that surgical skill could do was done and the brave woman had manfully helped

    46. But it was too late: the storm was up, and force was on her to give way to it; for now the man-machine, strongly worked upon by the sensual passion, felt so manfully his advantages and superiority, felt withal the sting of pleasure so intolerable, that maddening with it, his joys began to assume a character of furiousness, which made me tremble for the too tender Louisa

    47. He stuck to it manfully, setting his teeth

    48. And manfully seconding Wade’s yell was the shrill piping of Beau

    49. Egg fought manfully to hold his laughter in but finally lost the battle

    50. 'The oars were now wielded by free men, and manfully they laboured; yet

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    Synonyms for "manfully"

    manfully manly

    "manfully" definitions

    in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man